Night With Supernatural!

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Supernatural was confused on what Hetalia meant. So he looked at Hetalia with a confused look. Hetalia stared back at him and then just sighed.

"Why did we play that game? You knew it could be dangerous and look what happened. So why?" Hetalia asked.

"Oh...Well I always wanted to try one. It was something that I wanted to experience and see what happens." Supernatural said.

"So you did this because you are the only one that wanted to do this and you knew that none of us was gonna want to do this so you lied." Hetalia said.

"I...uh...well I wanted everyone to have a good time especially you since you are almost it wasn't just because I wanted to, it's because I wanted everyone to remember this night especially you." Supernatural said. "I'm really sorry... I really am..."

"It's ok I completely understand. You only wanted me to have a good time and I find that sweet. So don't worry about it." Hetalia said smiling. "Now let's go to sleep it will be easier for me to sleep if it's just raining."

"Yeah let's get some rest after all that's happened. And tomorrow is the last day you stay for the night." Supernatural said slightly sad.

"Yeah tomorrow's the last day I stay here for the night, well that's gonna be depressing." Hetalia said.

"Let's not think of that right now. Let's get some sleep." Supernatural said.

"Ok! Then let's go to sleep! Goodnight!" Hetalia said laying down and covering himself with the blankets.

"Goodnight." Supernatural said turning off the lights and going to his bed.

It was pouring outside. Hetalia fell to sleep real fast because of the rain it calms him down. Supernatural also fell asleep really fast due to the rain. What Hetalia didn't expect is that there is going to be thunder soon. He doesn't like thunder at all. The thunder just has a really loud sound to it and it comes out of no where. That's the reason Hetalia's afraid of thunder. So Hetalia was sleeping soundly when he heard a loud boom. He opened his eyes quickly. He looked around. He saw that it was 3:00 in the morning. He just told himself that there's nothing to be afraid of and closed his eyes once again. Then another boom was heard. This time it was really loud. Hetalia sat up and stayed there for a bit. He then got up and went over to Supernatural. He was asleep. He was thinking if he should wake him up or not. He then heard another boom. Yup he has decided he was gonna wake Supernatural up. So he shook Supernatural.

"Supernatural...wake up!" Hetalia whispered.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Supernatural said with a tired look on his face.

"Uh well...I'm afraid of thunder...and I can't sleep so I woke you up..." Hetalia said and then there was a loud boom and he jumped a bit.

"Oh well you can sleep with me if you want. If that works then you'll be fine." Supernatural said.

"Really? Thank you!" Hetalia whispered.

So Hetalia jumped in to the bed and lied down next to Supernatural. Hetalia then covered himself with the blankets. Hetalia kept hearing the thunder and jumped with fear. Supernatural saw that he was scared so he grabbed his phone and earbuds and gave them to Hetalia. Hetalia looked confused.

"Wait what are you doing?" Hetalia asked.

"If you put the earbuds on and put the calming music loud enough that you don't hear the thunder then you could go back to sleep." Supernatural said.

"You're right! But what if I get tangled with these earbuds?" Hetalia asked.

"Well I'll just wait for you to go to sleep and I'll take them off." Supernatural said.

"Ok I'll try to go to sleep fast so you could sleep as well!" Hetalia said putting on the earbuds and pressing play to listen to the music.

So Hetalia was now listening to the calming music. Supernatural was looking at Hetalia waiting for him to sleep. Hetalia was smiling and he was starting to get sleepy. So he closed his eyes and waited until he drifted off to sleep. He then drifted off to sleep and Supernatural went to grab the earbuds. So he took them and put his phone and earbuds away. He then went to sleep and looked at Hetalia once again.

"Goodnight." Supernatural whispered and covered himself with his blankets and covered the blanket on Hetalia as well.

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