Saying Goodbye!

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Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Hetalia have arrived at the airport. Supernatural helped Hetalia carry his bags inside the airport. Once everyone was inside they waited for a bit. Since the plane doesn't take off for a while. So they talked for a bit.

" sure is quiet huh." Hetalia said with an awkward laugh.

"Heh yeah it sure is." Doctor Who laughing as well.

"Well it's maybe because we just don't know what to say since you're leaving soon." Sherlock said.

"Yup." Supernatural agreed.

"Well let's talk about me moving in with you guys!" Hetalia said.

"Oh yeah we need to make room." Sherlock said. "It's either that or get a new house."

"Let's get a new house!" Doctor Who said. "You know I always wanted to redecorate my room!"

"Yeah we could start off fresh!" Supernatural said.

"Well then new house it is." Sherlock said.

"Cool then one of you guys send me the address once you found the house!" Hetalia said. "I can't wait to move in with you guys! A fresh new start sounds good to me."

"So you're gonna read the letters once you're on the plane right?" Supernatural asked.

"Yeah I am! I don't want to read them right now cause I might tear up and I cried in front of you guys too much. So I prefer to read them when I'm on my own." Hetalia smiled. "I hope you don't mind."

"Oh yeah I don't mind. I respect your choice." Supernatural said.

"Hey guys I'm gonna tell a joke!" Hetalia said. "Ok so why didn't the skeleton go to the party?"

"Why?" Everyone asked.

"Because it had noBODY to go with!" Hetalia said laughing. (I got this from an undertale comic!)

"....." Sherlock and Doctor Who stood there while Supernatural stood there laughing.

"Don't encourage him!" Sherlock said.

"What that joke really tickled my funny BONE!" Supernatural laughed with Hetalia.

"Oh my god guys why are you doing this to us!" Doctor Who said.

"Well I guess this counts as PUNishment for you guys!" Hetalia and Supernatural were now dying of laughter.

"Oh god why." Sherlock said face palming himself.

"You guys are so stupid." Doctor Who face palmed himself as well.

"Oh god that was so funny!" Hetalia said calming down.

"I know right that made my day." Supernatural said smiling.

It was time for Hetalia to leave. It was time to go on the plane.

"So I guess I need to go now." Hetalia said.

"Yeah." Supernatural said looking at the ground.

"Well then I guess this is bye then." Sherlock said.

"Well not exactly! It's more like...see ya!" Doctor Who said. "Since Hetalia is gonna come back we don't need to say goodbye! More like a see ya!"

"Yeah he has a point." Sherlock said.

"So we are not saying goodbye just a see ya." Supernatural said.

"Oh ok well...see ya guys." Hetalia said.

Hetalia went up to Sherlock and then hugged him and gave him a drawing of a chibi Sherlock. Then Hetalia went up to Doctor Who, hugged him, and gave him a chibi Doctor Who. Lastly Hetalia went up to Supernatural and gave him a hug and Supernatural hugged back. Hetalia then gave Supernatural a chibi drawing of Supernatural.

"Another drawing from me! hope you like it!" Hetalia said.

"Thanks. I'm gonna miss you." Supernatural smiled.

"Well see ya guys!" Hetalia smiled.

After giving the drawing he then asked for everyone to gather around so he could take a picture. So everyone agreed and smiled. Hetalia then started to walk away. He stopped for a bit and turned around to look at the guys. He then saw Sherlock and Doctor Who comforting a crying Supernatural. He then heard Sherlock.

"Supernatural people are staring!" Sherlock said.

"WAAAAAAHHHH I DON'T CARE!" Supernatural screamed.

"Oh geez." Doctor Who said helping Sherlock.

Hetalia then laughed a bit and started to walk on the plane. He really is gonna miss the guys. He made real friends and he's happy about how they actually care about him. He just saw Supernatural bawl his eyes out. So that's saying something. He laughed at the thought. So Hetalia decided to read the letters that he got from the three.

If you don't want to read the letters you could just skip it.

Sherlock: Dear Hetalia,
So this is the day where you leave. Wow I can't believe you're leaving. Well I may not show it but I really am gonna miss you. I know I'm not the only one that's going to miss you but all well. You really are a nice person. I couldn't believe that your fandom can have really serious stuff. I still apologize for not respecting your choice of not answering my questions. I was being ignorant and I'm so stupid about that. Just know that I'm here for you and that you could tell me anything ok? Well I think that's all I have to say. So hope you have a good day and have a nice safe trip.

Doctor Who: Dear Hetalia,
I can't believe that you're leaving today! I really enjoyed your stay here. It was a fun time! I really am gonna miss you! You make everything so much fun and it's gonna be weird without you here. But I know that you are moving in with us so I don't have to be all sad for a few days. I still have to thank you for telling me all the stuff about what happens to you where you're from. I'm so happy that you told me that. Just know that those people are just idiots. You are an awesome person. They are missing out on so much stuff. I am glad that you are moving in with us! So don't let those idiots tell you anything negative. Don't let it effect you ok? Well that's all I have to say so have a nice trip back.

Supernatural: Dear Hetalia,
I never really written a letter to anybody before. So this letter might be really bad. Let's just get this over with. So please don't laugh at me because of this letter. You are leaving today and I'm so upset about this. But I am still happy that you are moving in with us. So that is one thing I'm looking forward to. I really had fun when you were here so I have to thank you for that. Also I am still sorry about getting you hurt because of that stupid ouija board. I really didn't think that would happen. So I am really sorry. I didn't intend to hurt you. That's all I have to say and I will really miss you. I can't wait for you to come back. So have a nice trip back home.

Hetalia smiled to himself. He was so happy he got these letters. Hetalia couldn't believe that he was now leaving. He had fun and that's all he cares about. Having friends like this really make him happy and right now Hetalia thinks that he can trust the guys because they show that they really care about him. With this thought he started to tear up because in a while he actually had real friends that care for him.

"Ha these guys actually care...I....I hope it stays like this forever....That's all I wish for. I can really trust them....and that's nice to think about." Hetalia said to himself crying and smiling. "Well...see ya guys....let's see what will happen when I come back."

Wow I finished....Well I hope you enjoyed this book! I am gonna keep writing and finish my other book where Hetalia and Homestuck go to France so yeah. Also since I watched 'The Purge Election Year' an idea popped up into my mind. What if I put the fandoms in the purge? So after I write my Hetalia and Homestuck book I will write that. Also I have another idea on my mind but that is a surprise so yeah. Once again thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed. See ya in a different book!

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