Part 32: Busy

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Your phone buzzes and you glance down at it and then back at Ashley who is talking wedding plans. The agreement to not have phones at the dinner table was fine, until now. The message is from Trent and you know he is telling you about the plans for Elvisfest the next day. You decide to put your phone under your leg and as you do, it buzzes again. You focus back on Ashley, who stops midsentence.
"No phones. This is wedding planning time." She says, trying to hide her amusement.
"I know." You roll your eyes and laugh.
"Trent?" She asks, with a knowing look.
"Maybe.." you laugh and then say "yeah it is. But I'll text him back when we leave here."
She goes back to talking about bridesmaids hairstyles and you look at her and try to focus. A few minutes later, she looks at you, rolls her eyes and pulls out her phone.
"Fine. Check it." She smirks over at you.
"THANK YOU!" You say excitedly and pull your phone out from under your leg and unlock it
"Hey sugah. I GET TO SEE YOU SOON. That was the first thing I thought when I woke up this morning, and every spare second since. I've been in the studio writing all day. And we have stopped for supper and then gonna go back for a few more hours. Saying that, I am not going to get to Amory until about 3 AM. And I have to be up early, so I know you wanted to come over tonight and hangout for a little while- and I wanted you too- but there's no point. I'd only see you for a few minutes and then have to go to bed and you don't need to drive home that late. And as you know we have family sleeping on the couch.. why don't you just wait to come see me first thing in the morning?"
Sadness rushes through your veins as you scroll down to the next few messages
"That way we will both be rested and ready for tomorrow."
"I know you're gonna be upset and gonna try to act like it's fine, and I'm sorry. Scott changed the plans at the last second.." "some times I'd just like to tell him to stick to the plan for once." He's typing again as you get to the last message.
"Don't tell him that Trent." You type back quickly. "It's fine." And hit send.
"It's not fine." He says back instantly. "But there's nothing I can do about it this time... I'm sorry babe.."
"It'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow... "
"Can I call you?"
"Me and ash are having dinner and she already doesn't want me to be on my phone."
"Oh okay.." he replies and then "we are about to go back into the writing room. I'll call you later."
"Okay." You type and just as quickly, he sends "I love you, (y/n)."
A smile works it's way across your face as warmth spreads through your body. Before you can respond, Ashley says "and there's the goofy smile."
You look up at her and see her laughing. "Oh hush." You laugh back.
"Can we get back to wedding plans now?" She raises her eye brows at you with a smile.
"Yeah absolutely" you smile.
"Good. I was thinking...." she trails off as you take the last few bites of your steak.

Three and a half hours later, you walk into your house and lay your purse on the table and Katie comes running into the room.
"Is Trent here yet??" She asks, smiling from ear to ear.
"Not yet Katie bug. It's gonna be tomorrow before we get to see him." You say sadly.
She looks at you sadly, and then her eyes light up again. "Can we FaceTime him? I miss him a lot.."
"I miss him too." You say as you pull your phone out of your purse "let me see if he's busy."
You click your home button but your phone doesn't light up.
"It's dead right now. Let me charge it up.. we can try to FaceTime him before bed.."
"Okay." She says quietly and walks back into the living room. You follow behind her and then go upstairs and plug your phone up beside your bed and go back downstairs.
"Cindy just texted me and told me to tell you to call her." Your mom says, looking up from her phone at you.
"My phone is dead. Can I use yours?"
"Yeah." She says as you walk up and she hands you her phone.

