Questions for Hetalia

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"Hey Hetalia?" Sherlock said.

"Yes?" Hetalia said while sitting on the floor.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" Sherlock said.

"Sure I guess." Hetalia said.

So Sherlock started questioning Hetalia. Hetalia was confused on why he was doing this but he still answered the questions. The questions were pretty normal. Hetalia didn't mind at all. Hetalia thought that he was asking these questions because Sherlock just wants to know more about him. So for a few minutes Sherlock asked questions. Then Sherlock finally came to the last question.

"Ok last question. Why are you so happy all the time? I mean there should be a reason why right? Or do you just fake it?" Sherlock asked.

"Uh well I'm happy because... I want to make people happy...I don't want to see them sad cause I know that feeling..." Hetalia said.

"Ok but you didn't answer the other question, do you fake it?" Sherlock asked.

"Uh...You know it's getting late we should go to bed!" Hetalia said.

"Wait you need to answer the question first then we could go to sleep." Sherlock said.

"I mean I don't have to right..." Hetalia asked.

"You said that I could ask you questions so you kinda have to." Sherlock said.

"Ok look I don't feel comfortable answering that alright can't you just respect that..." Hetalia asked.

"Look I just want to know if you fake it or not that's all." Sherlock said.

"Ok fine I sometimes fake it alright not all the time there I answered your damn question!" Hetalia said getting angry.

"Why do you fake it?" Sherlock said.

"You really try to find a way to make something depressing don't you?" Hetalia said.

"I'm not trying to make it depressing I'm just curious." Sherlock said.

"...Ok look I'm not in the mood to talk about this. I don't like when people bring this up. If you really want to know then you could just look up my fandom it's that simple. Just please stop talking about it. I was really enjoying answering your questions really! But right now you are being a jerk by not respecting my choices of answering your stupid questions. And I don't want to be rude or anything but the only rude person here right now is you not me. I don't tell people my problems that easily you know. I'm not that open to people ok? You know now you're just ruining the fun night that I had. I just wanted to sleep knowing that I had a fantastic night with you guys. But now look who ruined it. I really am sorry for being rude to you but I have a reason unlike you. So please just leave me alone and don't talk to me. So if you want to know more about me then just look up my fandom. To help you, look up Hetaoni ok? There that should be easier for you and now please don't bother me. When you're done tell me." Hetalia said laying down on the floor and covered himself with the blankets and pulled out his phone and earbuds and started looking through his phone.

"I didn't mean to-" Sherlock said to only have Hetalia put on his earbuds.

Sherlock just went to his computer and decided to look up Hetaoni. He went to images to only have very disturbing pictures he then stumbled upon a picture that said 'We never saw them because they are still trapped in the mansion.' (Fudge this makes me want to cry ;-;) 

' (Fudge this makes me want to cry ;-;) 

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Sherlock was surprised at this. How could a happy fandom have stuff like this in their own fandom. He then went on youtube and typed in 'Hetaoni'. He was looking through videos and then bumped into a video. It's a song called 'Friendship'. He clicked on it and listened to it. 

(Omg now I'm near to crying ;-;) The channel is Lia1291 go check her out she's awesome.

Sherlock was now feeling bad for Hetalia now so he exited everything and turned off his computer. He then turned to Hetalia.

"Hetalia... I'm done looking that up... I'm so sorry." Sherlock said.

"So you did look it up...w-well I guess that answers your question r-right?" Hetalia asked nearly crying.

Sherlock ran up to Hetalia and hugged him. And with that Hetalia burst out into tears. Sherlock comforted him and told him to calm down. They were in that position for a few minutes and then Hetalia let go.

"Thanks you really are a good friend." Hetalia said wiping away a tear.

"No problem and whenever you need to talk come to me ok." Sherlock said smiling.

"Ok!" Hetalia said smiling.

And with that they went to bed. Sherlock on the bed and Hetalia on the floor. They got comfortable and went to sleep.

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