An Hour Until The Party!

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Hey! So sorry I didn't write some chapters for a few days. I just... don't know what to write about. My imagination just stopped working. My brain just went "Oh ha nope not today go do something else or just go outside. Not going to give you your imagination back." *sigh* Yup basically that's what happened but here I am writing this chapter so that's good! Let's go back to the story!

It was 6:00 pm and the party didn't start until 7:00 pm. So they had an hour to spare. Hetalia was so excited. He hoped the party is going to be fun. He also wants to meet new people there. Hetalia wondered who would be going. Are they nice or are they jerks? So Hetalia decided to ask Supernatural some questions since they were the only one in the living room. The other two went to their room to do whatever they wanted to do.

"Hey Supernatural, who's coming to the party?" Hetalia asked.

"Oh well I know that we are going. I also know that other fandoms are coming to." Supernatural said. "But you know two fandoms don't you? Homestuck and MLP."

"Oh yeah I remember them! They seem really nice! Can't wait to see them again!" Hetalia said smiling. "I hope the other fandoms are nice!"

"I think they will be nice to you don't worry! And besides this party is hosted by MLP." Supernatural smiled. "He won't let ANYONE hurt you or make fun of you!"

"That sounds great!" Hetalia said smiling. "Wait but what is this party for?"

"'ll see once we are at the party. MLP will announce it at the party." Supernatural said.

"Oh ok!" Hetalia said. "So what do we do now? It's 6:20 we have 40 minutes left."

"Hmm I really don't know...I mean it's just you and me right now..." Supernatural said looking at Hetalia.

"Umm...Oh I know! We could draw!" Hetalia said getting his drawing notebook.

"Uh I really don't know how to draw Hetalia..." Supernatural said.

"Oh that's fine! Come on let's draw!" Hetalia said. "We will draw each other!"

So Hetalia ripped two pages from his book and gave a paper to Supernatural. He then got two pencils and gave one to Supernatural. So then Hetalia started to draw Supernatural. Supernatural just stood still for a moment. Then he started to draw Hetalia. He wasn't really confident with his drawing. He thinks that Hetalia might laugh at him or he might be offended. So the both of them sat there drawing for a good 15 minutes. Supernatural finished first and waited for Hetalia. Then Hetalia finished. Hetalia showed his drawing to Supernatural. Supernatural like his drawing so much. He looked at it then looked at his own. Then Hetalia smiled and told him to show the drawing to him.

"Ok then now show me your drawing!" Hetalia smiled.

"UH....IT'S NO GOOD!" Supernatural said hiding it behind his back.

"Come on it can't be that bad!" Hetalia said trying to grab it.

"BELIEVE ME IT'S NO GOOD! I'M NOT GOOD AT DRAWING!" Supernatural panicked trying to get the paper away from Hetalia, but then got the paper taken away from him. "NO!"

"No, it's good! What part don't you like?" Hetalia asked laughing.

"I don't like anything of the drawing especially the hands." Supernatural said frowning.

"Oh it's fine! Everyone has trouble with the hands!" Hetalia laughed. "I think it's adorable!"

"Really?!" Supernatural asked surprised.

"Of course!" Hetalia smiled. "Hey we can keep each others drawing! I'll sign my drawing so you know it was me who drew that and you sign your drawing so I know that you drew it!"

"Oh ok!" Supernatural said.

So the both of them signed their drawing and gave it to each other. So once they were done with that Hetalia wanted to take a picture of them together so he asked.

"Hey can we take a picture together for memories?" Hetalia asked.

"Oh yeah sure." Supernatural agreed.

So Hetalia grabbed his camera and went close to Supernatural. Supernatural smiled and so did Hetalia. Once he took the picture it was now 6:40. So once again they had about 10 minutes until they leave for the party. So Supernatural decided to entertain Hetalia so he looked at him. He was sitting their not paying attention, probably daydreaming about something. So he sneaked to Hetalia and poked his shoulder and asked him a question.

"Hey are you ticklish?" Supernatural asked.

"Yeah why? ....Oh no...." Hetalia said.

So Supernatural started to tickle Hetalia. Hetalia was dying of laughter. So He tried to get away by throwing himself on the ground. But that didn't work, Supernatural just threw himself on top of him and continued tickling Hetalia.

"HAHAHA- I CAN'T- HAHAHA- BREATH!" Hetalia said obviously laughing.

"Haha ok I'll stop tickling you!" Supernatural said getting off of Hetalia. "Oh and can you get the other two it's 6:50 we need to leave for the party."


"Well that's one way of getting them here." Supernatural said looking at Hetalia.

So Sherlock and Doctor Who came out of their rooms. Supernatural lead the way to the car and everyone went in. Sherlock and Doctor Who in the back and Supernatural driving and Hetalia next to him. Supernatural started the car and drove off to the party.

"Wooooh! Let's party! This is going to be fun!" Hetalia said with excitement in his voice.

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