Chasing Hetalia!

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So Supernatural kept chasing Hetalia around the backyard. Everyone was watching the both of them laughing except Sherlock because he was embarrassed by them. Then another fandom showed up in the backyard. The fandom just stood behind Sherlock, Doctor Who, Adventure Time, Warrior Cats, and Homestuck. He then tapped Sherlock on the shoulder.

"So why is Supernatural chasing him?" The fandom asked.

"Oh god don't even ask me that question." Sherlock said. "Ask Doctor Who."

"Uh ok." The fandom said walking over to Doctor Who. "So what happened?"

"Oh well Homestuck and Supernatural were arguing with eachother and then Hetalia got the idea to scare Supernatural. And then Supernatural got a bit mad and decided to chase him and Supernatural yelled 'Here comes the tickle monster!' and then Hetalia screamed 'AAAAHHH NOOOO' and then Supernatural chased him. So yeah that's what happened." Doctor Who said smiling.

"Oooh." The fandom said.

So everyone just watched. Then Supernatural saw that the fandom was there. So he yelled at the fandom to get Hetalia.

"SONIC GET HIM!!" Supernatural yelled.

"Uhh..." Sonic said.

"Just help him so all of this can stop." Sherlock said sighing.

"Ok then gotta go fast then!" Sonic said running towards him.

"AAAAAHHHHHH NOOOO!" Hetalia screamed looking behind him and running faster.

So Sonic chased Hetalia. The chase wasn't that long since it was Sonic chasing Hetalia. So Sonic grabbed Hetalia and dragged him towards Supernatural. Supernatural was out of breath and went towards Hetalia. Hetalia laughed nervously. Supernatural was now in front of him. 

"You know what I'm to tired to tickle you right now." Supernatural said.

"Oh thank god!" Hetalia said.

"Well if you don't mind me asking but are you Hetalia?" Sonic asked.

"Why yes I am! You must be Sonic since Supernatural screamed your name!" Hetalia said.

"Yes you are correct I'm Sonic nice to meet you!" Sonic said smiling.

"Nice to meet you too!" Hetalia said smiling as well.

"So are you new here because I haven't seen you before." Sonic asked.

"Yeah I am new here I'm just visiting for now but I am thinking of moving here!" Hetalia said.

"Well that's good! So when do you leave?" Sonic asked.

"Sadly I am leaving tomorrow." Hetalia answered.

"Oh well that must suck but at least you are thinking of moving here!" Sonic said.

"Yeah." Hetalia said smiling.

"SONIC!" MLP screamed from the back door. "COME HERE I NEED YOU TO HELP ME WITH SOMETHING!"

"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" Sonic said. "Well I have to go it was nice meeting you! Bye!"

"Bye!!" Hetalia said.

So then Hetalia went to Supernatural to check on him. Supernatural was just drinking punch. Hetalia smiled.

"So how are you doing?" Hetalia asked laughing. "You still tired?"

"Yeah still tired but that's okay I had fun." Supernatural said smiling.

"Ok good!" Hetalia said.

"Well me, Warrior Cats, and Homestuck are gonna talk to other fandoms so see ya later!" Adventure Time.

"Bye guys!" Warrior Cats said.

"Bye you guys." Homestuck said smiling. "See ya Hetalia!"

"Bye!!" Hetalia said.

So Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Hetalia were just hanging out outside just talking. Then Supernatural told everyone to go ahead.

"You guys can go on without me I just want to sit down for a bit." Supernatural said.

"Ok." Sherlock said.

"Well see ya later." Doctor Who said.

So the both of them went inside and left Supernatural  and Hetalia. Supernatural looked at Hetalia with a confused look.

"You know you could go with them if you want." Supernatural said. "You don't have to wait for me."

"Oh I know I just want to wait for you!" Hetalia said.

"Really? Why is that?" Supernatural asked.

"Cause you have been by my side for the party and I want to do the same!" Hetalia answered smiling.

"Well that's nice of you. Thank you." Supernatural said smiling.

"No problem!" Hetalia said.

So the both of them just hanged out with each other and were having a great time together. Once Supernatural was well rested both him and Hetalia went inside the house. Hetalia went inside first and Supernatural second. Then all of the sudden Hetalia was pushed and he fell on the ground. Supernatural went next to Hetalia and asked if he was okay. Supernatural asked what happened and then Hetalia said that he was pushed by someone. Supernatural then started getting angry.

"WHO THE HELL PUSHED HIM?!" Supernatural screamed looking around and looking at everyone.

Everyone went silent. The music stopped too. Everyone didn't want Supernatural to get too angry because they knew what would happen.

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