Supernatural Gets Help From Someone?

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Ok so I wanted to involve Supertalia in here so please don't judge me! XD

Supernatural and Hetalia were walking around once again. They had to meet a few more fandoms. So Hetalia decided to ask a question.

"So you never told me what this party is for." Hetalia said. "So what's the occasion?"

"Oh um wait until MLP announces it ok?" Supernatural said.

"Oh ok." Hetalia said. "So when is MLP gonna announce the occasion?"

"MLP is gonna announce it once you meet everyone." Supernatural answered.

"Oh ok so how many more fandoms do I have left to meet?" Hetalia asked.

"Um about 6 more fandoms left." Supernatural said looking around.

"Wow so we are almost finished meeting everyone!" Hetalia said smiling.

"Yeah almost done and the night is getting closer to ending..." Supernatural said sadly.

"Hey what's wrong? You just got sad all of a sudden." Hetalia said worried.

"Well the night is almost ending and you are leaving that means the more time that flies by the less I get to spend time with you...." Supernatural said.

"...Well...I guess you're right but you don't have to worry about that now. We need to have as much fun as we can!" Hetalia said. "So come on let's have fun!"

"'re right." Supernatural said smiling.

So the both of them went walking around looking for a new fandom. While they were walking something got thrown at the wall right in front of Hetalia's face which means he almost got hit on the face.

"Woah..." Hetalia said surprised.

"OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY! I DIDN'T SEE YOU THERE!" A fandom said running to Hetalia.

"Oh uh it's ok!" Hetalia said.

"Well nice to meet you! I'm Avengers!" Avengers said smiling.

"I'm Hetalia! Nice to meet you!" Hetalia said.

"Hey are you alright? I saw that you were pushed by someone." Avengers said.

"Oh yeah I am fine! Thanks for worrying!" Hetalia said.

"I can't believe someone would push you!" Avengers said.

"Uh yeah but we became friends so no worries!" Hetalia said.

"Well that's good that you two got along!" Avengers said smiling. "Supernatural is so scary once he's mad don't you think?"

"Heh yeah he is scary!" Hetalia said laughing.

"Ahem I am standing right here you know." Supernatural said. "And besides I was only protecting Hetalia from any more danger."

"Well that's sweet!" Avengers said. "You must really care about him then!"

"Of course I do..." Supernatural said turning a bit red. "I know he would do the same."

"That's adorable!" Avengers said smiling. "You're even turning red!"

"He is?" Hetalia said getting closer to Supernatural's face.

"NO I'M NOT!" Supernatural said turning around. "I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM BE RIGHT BACK!"

"Well that happened." Hetalia said.

"So are you having a good time at this party?" Avengers asked.

"Yeah despite the fact that I got pushed and almost got hit by something!" Hetalia said smiling.

"Wow it's a unique night for you!" Avengers said laughing.

"Yup very unique!" Hetalia said laughing along.

So the both of them kept talking. Then Supernatural came back from the bathroom.

"I am back." Supernatural said.

"Welcome back! We missed you!" Hetalia said smiling.

"Thanks." Supernatural said smiling.

"Well I'm gonna go so see ya Hetalia and Supernatural!" Avengers said.

Avengers started walking towards Supernatural. Avengers wants to tell something to Supernatural. So she whispered to him.

"Hey Supernatural I know that you like him!" Avengers whispered.

"Wait what?!" Supernatural whispered.

"Don't worry I'll help you!" Avengers said winking walking away.

"What did she say?" Hetalia asked.

"Oh nothing." Supernatural answered. "Don't worry about it."

"Oh ok!"

So Supernatural and Hetalia just walked around hanging out as usual. As they were hanging out Hetalia was leaning against the wall and Supernatural was in front of him. The both of them were talking when suddenly Supernatural got pushed by Avengers (who ran away after she pushed Supernatural). Supernatural then was so close to Hetalia with his hands against the wall. Hetalia just stood there looking at Supernatural blushing a bit with wide eyes.

"S-so sorry!" Supernatural said with a red face.

"It's fine don't worry about it." Hetalia said smiling.

So the both of them kept hanging out once again. The both of them then were at the snack section. They were laughing and having a great time. Then Avengers went up to Hetalia and pretended to bump into him, so Hetalia went towards Supernatural. Supernatural grabbed Hetalia. Once again they were close to each other. Hetalia then looked up and his face was close to Supernatural's. The both of them blushed a bit.

"S-so...sorry!" Hetalia said backing up.

"O-oh uh it's ok!" Supernatural said. "Um I-I'll be right back just wait here!"

"Oh um o-ok!" Hetalia said smiling.

So Supernatural went to go find Avengers. Once he did he went up to her.

"Hey Avengers I know what you're doing. That's really nice of you, but can you maybe stop cause it's making everything awkward and I don't want our friendship to go away." Supernatural said.

"Oh bummer I thought I was helping well ok I'll stop!" Avengers said smiling.

"Ok thanks!" Supernatural said walking away.

"Ha so you do like him." Avengers said to herself. "Well don't worry I'll keep it a secret and good luck."

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