wounds heal

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*General Narration*

This was without doubt, the best day of Danton's life. The others didn't know who the people who exit the truck were, but he did. As they were still exiting the Tomkah, Dantson turns his head and whispers to his team.

Dantson: the tall one with half his face scarred is Garrus Vakarian. The blue female is Liara T'Soni. The robot is EDI, the female with the mask and hood is Tali'Zorah vas Normandy. The one with four eyes is Javik. The male human with the Mohawk is James Vega. and the-

He stops in his tracks as he sees two other humans, one male and one female, exit the Vehicle. At least one of them should be dead, but for some reason, they were both alive. Dantson shakes his head, and refocuses.

Dantson: and the human male is Kaidan Alenko. And the human female is Ashley Williams. They're all part of Shepard's team. Follow my lead.

Arcee: acknowledged

The crew of the Normandy approach Danton's team as they also approach. wondering why an Alliance team was this far away from base.

Kaiden: are you guys alright?

Dantson: yeah. Our uh, Mako broke down a half mile back. We've been walking for a while.

Ashley: who's in charge of this team?

Dantson raises his hand.

James: our transport can take you back to base as soon as we're done scouting.

Tigress: scouting for what? We haven't seen any reapers since the blast.

They all looked to each other. Dantson could sense that they were hiding something, and they were afraid.

Tali: were looking for... an N7 operative. The rest is classified.

Deadpool: "classified" as in you can't tell us because you're sworn to secrecy by your superiors, or you don't want to tell us.

Dantson: It's all right Wade, stand down.

He says as to raises his hand to stop him from opening his mouth and making things worse.

Dantson: no doubt this "N7 Operative" is commander Shepard.

Liara: please, tell us, have you seen him.

She immediately rushed in front of everyone else as she asked. This answered Dantson's question as to who Shepard was romantically involved with.

Dantson: as a matter of fact we have, he's just behind us next to the giant column sticking out.

As soon as he was done saying that, they all rushed past them and climbed through the rubble to find Shepard, sound asleep. Dantson and his team watched as they all gathered around him to make sure he was alive.

Liara was hovering over him like a puppy. She held Shepard's face with one hand as she was on the brink of tears. Suddenly, Shepard's eyes slowly opened. And the first thing he saw was the love of his life.

Liara: shepard...

Shepard: Liara...

Liara embraced him as hours of stress and preparations of what might have happened had just disappeared into thin air. Shepard weakly held Liara in one hand as she was now crying with tears of joy. Moments passed before Liara pulled herself together, and lifted Shepard up. Garrus helped as he went to the opposite side of liara to help Shepard walk.

Arc 5555: I healed him up as best I could, but he needs a real hospital to fully recover.

Liara nods as she and garrus carried Shepard by his arms, helping him walk a they entered the Tomkah. Dantson team followed.

*scene change*

Blue team had ordered the red's and blues to run a virtual obstacle course that the training room had set up. By the end of the course, Caboose ran through it no problem. Simmons was out of breath, holding his hands on his knees Grif was ON his hands and knees catching his breath. And Sarge shoved Tucker out of the why so he had a better time. Eventually, everyone got to then end. And everyone was tired and exhausted, except for Caboose.

Tucker: no fair, jack***

Kelley: what happened?

Tucker: Sarge shoved me so he had a better time.

Sarge: all's fair in Love and war you dirty blue.

Tucker: are you serious right now!?

Fred: I'm gonna have to agree with red on this one. War isn't always fair.

Tucker: then in that case: next time we run this course, I'll use my sword to make it easier.

Lynda: the purpose of this course is to train you in your athletic ability​.

Kelley: but, we do need trust in one another.

Fred: that's what the next course is for. Everyone, form into teams of two.

In the control room, overlooking the entire training room, Chief watched the red's and blue's train under his team. Although he couldn't hear what everyone was saying, he could tell the training was going... less than perfect. He watched as the previous training course had changed into a much larger one. Chief suddenly hears the door behind him open and close.

Washington: how are they doing.

Chief: better than expected.

Wash walks next to chief to watch everyone run the course, wearing his full suit of armor.

Chief: how's your friend?

Washington: Carolina's though, the doctors say she'll be out soon.

Chief: where are the two mercenaries?

Washington: armory, they wanted to see the "new weapons"

They watch the reds and blues finish the course, then do it again with different partners.

Chief: these "simulation troopers" they seem to have been through a lot.

Washington: you watched them?

Chief: I had Cortana send all 13 seasons to my quarters. I've only seen the first 5 so for.

Washington: five seasons?

Chief: It's easy when they're all less than 5 minutes​.

Wash chuckles, then stops when he sees Sarge push Tucker to the side so he could once again have a better time.

Washington: think I should go down and help?

Chief: It would help if they saw a familiar face.

???: What about two?

Wash and Chief turn around to see Carolina had snuck into the observation deck. She had a bandage on the right of her scalp, and was in a cast made of cloth, while wearing a normal Cyan T-shirt and jeans.

Washington: when's the last time you wore normal clothes

Carolina: it's bean a VERY long time, David.

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