Jedi Counsel meeting

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  When I got in the library, It looked bigger than I had Sean in the movies. The computers were not as hard to use as I thought, and I found basically everything on lightsabers on not just the computers, but the books to. "Find everything ok?" A voice says. I turn and see Jocasta Nu, the librarian. " Yes, everything is fine" I reply. She nods and walks away. I manage to finish my research before plo join walks in. "The council wishes to have a meeting with you."

  Going to see the Jedi council was probably the highlight of my day so far. The elevator stops and and we walk through the door, there I see all the Jedi Masters, even obi one. "Thank you for bringing the boy plo koon, you may sit." Plo koon nods and sits in his seat. "Test you on your knowledge we will" Yoda says

"tell us about anakin, what do you know about him?" Obi one asks I might as well tell him his whole life story. "Anakin didn't have a father because we was created by Darth Sidios, a sith Lord whos master taught him how to create life with mediclorians, that's why he has such high numbers." I immediately retreat saying that. "Does that mean he was destined to join the dark side" Shaak To asks. I had to think of something fast before anakin gets banished and joins the dark side. "No, Plagueis was murdered by his apprentice Sidious, who then created Anakin, who then wanted power over the galaxy. You made Anakin join the light, and locked up Sidious, so there should be no problem with him turning to the dark side." They all turn to one another "Do you recall past event, say... the mandalorian wars?" This one I could do. "The mandalorian wars were about a rogue jedi named Reven and his followers fighting the mandalorians as they were waging war across the galaxy while the jedi council did nothing. Reven and his apprentice Malak, as well as all the rogue jedi were banished and learned the ways of the darkside. Reven was later captured by Bastila who obtained a force power called Battle Meditation. Reven lost his memory, and was then trained as a jedi all over again, and destroyed Malak, who took Revens place as lord of the sith." All the jedi once again exchanged looks."What about the clones?" Asks ki Adi mundi. My stomach immediately drops, and I had frozen with fear. "Much fear we sense in you with that question, wish to tell us something do you?" Yoda asks, my stomach sinks even fasted "I thought you knew when you got Sidious... well, the clones were mainly created by Sifo Days, then the project was taken over by count dooku and Sidious, implanting the clones with tumors to kill all jedi called Order 66... YOU NEED TO SEND ALL CLONES TO KAMENO AND REMOVE THE TUMORS FROM ALL OF THEM OR YOU'LL DIE... sorry for the panic." Yoda and windu exchange looks, then back to me. "We will speak to the Kaminoans and discuss with them, this meeting has concluded. And master plo." Plo koon stops before he could walk out. "The boy will not go to the valley until this is confirmed, if he is lying, we will find someone else."

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