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Dantson POV

It was probably the freakiest thing I ever saw, and not just the empty void. In a blink of an eye, I was back in the Portal room, and everyone acted like I just gave the speech of a lifetime. The console displays the holographic words "Mass Effect" and a watch stand extends as it displays multiple watches. We all put them on, and we holographically turn into Alliance Soldiers. The Portal opens, and we walk through.

General Narration

Washington sat in a chair next to the hospital bed that held Carolina. She was sound asleep due to the sedatives she was given. Her stomach was wrapped with bandages, and the right side of her forehead was stitched. All Wash could do was wait. Suddenly, Epsilon appears on the table next to Carolina.

Wash: How is She?

Church: Well, she no longer needs me to run the heeling unit, thank god. And she should wake up any minute now.

Washington lets out a sigh of relief. It felt like a mountain of stress was lifted off of him, and he could finally relax as he lowers his head.

Church: Wash, If I tell you something, can you promise not to tell Carolina?

Wash lifts his head, confused why Epsilon would ask something like this?

Wash: Uh... sure, ok.

Epsilon takes in a deep virtual breath, and lets it out, preparing itself.

Epsilon: I... don't know how much longer I can go on.

As the virtual words were released, Wash started fearing the worst.

Wash: what do you mean?

Epsilon: When Carolina took the grenade... I panicked. I ran the numbers in my head and... I wasn't ready to let go. If we weren't where we were now... she wouldn't be alive.

Washington stand from his chair. He wasn't very good a counseling, especially with an AI,  but he was ready to do his best.

Wash: go on.

Church: Alison was the Director's wife. You already know. But... did you know he also had a daughter?

They didn't notice, but there was a moment when Carolina's eyes opened, then closed.

Dantson POV

As we walk through the portal's tunnel. I reach the gun that is supposedly locked onto my back. Unexpectedly, I manage to grab it, and hold it in my hand. Aster a few moment of examining it, I look up, and notice that I had exit the portal without knowing. I was standing in the ruins of the lift that Shepard took to the citadel.

The team was all gathered around me as we had all exited the portal together. Ahead was a massive pile of destroyed architecture.

Dantson: This should be fun...

Deadpool: how are we supposed to find a corps in all this?

Arcee: have a little faith, Deadpool...

She leans into my left shoulder and whispers:

Arcee: how are we going to find Shepard?

Dantson: I got it covered... I think.

I take a few steps forward, and turn around to face my squad mates. Neo, AKA: "my guardian angel", managed to give me the same information as my squad. Shepard chose the "destroy" option, and should be buried in the rubble somewhere.

Dantson: Alright, there are likely to multiple body's here. But only one will carry a dog tag that has "N7" on it. Find that, you find Shepard.

Arc 5555: And what if we find the dog tag and not the body?

Dantson: then check the other tag for a name. If it says Shepard, then we have a problem. Move out.

With that, everyone starts examining the wreckage for a body with N& dog tags. While everyone plays "find the Shepherd in wreckage" I decide to use some "cheat codes" I quiet my mind, and meditate.

General Narration

The Reds and Blues gathered into the war room per a clone troopers request from someone else. They all bickered like they normally do. The reds talked about guns and food. While Tucker kept Caboose occupied by any means.

Soon, the door behind them opens, and Spartan 117 walks through. The room falls silent as they all gaze in his glory. He stood before.

Chief: have any of you seen combat?

They all nod nod their heads.

Chief: have any of you gone through the necessary training to face the enemy as a soldier does?

Sarge: well, I personally think my training was a major success

Grif: you killed all the other soldiers you trained with.

Simmons: and an excellent job in doing so, sir.

Tucker: *sigh* No, none of us have gone through real training. It was all fake.

Luckily, 117 anticipated this.

Chief: Then, me, and the rest of Blue team, will Personally train you to be real soldiers.

Scene change

The squad rummages through the rubble, looking for a needle in a haystack. Hours bass with no luck, and moral was beginning to fall. Dantson was still meditating, until he felt the presence of another lifeform. It was weak... in this case, it was a good thing. He learns it's location, and goes towards it.

Dantson climbed over hills of debris and rubble, letting the force guide him until he found the life-force. Dantson used the force to move stone columns out of the way so he get a clear look. The N& dog tags hanging from the man's neck confirmed it was him.

Out of a hunch, Dantson holds his index and middle finger to the side of his holoform helmet, and speaks into it.

Dantson: squad, I found the commander. Acknowledge?

Arcee: *I hear you. We'll lock onto your coordinates, and meet you there. Arcee out.*

Dantson POV

Thank god, I didn't want to describe my location. I start to examine Shepard. He was male, armor was heavily damaged, no facial scarring, so he's paragon. He could be in a relationship with someone, but it shouldn't make a difference.

Shepard: *gasp*

Oh crap, I forgot.

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