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I get so distracted easily I swear... I was typing some notes up for French/Culture awareness class cause we can only have two pages of notes that we could use on the exam and I'm just like "Oh while I'm on here I should write more chapters on this book cause that's a good idea :D" yeah I am pretty stupid really and now I'm getting distracted by watching videos! So yeah that's all I have to say so yeah let's get on with the story!

After an hour at the park both Hetalia and Supernatural left the park. It was getting near night time and Hetalia was getting tired so he wanted to go to bed. But then he realized that he didn't check out at a hotel. He face palmed himself, he didn't want to go check out a room this late and besides he was lazy to do so. Supernatural just looked at him strangely.

"Why did you face palm yourself?" Supernatural asked.

"Oh no does that mean something else here?!" Hetalia asked.

"Oh no it doesn't it means the same thing I'm just asking why you face palmed." stated Supernatural.

"Well it's because I forgot to check in a hotel and I don't want to check in this late so yeah and I'm just lazy..." Hetalia said.

"Wow you are lazy...well if you want you can stay at my place for the rest of your stay but I do have two roommates I hope you don't mind." Supernatural said smiling at Hetalia.

"Really!? I can stay with you!? That's awesome and I don't mind at all I would really want to meet them!" Hetalia said obviously excited.

So both of them started walking to Supernatural's place. Obviously talking to each other all the way there (geez they talk to each other a lot don't they!?) When they finally arrived Hetalia was super happy. He just wanted to sleep with comfy blankets. Supernatural opened the door and the both of them walked in Supernatural first and Hetalia second. 

"I'm home guys!" Supernatral screamed to his roommates.

"Oh my god finally what took you so long I thought you were coming in the afternoon! And you brought a stranger with you...what have you been up to Supernatural..." Supernatural's roommate said.

"Oh crap I forgot uh well I was helping him to get to know this place so yeah I guess that's why. Sorry Sherlock." Supernatural said.

"Oh ok I see. But you didn't answer my question what have you been up to because there is a stranger in our house for some reason..." Sherlock asked.

"Oh yeah sorry this is Hetalia and he didn't have anywhere else to stay so yeah I brought him here. And where is Doctor who?" Supernatural said.

"Oh ok well hello there Hetalia nice to meet you." Sherlock said smiling.

Hetalia waved hello. Sherlock was surprised at this action and kind of shocked.

"Rude much..." Sherlock said.

"Wait what..." Hetalia said confused.

"Oh it speaks. Nice to know." Sherlock said obviously angry.

"You know you should just stop giving me your little attitude." Hetalia responded.

"Oh? And why should I it's my place you know that right?" Sherlock said.

"Yes I know that but it still doesn't mean that you should be a jerk to someone." Hetalia said getting angry.

"You know what I could do whatever I want and YOU just have to deal with it." Sherlock said standing up from his chair.

"Oh shut up! You're the one who started this mess! You just started being rude out of no where!" Hetalia said walking toward Sherlock.

"You know if Supernatural wasn't here I would have told you to get out of here right now!" Sherlock screamed.

"Oh ok now you really are pissing me off! If Supernatural wasn't here I would have beaten you up right here right now!" Hetalia screamed.

"Ugh stop talking and stop acting so tough! You are just weak!" Sherlock said.

"Oh I'm weak?! Do you know what I have been through?! No? Ok since you don't know anything about ME then you should just shut your mouth!" Hetalia said.

"GUYS!!!" Supernatural screamed.

"WHAT?!" Sherlock and Hetalia said at the same time.


"Oh...I'm so sorry Sherlock I didn't know that waving meant to shut up...I didn't mean that I just wanted to say hi." Hetalia said feeling bad.

"Oh it's ok really and sorry for calling you an 'it' I was just mad. Oh and Supernatural Doctor Who went out somewhere for tonight." Sherlock said.

"Ok that's all I wanted to hear." Supernatural said tiredly.

"We should start going to bed since everyone looks tired." Sherlock said.

"OMG YES! SLEEEEEEEP HERE I COME!" Hetalia said while everyone laughed.

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