Red leader

41 2 0

*General Narration*

Chief was able to land on the separatist ship without trouble from either side of the battle. He landed the Serape in the center of the hanger, where Frederic-104, Linda-058, and Kelly-087 had the entire hanger on lockdown. Linda took cover behind a Vulture Droid wing. While Fred and Kelly were patrolling the area. The aim for the Serape that was landing, and lowered them when Chief hoped out. Fred and Kelly walked up to greet him.

Fred: glad you could join the party chief.

Chief nodded in agreement

Kelly: we have the entire hanger on lockdown. Noble team is keeping us posted on-

Chief raises his hand to stop Kelly from talking

Chief: Hold on, where is the General?

Fred and Chief look to each other wanting the other to tell Chief the embarrassing story they had to tell him. Kelly finally gives a sigh.

Kelly: Well, the guy we had that led us here told us to stay here and... First off, when I say this I AM quoting it. He said... "keep this hanger on lockdown tighter then my crouch in this suit"

Kelly said this with both embarrassment, and shame. And under the helmet, she was redder than a cherry.

Chiefs first thought was "what the hell did you just say?" then his second was "who the hell would say something like that?" then his third thought was "why the hell would someone send someone who says that?"

Fred: as stupid as it sounds, the guys' got good aim, took out three of 'em with on shot with there own gun. And sliced up eight more with two swords.

Chief was at a loss for words.the first thing he hears about this guy is a dirty pun, now he hears he's got an act for war?

Chief: alright. Fred, did the guy at least say what his mane was?

Fred: I think he said it was "Deadpool"

*scene change*

Deadpool was still on top of Felix with blades to his neck, Locus was on the ground trying to recover the massive blow to his head. And Dantson was watching the entire thing, wondering how the hell deadpool got here, and who brought him.

Deadpool: Normally I'm on top of woman, and we are making love, not killing it. But I'll make an exception for you. After all, you did shoot the kid I'm here to rescue.

Felix gives a small chuckle

Felix: a wise guy eh. Well, you and I are gonna get along just fine.

Deadpool: and what the hell makes you think we're gonna be friends

Felix looks to Dantson. Then Deadpool looks at him. And after a few moments deadpool gets the idea.

Deadpool: wait... wait wait wait wait

He says as he is getting up, retracting the blades from Felix's throat.

Deadpool: I'm suppose to believe that I came here to save someone that doesn't need saving.

Deadpool then puts his foot on Felix, and takes out his pistol and points it at Felix

Deadpool: don't even think about getting up if you still take pride in your manhood.

Dantson: at first, no. But if you wanted to kill something, you arrived a little to late, Mr. Pool

Deadpool: Mr.Pool, huh. Well well, someone knows how to get on my nice list.

Deadpool walked over to Dantson and puts his arm over his shoulder.

Deadpool: Listen kid, ever since I got here, my itchy trigger finger has been more excited then a rabbit on mating season. So, this is how this is gonna work, kid. *gestures his gun to Dantson* you say the word *points his gun a Felix & Locus* and these two little piggies go night night.

Dantson moves Deadpool's arm off his shoulder

Dantson: that won't be necessary

Deadpool: look kid, the only things I've gotten to kill today are robots, and my blades are itching for blood, so you can-"

There is a sudden stab as Locus had pulled out a secret knife and threw it at Deadpool's neck. Deadpool slowly turns around to face Locus with a death stare. He slowly pulls out the knife from his neck, and swipes the blood off it.

Dantson: Deadpool, these guys are allies... recent, but still allies.

Deadpool: the string between friend and foe with this one is unraveling quickly, my dear child.

He says with a serious voice. Locus puts his hands up and starts slowly backing up. As deadpool acts like he is about to go ape on Locus. Deadpool throws the knife, but it misses Locus' helmet by mere centimeters, sinking into the side of the wall. Deadpool then points at locus.

Deadpool: this one's free, the next one won't be. *turns to Felix* same goes for you.

Felix is still on the ground, trying the figure out why this man isn't dead. He then precedes to get up slowly.

As Deadpool put his arm down, he walks over to Locus and pulls out the knife from the wall, looking at Locus strait in the eye. And back to Dantson.

Dantson: Deadpool, look. This is what I need from you. I need you to NOT kill the two super soldiers, no matter how tempting it is. Yes, they shot me... And yes, they have done very bad things. but they aren't as bad as you think... We'll, Locus isn't as bad as you think, Felix is kind of the the Comic relief for him.

Felix felt offended, Locus felt honored.

Dantson: These guys are-as of now-allies to the people I'm leading. *focuses on all* and what I need from all three of you is to get me out of here safely, and alive. Work together, and you will be paid handsomely.

Felix, Locus and Deadpool were all very intrigued to hear that.

Felix: how handsomely?

Dantson: say the word and I can have it arranged.

Locus: A sniper with a decent scope.

Felix: armor enhancements

Deadpool: A suit that I don't need to stitch every time I get shot... OH, and show me what the space-brothels here are like, I'm curious.

Dantson gives a chuckle at Deadpool's final request.

Dantson: tell you what, D.P. who ever gets the most kells, I will personally pay for everything and anything the person wants.

Deadpool gives a long thought, then he  takes out two pistols and loads them.

Deadpool: you better have a wallet the size of every bank in North america combined, cause I'm gonna to drain it clean.

With that, Locus Loads his sniper, and Felix Loads his DMR.

Locus: don't count on it.

Felix: We have a high enough kill-count as it is.

Deadpool: Is it as big as the amount of people who are reading this series?

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