Carnival Games!

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The group was now inside the carnival. There were rides and booths everywhere. There was also food near the entrance. Hetalia could smell the food. He was not the only one enjoying the smell of the food. It was also Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock smelling the food then someone spoke up.

"Hey we should eat first. I mean I just can't resist the smell of the food!" Doctor Who said with his mouth watering.

"You know I was thinking the same thing." Sherlock said.

"The let's go eat first!" Supernatural said.

So all of them went to go get food. They had to split up for a bit since they wanted different stuff. Everyone now waited in line for a while since it takes a while to make food obviously. Hetalia got pizza. Supernatural got fried twinkies. Sherlock got a funnel cake, and Doctor Who got a hot dog. Once they met up with everyone they sat down on a table. Then they looked at Supernatural.

"What is that?" Hetalia asked pointing at the fried twinkies.

"Oh they're fried twinkies! They are really good!" Supernatural said picking up one and putting it in his mouth. (I really don't know if they are actually good I'm just assuming O_O).

"Uh ok that is obviously healthy." Sherlock said sarcastically.

"Well yeah that is unhealthy but at least he's not eating them everyday." Doctor Who said.

"I guess your right." Sherlock said.

So the rest of them started eating their food. They were really enjoying it. Then they soon finished their food. So they got up threw away their trash and started to walk. Since they finished their food they decided to not get on any rides for a while cause they don't want to throw up. So they decided to play a game at a booth. There was one where you had to shoot cans with a gun (not a real one). So everyone walked to that one. Once they got there Sherlock went first and he only shot one. Then Supernatural went up and shot one as well. Doctor Who then went next and didn't shoot any. He was disappointed but let Hetalia go. Hetalia went up and grabbed the gun. He then aimed and concentrated for a bit then he began shooting the 'bullets' at the three cans. He then shot all of them down without stopping to aim. He then put the gun down. He looked at everyone and everyone was shocked that he did that in one go.

"That's how it's done." Hetalia said giving an innocent smile.

"Here's your prize!" The worker said giving Hetalia a stuffed medium sized alpaca.

"Th-that was beginners luck I can do that." Sherlock said.

"Oh ok then go ahead." Hetalia said smiling.

So Sherlock went up and grabbed the gun and aimed for a bit and then shot three times. This time he didn't shoot any cans down. Sherlock just put the gun down and told Hetalia to go up. So he did and once again he grabbed the gun, aimed it and concentrated for a bit then shot at the cans without stopping to aim again. He put the gun down and turned around.

"Well there ya go. Proof that it was not beginners luck!" Hetalia said looking at Sherlock. He then received his prize which was a stuffed giraffe. He then walked towards Sherlock.

"Here you go!" Hetalia said.

"...Thanks." Sherlock said grabbing the giraffe.

"Haha he did prove you wrong." Supernatural said laughing.

"Shut up." Sherlock said glaring at Supernatural.

So then all of them walked until they found another game to play. Then Supernatural said that they should play a game that was in front of them. It was a tossing game where you have to put the ring on the bottle. Then Hetalia saw that they have big stuffed animals that you could win so now he really wanted to play that game. So all of them went to that booth. Once they got there the worker went to go get the buckets full of rings. Once the worker gave it to everyone, they all started to throw their rings. Everyone ran out of rings and none of them made it on a bottle. Hetalia had one more ring left. So he threw it and it made it on a bottle. He told the worker and so Hetalia got a huge stuffed bear. 

"Good job Hetalia." Sherlock said.

"Yeah good job!" The others said.

Hetalia then heard someone talking behind him.

"Maybe next time sweetie." A woman said.

"But mommy I want a big bear!" a little girl said.

Hetalia then turned around and started talking to the little girl.

"What's wrong?" Hetalia asked kneeling down on the ground.

"I lost the game and I wanted the big bear." the girl said.

"Oh well that's to bad. You know that game is hard and you did try your best. You know you could have mine. And besides you could use if for a tea party." Hetalia smiled and gave the big bear to the little girl.

"Really thanks!" the girls said running off to her mother.

"Thank you!" the mother said.

"No problem!" Hetalia said smiling.

Then Hetalia went back to the others. The others smiled at him. Then they all started walking.

"That was really nice of you." Supernatural said.

"Oh yeah thanks." Hetalia said looking forward.

"Do you regret it?" Supernatural asked.

"....Yeah....." Hetalia said looking down at the ground. "Why do I have to be so nice?!"

"There there it's alright you'll get one some day." Supernatural said comforting Hetalia.

Since time has passed when they ate. They started headed towards the rides.

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