A few minutes later, you climb in your car and head over to the Harmon's to help Cindy and RK with last minute prep for Elvisfest festivities. As you get closer to their house, a thought forms in your mind.
"Maybe Trent is over there and this is one of his surprises."
You feel yourself get super excited. As you turn into their drive way, you try to convince yourself that he isn't, but nothing you say stops the excitement coursing through your veins.
Once you park, you look at yourself in the mirror and put on a little lipstick.
You walk in the house and look around carefully, but Trent isn't anywhere around. Cindy and RK are at the table, working hard.
"I'm gonna run to the bathroom." You say as you pass by them.
You walk slowly down the hallway, looking carefully into Trent's room but see it looking exactly like it did when he left. Empty, and clean- which it wouldn't be if he was home. You sigh to yourself and walk into the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror as tears rush to your eyes.
"I just miss you so much.." you whisper to the picture of you and him on the counter. 
A few minutes later you walk into the kitchen and sit down next to RK.
"You alright?" She asks, looking at you
"Yeah I'm good." You smile at her.
She looks at you knowingly and turns her attention back to her project, and you jump in and help.
Four hours later, you walk in your front door and up the stairs to your room. You notice your phone sitting next to your bed and think "well that explains why he never called tonight." And laugh to yourself.
You change into your pajamas and brush your teeth. As you climb into bed, you unlock your phone.
You have 16 new messages (7 from Trent, two from Ashley, one from clay, one from Hannah, and the rest from work people.) along with 2 missed calls from ms Cindy (from before you called her on your moms phone) and two from Trent.
You click on Trent's messages and realize you never told him you loved him to, and suddenly you feel bad.
The message right underneath that one says "babe, we are on a writer's break because my mind is everywhere else. I really do miss you and can't wait to see you in a few hours."
The next one was an hour later "babe? You okay?"
"I'm about to call."
"I have to go back into writing. I'll call you again next break."
"We are calling it quits for tonight. Call me when you get this message."
"I dont know what's going on. Just called again and it went straight to voicemail. Your phone must have died. I love you."
"I'm headed to the airport. It's 12:45. Gonna land in tupelo in a few hours. "
"Getting on the plane. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow."
You look at the clock. It's 1:40 AM. "Shoulda stayed over there to see him." You think and then shake your head and type.
"Hey T! Sorry my phone died and then I didnt realize it til I got home and then your mom wanted me to come help her and RK and I accidentally left my phone here..and I just now got home. So much is going into your being here for EF. I'm so excited to see you. Not sure if I'll even sleep tonight. Let me know when you land. I LOVE YOU!"
You pull your laptop out and open Netflix and start Gilmore Girls as you open your twitter.
You have 37 notifications. All follows and tweets and likes from girls you don't know. You scroll through and like some of them. "Trent has the sweetest fans.." you think to yourself and smile.
Next, you open instagram and are bombarded with all of the follows and likes. You shake your head and scroll through your news feed.
You see that Trent posted a picture a few hours before and click on it.
It's the picture you sent him from the back of the longhorn- through the back window. The sun was setting and you could see a few cows in the distance.
The caption was "happy to be headed home for a day or two.. #mississippi🐮#ElvisFest"
You like it and open the comments.
You read a few of them and roll your eyes at some of the thirstiness from the same people who always comment on his pictures. You type "🐮❤" and hit send.
You close out of instagram and smile to yourself as JESS and RORY have a moment on Gilmore girls. You watch it for a few minutes, and then doze off.
Sometime later, you wake up to your phone buzzing. You open your eyes and look at your phone. You have two messages from Trent.
"Ugh so glad to hear from you- I was starting to worry you didn't like me anymore. We just landed in Tupelo. I'll text you when we get in the car."
The message that woke you up says "Just got in the car. Wish you were here. Getting picked up at the airport is just not the same when you aren't here. I will see you in the morning. I love you."
You type back quickly "hey I tried to get you to let me be there.."
"Hey why are you awake?"
"Gilmore girls."
"Here I was thinking it was cuz you wanted to talk to me."
You laugh to yourself and type back "maybe that's part of it too."
"Go to sleep."
"Okay., but don't complain to me when you're tired tomorrow. It's gonna be a long day."
"What time are your meetings in the morning?"
"I have to leave for the first one at 8:45."
"That's in like 4 and a half hours. And you aren't even in bed yet."
"I know. But we are almost home now."
"I wish I was there."
"Me too.." he replies and you feel yourself blush.
"So what time do I need to get there in the morning?"
"If you're going to that first meeting with me, 8:15... I want some time with you before we have to go. But if that's too early, you can meet up with me a little later when my parents come."
"I'll see you at 8:15..." you send back and yawn. "I'm about to try to sleep. I love you."
"We just pulled up at home. I love you so much. I'll see you  in a few hours."
You smile to yourself and close your laptop
"Trent is home. Just a few minutes away. Like it's supposed to be." You think as you set your alarm for 7:00 - to have time to get read the next morning.
As you doze off, you can't help but smile at the thought of your boyfriend just being a few minutes down the road and that you get to see him first thing in the morning- just like any other couple.

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