Chapter 33: Love vs. Friendship.

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What is going on? My muscles were so relaxed, my body was relaxed, my brain was the one working, my heart was beating at a weaker rate, my eyes were shut, my ears could hear something like a beep, my nose could smell nothing, my mouth was trying to breathe heavily, my hands were begging to move, my feet were numb and my thoughts were about this. Where am I? I forced my hands to move and then I started hearing voices, but they were interacting together so I understood nothing. I tried to move my body but felt a massive pain all around it. Serious, right now, where am I? Then, a sharp headache hit me like a rock. My body was forced to stay still, but my mind was working more, making the headache more. Wait.... I can remember now. Right in the middle of this dark night, I had seen a light and I had hit the breaks, but the massive truck hit my car. I had a car accident. This is why I'm pained. Am I in a hospital? Maybe, the beeps were the machines. I remembered closing my eyes right before the accident, stopping time and remembering all what had pained me before it happened: Can. I heard that moment a glass breaking and knew that it happened. I could feel a burn in my legs, no, it was heat only. Then, I passed out maybe from the shock or the lack of oxygen. I finally opened my eyes, seeing a blur so I shut them. Wake up, Alaria. Wake up and stay strong. I forced my eyes open again, but still, my eye muscles hurt so bad. It was still a blur, but it started becoming clearer after a while. Can sat on a couch by an end of a room, it was a hospital, it's confirmed. I didn't see anyone else because I couldn't turn, but when I managed to turn, I saw no one in the room. It was painted white, warm and the details of the room were light wood. I turned back to Can who was sitting in silence. I shut my eyes to sleep again, but I heard a sob. I reopened them and realized Can was crying. Something inside me was cold towards him, something was pained from him, but there was something pained with him. Which will be dominant now? Which one of these conflicts will win? I guess the love to him.

"C...Can." My mouth spoke the letter heavily and dryly.

"Alaria." His eyes widened and he directly rubbed his tears, "Are you okay, honey? I was so afraid. I was so afraid.." His words trailed off as he sat on the edge of the bed and kissed the back of my hand. I couldn't feel much, I was numb.

"What-t hap..." I couldn't complete my phrase and my throat burned like I drank a bucket of alcohol.

"Shhh.." He kept kissing my hand gently when in actual fact, my hand didn't hurt but he did be careful. It was a bit tiring to use some effort because I felt like my body has stopped, I wanted to ask but I had no energy left.

"W-wat..." Before I continued, he understood and poured water from a bottle by my bed. I let the water cure the burn of my throat and felt immediately better. That had always happened when I was sick as a kid, I used to make mom help me drink the water and let's be honest, the fever wouldn't stop me from moving but I was spoiled. Wait.... NO.. Mom! Oh my god. God.

"Mom knows?" My words come out thicker this time, but very soft to be heard.

"Honey, relax, it's okay."

"She knows?"

"Yes, she went home yesterday after insisting on her." Poor mom, she must be worried. My heart cannot hold making her anymore sad, it's enough for her. I try to get up, but wince from pain and return to my position.

"Alaria, please stop. I'm going to text her saying you're okay. There is no need to freak her out." He held his phone and started tapping on the screen.

"What happened, Can?" I now spoke properly, I need to know.

"You had an accident... They then took you to the... hospital," He took a break between every phrase and I then realized he was tearing up again, "They called us and you were taken to the surgery room and you had an operation for your head, arm, and your heart... You are okay.." A tear escaped his eyes which made me force my free arm to soothe his.

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