Not the first

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I have to admit... I feel pretty stupid right now. "... oh."

"Yeah" Arcee admits. I could see the guilt in her eyes. "Can you explain?" I ask. Arcee was hesitant at first. "You see" she started "... his name was Ryan. We found him at a park... I was the one to recruit him." I then felt the sadness in her heart. "... a Sith named Dooku got to him first, and Ryan accepted it without hesitation."

I had to ask "what did you find out?"

"Well, he was a gamer. Figured he would know a lot about us."

"Do you know what he played?"

"Mostly... uh... I think they were called 'MMORPGs'"

Well now I knew why he joined the sith. "Well that explains it." Arcee gave me a look of confusion. I couldn't help but explain. "Don't you see. Joining the dark side without hesitation, only playing MMORPG's, he played those games as a villain."

Arcee then gave a shock of surprise. "But... I thought you always play as the hero?"

"Not always. You see, some games give you a choice... for example: you play as the hero the entire game, helping people, helping the good guys. Then imagine, you find out that you were the leader of the evil empire the entire time, but you lost your memory, and your lover lied to you about it. You could either A: stay thru to your friend. Or B: return to your old routes and join the evil empire. Also, the part about helping people... you sometimes have a choice to give them a happy ending or not."

*Maul POV*

Here I was... standing in front of the Jedi council. "Set aside your hatred for Obi-one, have you." I had to answer truthfully. "... Yes" I said. "And you say Cad Bane told you of the valley, AND of the people heading there?" the Togruta asked. I had to keep my master's plan to free me a secret. "... yes." I lied. "... Then your training will start immediately."

"May I ask something on the matter, Masters." The bald human nods "I wish to have my old master again." they all look at one another, making a decision. "Would you prefer someone else related to your past?" the bald human asked. I obviously knew who they were referring to. "If you are referring to Kenobi... then I will accept."

*Tigress POV*

"I had arrived at the jade palace while the others were apparently at the training hall. I walk in to see Shifu meditating at the end of the palace. I walk up close enough, and solute. "Master, I have returned." it goes quiet for a moment, then it is broken from the Dragon Warrior himself "Hay Shifu, sorry to bother you but I have... to... ask..." he stares at me with the most surprised look I have ever seen. "YOU'RE BAAAAAAAAACK" he yells as he charges me, and gives me a great big hut, as we fall to the ground. "Ow.. g-good to see you too P-Po, N-now, could you p-please get off me before you c-crush me."

"Oh, sorry." he says as he gets off. I get up, and give him a little smile. "How was the mission?" Shifu asks. I turn to face him "She wasn't lying, she needs our help, master." Shifu gives a little thought to the matter at first. "... then I will tell the others that their training is over."

Po jumps with excitement "Yyyes, we get to fight an actual war."

"Not you Panda." Shifu interrupts, and his smile fades faster than Ti-lung caught in the wushi finger hold. "He's right, Po. The valley still needs someone to protect." I tell him.

Suddenly, we hear screaming coming from the city.

We rush down with Viper, Monkey, and Mantis already there. "Whats happening?" Shifu asks "Crane is scouting." Viper responds. And speak of the devil, there he was flying back... with fear on his face. "What did you see?" Shifu asks.

"... some sort of one man machine... slaughtering everyone." suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing the giant machine himself.

"So... there is a fiction where everything is an animal." he says "and you all must be my targets." we all take our battle stances "who are who?" Shifu asks in frustration. He didn't know who it was... but I did, I had read about him.

"His name is General Grievous."

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