welcome home...

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*General Narration*

Jango, Tigress, and Dantson are at the coruscant prison entrance through the portal. As we exit, several clone prison guards have their weapons trained on us, then slowly lower them.

CT: sorry, general. We got word you were coming... who is this?

He was obviously referring to Jango. I look at him, and he just stares at them, not saying a word.

CT: Well, none of my business I guess.

The trooper then starts talking to his wrist communicator.

CT: bring out the prisoner.

A squad of clone troopers start walking out, surrounding a group of prisoners. As soon as they are three meters away from us, Three of them in front of us move away, and they reveal Dengar, Bossk, Latts Razzi, and little Boba himself, all in republic prison suits. Bobas' head looked like it was shaved a few months ago, and he, as well as the others, were in handcuffs. One trooper each unlock the handcuffs on the bounty hunters. They look at us after a few moments, and the first thing Boba notices is Jango's armor.

Boba: Where did you get that armor? It doesn't belong to you!

He was almost shouting, and was on the verge of tears. Jango starts walking to Boba, as Boba turns his head away. Jango kneels down in front of him, and is at eye level with Boba, who still has his head turned away.

Jango: ... Why did I have to find you hear of all places?

Boba, and all the clones around us turn to stare at Jango, he sounded exactly like the other clones. Jengo slowly takes his helmet off. And sets it to the side. One of the clones drops his rifle in disbelief.

Jengo: You'll have to tell me how you tried to kill Windu, and how it went.

Boba immediately embraced Jango, eyes full of tears, and tears flowing down his cheeks, same as Jango, except he wasn't breathing so heavily.

Boba: how are you here?

Jango: we'll talk about it, but not here.

Next to tigress, Dantson was in tears himself, sniffling. Tigress gives him a look that says "seriously?"

Dantson: It's just *sniffle* so beautiful, you know. Father and son reunited *sniffle* does this place have tissues I can borrow or something?

*Scene change*

Maul managed to find the quietest place in the whole base without have to leave it. To his surprise, no one used the theater room, but he did wonder what use it has here.

Male sat criss cross, back and head strait. In front of him were lightsaber parts for building a double bladed saber. After a few moments of concentration, the pieces started to float in front of him.

Piece by piece, the lightsaber formed in thin air. Eventually, it was finished. Maul opened his eyes, and grabbed the saber. He ignites it, and a purple saber appears from both sides. Obi One then appears from the audience.

Obi one: Purple?

Maul: the color mixed with blue and red. Seems fitting, no?

Obi one: No, you're right. Truly, I thought you would go with blue.

Obi one makes his way on stage, while maul starts examining the stage. It is you're normal theater stage, lights, red curtains, everything.

Maul: what purpose does this room serve.

Obi one: Honestly, I have no idea. Someone made a joke about having it, and someone took the joke as a challenge.

Maul: ok. But, how did you move all this here.

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