Getting Ready For Bed!

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Supernatural and Sherlock started going to their rooms. Obviously they forgot that Hetalia was staying with them and that he didn't have a place to stay. So Hetalia just stood there confused on what to do. So he decided to just tell them where he should stay.

"Uuhh guys you forgot something...where do I stay?" Hetalia asked.

"Oh sorry I totally forgot I'm just tired..." Supernatural said while trying to look for a place for Hetalia to sleep at.

"Hey you seem tired to be worrying about this you should go to bed." Sherlock said to Supernatural.

"But what abo-"

"Oh don't worry I'll find Hetalia somewhere to sleep." Sherlock said.

"Yeah Supernatural you should rest we will be fine don't worry." Hetalia said smiling at Supernatural.

"Ok fine... You two better not fight again..." Supernatural said.

"Oh we won't promise!" Both Hetalia and Sherlock said at the same time.

"Ok then goodnight you two." Supernatural said walking off to his bedroom.

"Goodnight!" said both Hetalia and Sherlock.

So both Hetalia and Sherlock went looking around the house for a place for Hetalia to sleep at. They really couldn't find anywhere. There was a couch but Sherlock didn't want Hetalia to be uncomfortable. Hetalia offered to just sleep on the carpet floor, but Sherlock didn't want that to happen. So because of that they couldn't find anywhere else. Then Sherlock remembered that Doctor Who was out for the night.

"Hey Hetalia you could stay in Doctor Who's room since he isn't here for the night!" Sherlock said.

"Wait really?! Wait but what if he comes back and finds me in his bed! Wouldn't he be confused or scared that a stranger is in his bed? What if he hits me I don't want that to happen!" Hetalia said.

"Don't worry I don't thing he will mind at all! If he does try to hurt you or kill you just yell out 'MURDER!' ok? Then I would slap some sense into him and I'll hit him many times." Sherlock said with a little laugh and Hetalia laughed with him.

"Ok then lead me to his room!" Hetalia said.

So Sherlock lead Hetalia to Doctor Who's room. Hetalia went in and jumped right onto the bed. He covered himself with the sheets that were on the bed and was finallt happy and comfortable. Sherlock was about to leave and close the door but Hetalia stopped him.

"Wait! Can you do me a favor?" Hetalia asked.

"Oh yeah sure" Sherlock said.

"Uh well you see...uh... well you know it's been a while since someone tucked me in and so....will you tuck me in? You don't have to if you don't want to it's fine! And yeah I know I'm childish!" Hetalia said.

"...Sure why not." Sherlock said smiling.

"Really!? You're awesome! Thanks so much!" Hetalia said.

"Heh no problem." Sherlock said to Hetalia.

So Sherlock tucked in Hetalia. Hetalia was so happy that Sherlock did this. He really didn't expect Sherlock to say yes but he is still happy and that's all he cares about. While Sherlock was tucking in Hetalia, Hetalia was smiling at Sherlock. Sherlock noticed this and just turned red a bit and looked away and finished tucking in Hetalia. Hetalia thanked him and so Sherlock started leaving until Hetalia stopped him once agian.

"Hey um I'm still sorry know telling you to shut up accidently." 

"Oh it's fine really you didn't know what waving meant so yeah and I'm sorry for being rude to you."

"It's ok! The good thing is that we got along very well!"

"Heh yeah well goodnight!"

"Goodnight see ya tomorrow!"

So then Sherlock walked out of the room and closed the door.

"Man...He's so nice...I like that about him." Sherlock said to himself smiling while walking to his room.

Time skip to the morning!


"AAAAHHHH BLOODY MURDERER! HELP SHERLOCK! HELP SUPERNATURAL! PLEASE!" Hetalia screamed then everyone came into the room.

Ok finally finished! I had extra time to finish this which I am so happy about! I will be writing more often since I'm almost out of school which is cool but sad at the same time. So yeah I hope you liked this. When I finish this book I will write another book involving two fandoms! I'm not going to tell you because it is a surprise! I'm not sure if I should write it as the fandoms being shipped but idk I'll think about it. So yeah that's all I have to say so have a good night or day or afternoon or whatever time you are reading this! Bye!

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