Chapter 3: Why Do We Love?

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"I have had enough. Excuse me, I'm leaving. If you need any of the details, please inform Mrs. Kamlyn." I barely took those words and left with no back looking.

                                                   What is going on? How did they know my house? I looked over on my phone on the social media while in the taxi and there are thousands of mentions and tags of him and old pictures of us that we had shared or in events, like the party and public ones. I breathed heavier seeing people's negative comments. They are just like machines of shit and negativity. I have to call Can, I had to. I couldn't not to. Yusuf? Oh my god. This will ruin everything between us, we had a good base before I travelled in our happy medium. Daria? Mert? Fiyam? Evan? Nat? Ali?

"Alaria?" He answered with panic or worry in is voice noticeable.

"I'm sorry for calling, I know you might be busy, yet I had to call you."

"You had to call me for?"

"Can, we cannot hang out today. Sorry."

"You changed your mind, right? I totally understand, Al. Please rethink about my request." He doesn't give me a chance to talk.

"No, Can. Apparently, you might not have seen the news. W-w-we can't." I trembled.

"Fuck the news. Who cares? Alaria, they used to write millions." He is basically trying to convince himself not me. It drives me back to the news after the party we attended to together and many others.

"I care, Can." I talked out of breath, revealed.

"Alaria, you won't let this affect us, right?... Damn.. Look, Al, I know you are freaking out about your reputation, Yusuf maybe, your friends.. our friends, but it's nothing like it seems. We are on the right way." He comforted me a bit after telling me the things passing through my brain. I gave no answer, so he progressed his talking.

"We'll meet today, okay?" He said and repeated "Okay?" when I gave him no answer.

"In a few hours." I smiled at the thought itself.

"Yes." He answered briefly and then we said the normal, pointless goodbyes people exchange when they will meet in a few hours or days. The whole hugging, hellos, byes and all of this stuff became so pointless to my sea of life.

I went home after that and went to bed basically to get some sleep, but then ended up watching my episodes till almost 7 when he was going to arrive at 7:30 and I were in my pajamas. And, right after he arrived, we were going with the same cab to the shopping mall to get a few missing groceries, actually, everything is missing. I jumped off the bed and wore the most typical outfit, I have seriously grown bored of my way of getting my outfits together. I wore an olive green mini dress that had fake buttons and zippers on them. I like it, it's thick enough to keep me warm, so I just pull on a scarf on top of it that was colorful with black, white, green, red, orange and brown in a weird mixture but I do adore it now making it one of my hideous favorites. Lastly, I wore my white Adidas basic shoes and my favorite charm bracelets.

The moment I was perfuming myself and then fixed my hair, he called and informed me to be downstairs in five minutes as he was told by the driver. I basically left my hair from the morning as it was done, curly on the ends and my brown hair falls straight from the blow drier. At some point, at the end honestly, I fixed my makeup and applied a darker shade of pink. When I appeared from the door, Can got out of the taxi and smiled while opening the door for me to enter. What was that? Never mind. We didn't really talk in the cab as maybe not only me but him tried to adjust to the state. It's literally the first time for us now after months to act like us before and we are alone not fighting. As soon as we were in the shopping center, my head automatically turned to Mango where I normally choose my class, work clothes from. I basically dragged him with me to Mango and I hold immediately four dresses that I had liked.

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