Chapter 12: KAMLYN!

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"I've never held this much to someone, these much emotions. It sickens me to think that tomorrow I won't wake up to a text from you, then hanging out with you, seeing your smile that might seem imperfect to you but just perfect to me. Do you know when I realized I loved you? When I saw your tears to Malik, I saw that there was someone who cared, really cared about someone. The moment we all turned our faces from him, he found the prettiest face on this earth. We lost, not him. I never coded with someone, missy. I'm never related to anyone and I didn't want to be to you, but that one night when I saw you after our breakup, it was maybe after two months, I had forgotten you already, I had taken you out of my mind, but when I saw you sitting with Nata, you dropped your cup that day and laughed hard at that, I really missed that laugh. I wanted to be the one to make you laugh. I cannot walk past my family, not my father, but my mother, sisters, and brother, they need me, I'm the oldest after Ghalia, my dad is not easy, Alaria. I'm aware that you cannot walk with me even in public after today, but I'll pay my life like forever to get that ring to your hand. I promise. This is all I have in hand."

That was a hell of serious life out there.

I didn't think straight at that moment, I only shed tears and sobbed. It's not only him, it's that everything is about him. It's that I have everything after him, he is a priority. He is way braver than me to tell me his feelings that god knows for how long he'll keep until he loves someone else because I'm not the one who could give that love. I always reminded myself that this will last for less than forever, I have been in this place when I left Evan. Evan and I broke badly, very badly with hate, threat, and revenge. But, it seems like it's harder to break up when you are fine than when you hate each other. It's not a breakup, I know that and you guys know that but I'm just one human who suffers from loving someone, not like others, I'm suffering from love. My parents taught me a lot, my friends taught me a lot but no one ever taught me how to manage this and how to love as he did. He taught me a lot of things, a lot. He taught me the best thing which is loving myself. He taught me how to think of myself, how to respect myself, how to protect myself and give myself chances. Do you know why? Because he became me so I love myself with him. I trust him. I really trust him, not because they tell me he changed for me or because he is showing that, I trust him because I have no other choice than keeping myself to him or I'll have to make that 'I don't care about him' matter. I felt those goosebumps with the other guys I was with before like Evan for example, but I knew it was different this time. To have someone treat you this way, it makes me want to shed tears. Ahhh! And, for the ones who say "Nothing can bring any two people apart.", Nope! That's wrong because everything can bring two people apart except the two people. Fair enough!

"I d-d-don't know what to tell you, I cannot d-do a-all this l-long speech and explain all of this but I promise you nothing but to l-l-love you till the day I get bored with myself." My words came out smooth but roughly said at the same time.

"This is enough for me." His voice was back to normal and he detached himself from me then looked to the deepest of my eyes.

"For now." He continued his words and wiped the tears from my cheeks while some were already dry on my cheeks leaving it more obvious that I cried, was still crying in other words. My gaze went to Nur who stared with a slight rise on the corner of her lips, my lip shifted up as well. He stopped wiping my tears and left the crowd, my tears were about to come more like they needed a push to keep going. I ignored everyone on the table testing my actions or trying to see any reactions and I sat leg over the leg on the closest empty chair to me. I needed a moment to take the breath of that in, so my eyes shut like they wanted my mind to separate from now and go to somewhere, maybe him.

"He will be the death of you." Daria's voice appeared from beside me and I could tell because of the roughness of her voice from smoking cigarettes.

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