why are we here?

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The reds and blues gathered in the mess hall. Grif got as much food as he was allowed, and sat at the table with everyone else. Everyone had food except Lopez. They all sat in silence, eating their food in their helmets, thinking about the situation they were currently in.

Lobez: Alguno de ustedes sabe que Carolina está despierta?

Grif: we know, Lobez.

Lopez: tú lo haces?

Tucker: yeah, it's kind of obvious.

Lobez: Bien en ese caso, ha-

Tucker: I mean, who are we to think that someone can survive a direct grenade explosion.

Lobez: Qué?

Sarge: no one can survive that, armor enhancements or not.

Lobez: He echado de menos algo, o-

Simmons: We tried visiting her a few minutes ago, but she wasn't there.

Lobez: Eso es porque se fue a dar un paseo con Washington.

Tucker: Wash is missing, too.

Donut: mabey Carolina woke up and they went for a walk.

Lopez: tienes que estar bromeando!

Sarge: Son, don't you think Wash would have told us something?

Donut: well, he probably-

Sarge: Donut, I'm gonna give it to you straight: Wash isn't around because he's grieving for Carolina's death.

There is a moment of silence, other than the sound of silverware, and leftover food being thrown away.

Lobez: En serio, acabo de ver a los dos hace cinco minutos fuera de esta manera.

Grif: he's right, Blue team is probably looking for us.

Lobez: Espera, nos olvidamos de Washington y Carolina Completamente?

Donut: Lopez has a point, Wash and Carolina wouldn't want us to give up?

Tucker: Give up? We're being thrown into another war that we didn't ask for! We're being treated like real soldiers when, face it, we're not. We're training dummies for a military organization that destroyed itself from the inside, all because some idiot got power hungry!

As soon as he finishes, he and everyone else at the table realizes that the entire room is silent. Marines and Clones stare at them as Tucker looks around. Slowly, Tucker sits down, and everyone continues eating.

Tucker: It's true, we're not soldiers.

There is another moment of silence as the others think about what Tucker had just said.

???: that may be true...

No one noticed Washington and Carolina approach the table since everyone had their head down. They look up and almost jump out of their seats.

Washington: but there's one question that no one knows the answer to.

Carolina: why the hell are we here?

*scene change*

Once Dantson had seen Jane Shepard moments after seeing John Shepard, He went back to the Ally where Neo was sitting on the giant trash can waiting for him to return. She still had the same smile, and her legs were crossed. She also had her in her umbrella in her right hand leaning against her soldier.

Neo: I told you, you had to see it for yourself.

Dantson: that was.... That was...

Neo: a pleasant surprise?

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