Act II

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*General Narration*

During her time in the terminal, Cortana had learned how it works fully. It has a complete record of who, where, and when people use the portal. She wanted to stay forever. She had never seen technology she had never seen before. She even made her own holographic room. Suddenly, she detects a lifeform in the same room. She reveals herself, and sees Chief.

Chief: enjoying yourself.

Cortana: like never before.

Chief: You can't stay in there forever you know.

Cortana: I know, I know. I'm just waiting for the General to get back.

She couldn't see it, but chief had a concerned look on his face.

Chief: The general mentioned how to stop you from going rampant, what did he mean.

This as the one conversation Cortana was hoping to avoid. She takes in a deep breath.

Cortana: Rampancy is when an AI gets to old. We start to deteriorate after seven years of service. We lose control over ourselves, and eventually... Look, the details aren't that important, but how he knows how to stop it is beyond me.

Suddenly, the portal opens next to Cortana and chief. Dantson walks through, his head down, trying to avoid everyone. He immediately head for the door, but Chief stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

Chief: we need to talk

Dantson: Let. Go.

His voice was low, hostile, and was almost choking on them. if chief didn't remove his hand soon, he would probably lose it. Chief removed his hand, and Dantson walks out the door. As the door closes, Chief and Cortana exchange looks of confusion. Cortana looks up where he was. And gasps in disbelief. She sow a house burning from the inside, firefighters trying to put out the flame. Cortana managed to put the pieces together

Dantson had made it to his quarters without looking up, or speaking at anyone. He was about to enter when he is stopped by a voice.

CT 5555: General, I need to speak to you.

Dantson: Not now 5s

He had finished punching in the numbers to open the door.

CT 5555: But sir, it's urgent. It's abou-

Before 5s could finish his sentence, Dantson raises his hand swiftly with his elbow locked, and pushed him into the wall behind him with a ridiculous amount of force without being touched. The wall cracks, and 5s is terrified of a reaction he didn't expect.

Dantson: I said. Not. Now.

A few clones take notice on what has happened. As well as Arcee. Her face was more concerned than scared. As 5s falls to the ground, Dantson enters his room, and locks it behind him. Arcee then walks over to 5s, and helps him up.

Arcee: are you alright?

CT 5555: I... I think so. Nothing's broken if that's what you're asking.

CT: we should get him X-rayed just in case.

Arcee: No, not yet. Troopers, return to your duties. 5s, wait here.

The three troopers salute, and exit. Arcee helps 5s onto his feet, and knocks on Dantons door.

Arcee: General, you ok?

There was no answer.

Arcee: can I come in?

After a long pause, the door opens. Arcee sees Dantson, hands on his desk, and head facing down. shortly after Arcee enters, the door closes behind her.

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