Carnival Rides!

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Omg guys I have 100+ reads now...I can't believe you are actually reading this! I hope you are enjoying this I really hope so! If you are just reading it to make fun of it...then go ahead do it I don't mind XD. Well thank you guys and many of you might not think it's a lot but for me it is XD. So yeah let's get on with the story!

So it's been a while since they ate. So they started heading to the rides. There was many rides at the carnival so it was hard to choose. But then they chose a ride where you go up slowly until you get to the top of the ride and then it drops really fast. (I've been on that and omg I almost had a heart attack XD). So they went to the line of that ride and waited. While they waited they got to see people do down the ride. So then Sherlock looked over at Doctor Who.

"Uh you might want to take the hat off." Sherlock suggested.

"Huh? Why?" Doctor Who asked.

"Do you see how fast that thing goes down." Sherlock said. "Your hat could fly away."

"Oh yeah you're right." Doctor Who said taking his hat off.

They were now in front of the line. They just had to wait until everyone on the ride finished and got off. Once the ride went down there was a few screams and once they were on the ground they started to laugh. So now Hetalia, Supernatural, Sherlock, and Doctor Who went on the ride. They all sat on one of the sides and the other people that were in line went on the other sides. Once everyone was on the ride the worker went to check if everyone was settled and so no on could fly off. Then the worker reached towards Doctor Who.

"Hey can you hold onto my hat for this ride?" Doctor Who asked.

"Oh yeah sure." The worker said taking the hat. "Have a great ride."

So the worker went to go press the button. Once he did the ride started going up.

"So you guys nervous?" Supernatural asked.

"...No." Sherlock said.

"...Not at all." Doctor Who then said.

"What me? No not nervous at all! This is nothing! It's nothing to worry about!" Hetalia said nervously laughing.

"Well it seems like you are." Supernatural said to Hetalia.

"What? No not at all! I'm completely calm right now! I am fi-AAAAHHHHH." Hetalia screamed.

"WOOOAAAAAHH!" Supernatural screamed.

"NOOOOOOPE!" Sherlock screamed.

"WHYYYYYYYY!" Doctor Who screamed.

The ride dropped down. Everyone was terrified and wasn't ready for it. Then soon they started laughing. Then everybody started to walk off. Then Doctor Who went to the worker.

"Can I have my hat back?" Doctor Who asked.

"Oh here you go." The worker said giving the hat to Doctor Who. "Have a good time."

"Thanks you too!" Doctor Who said then ran to the others. "So how was the ride?"

"It was cool." Supernatural said.

"It, but I felt myself going off my seat so that was terrifying." Sherlock said.

"It was terrifying! I felt myself going off my seat, but thank god that we had those things to hold us down! But it was still fun!" Hetalia said. "What about you Doctor Who?"

"Oh well it was unexpected but it was still fun!" Doctor Who said.

So they walked around to find another ride to go on. Then they saw a ride where there are these swing like things are up in the sky and the ride is spinning the swings around. So they decided to go to that one. Hetalia was very excited for this one.

"You excited?" Sherlock asked.

"Yes I've been on one before and I loved it! I feel like I'm flying! It's so cool!" Hetalia said.

"Well we are almost in the front of the line so yeah you should be happy." Sherlock said.

They were now in the front of the line. They waited until everyone got on. Once they got off Hetalia, Supernatural, Sherlock, and Doctor Who went in and chose a swing and buckled themselves up. They waited until everyone was on and ready to go. Once everyone was ready the worker went over to his button and pressed it. The ride was going up and then started to spin around. Hetalia was having fun on this he kept laughing and smiling.

"Woooooh!! I'm a hero!" Hetalia said.

"Wow you really are a hero!" Supernatural said making Hetalia happy.

"YAY finally someone encourages me!" Hetalia said smiling and laughing.

All of them were having so much fun and everyone was smiling and laughing.

When it got to the ground everyone started to get off. The four got off and started going to other rides. They were having so much fun and one of them actually got dizzy because one ride was spinning to fast and that person was Sherlock. So that was a blast for everyone. Sherlock kept yelling at them because they were spinning it way to fast and he kept telling them it was their fault. So everyone was having more fun because of that. So then Sherlock suggested something.

"What about we go to the house of mirrors and let's see who goes to the end first. Doctor Who and me are gonna be on one team and then Supernatural and Hetalia the other." Sherlock said.

"That sounds like a good idea let's do it!" Hetalia said.

So they then went in the house of mirrors. Sherlock and Doctor Who went in first. Then Supernatural and Hetalia went in second. Then they started going through the maze.

Hetalia and Supernatural POV

So they started to walk around with their hands out. They kept laughing and joking around saying 'is that one real' to each other. They were having a great time.

"Ok come on let's go this way!" Hetalia said forgetting to put his hands out and so he hit his face on a mirror. "Ow!"

Supernatural and Hetalia were dying of laughter. Supernatural wanted to say something but kept laughing so hard. Hetalia was also laughing so hard he fell to his knees. When they finally calmed down Hetalia stood up from the ground.

"I did not see that!" Hetalia said.

"My stomach hurts from laughing to much." Supernatural said.

Sherlock and Doctor Who POV

So the both of them walked in the house of mirrors with their hands out. Sherlock wanted to get out first because he wants to win so he suggested something.

"Ok let's look at the ground. We could see the mirrors bottom so it's easier for us to get through this." Sherlock said.

"Aww come on we need to have at least a little fun in here." Doctor Who said.

"I want to win this." Sherlock simply said.

"Ugh fine! You're no fun." Doctor Who said hearing the other two laughing so hard. "No fair, they get to have fun."

"Well they are not winning this I know that." Sherlock said.

Everyone is now outside

Sherlock and Doctor Who were out first and then the other two came out last.

"Well that was fun!" Hetalia said.

"You guys are lucky. This one was way to focused on getting out." Doctor Who said looking at Sherlock. Sherlock just shrugged.

It was now 7:50 so they decide to leave and go back to the house. So they went out of the carnival and went to the car. This time Sherlock was the one to drive so he started the car and started driving home.

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