Chapter 8 (unedited)

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I can't believe what I just saw. I walked back to my room thinking about what had just happened, making me start crying again.

Walking in my room the guys were still in there and looked up when they heard the door close.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Alex asked getting up to hug me.

"Yeah best friend, who ass I gotta beat?" Devans loud ass yelled getting up and walking to me.

"Just go look in the living room and you'll see." I said walking to the bed and laying back down.

The guys all looked at me with curious faces but walked out of my room towards the living room.

I bet you're wondering what happened, well let me tell you.

I walked into the living room, what I saw brought tears to my eyes. Trey was sitting there with some girl on his lap eating his face off, while he had his hand in her pants I guess they didn't even notice me standing there so I quietly went back up the stairs. So much for getting with him.
Flashback over

Of course. I was dumb to think that he liked me. I mean who would like a fat ugly slob like me? Definitely not Trey that's for sure.

I laid down and closed my eyes, only for them to shoot back open when I heard yelling coming from the living room. It seemed to be Alex and Trey.

I quietly walked into the living room to see what all of the yelling was about.

"I told you not to fucking do that dumb shit, I thought you said she was different! What happened to that huh?" Alex yelled. Were they talking about me?

"She is different and I didn't mean to fuck up, it just happened, and I was stressed out." Trey said back.

"So you go and do dumb shit, fuck outta here. She's mine now, I'm tired of seeing her cry over you." Alex said. Wait Alex liked me and they're arguing over me?

I finally made my presence known and stepped from out of the hallway.

"Stop." I said. They acted like they didn't even hear me and kept on arguing.

"Stop!" I screamed finally getting their attention. They both snapped their heads towards me.

"I think I should go, I've caused enough problems." I said walking upstairs. I haven't even been here a week,and I'm already causing trouble. They are obviously good friends, and I don't want to mess that up.

I was walking before I felt a hand on my arm making me turn around to see the Devan and Dante

"Why are you leaving?" Devan asked.

"I'm obviously causing a problem here. Two of your best friends are fighting and its because of me. Don't you want me to leave?"

"No. Don't worry about them, they'll be fine. We don't want you to leave." Dante pleaded.

"I don't want to get between them, and me being here is going to do that." I said turning back around and walking upstairs.

I walked into my room and got the suitcase that they had bought me out and started putting clothes in it. I left out all of the expensive ones because I'm sure they'll want those back.

I was almost done packing my clothes when Alex walked in.

"What are you doing?" He asked rubbing his face.

"I'm leaving." I stated simply.

"No, you're not." He said taking my clothes out of the suit case and putting them on my bed.

"Just because me and Trey got into an argument about you, doesn't mean you're causing a problem. You didn't do anything wrong." He said with a small smile.

"I'm obviously coming in between you two. I can see that I'm not wanted."

"We all want you here, even if Trey doesn't act like it, he does." He said grabbing my hands and hugging me. I tried to get out of his grasp but he wouldn't budge, I finally just gave up and hugged him back.

Dante and Devan walked in and joined into the hug, making it a group hug, with a crazy girl crying in the middle.

"You're not leaving, we won't let you." Dante said, making the guys nod their heads in agreement.

"Here let us help you." Devan said taking my clothes and putting them back where they belong.

When they were done they left, but j didn't miss that wink that Alex gave me, making me blush. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so light.

I just laid down when there was a knock on the door. Thinking it was Alex I said to come in. Guess who it was.... You know what I'm just going to tell you, it was Trey.

"Hey..." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Can I help you." I asked. Why would he be in here.

"Yeah... I just wanted to say sorry. I know that you probably hate me, but I really am sorry for hurting you. I'm not used to being committed to one person, you should go with Alex he'll take way better care of you then I ever could." He said with a warming smile.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"Cause I'll be there to kick his ass if he ain't, and I'm sure Devan and Dante's bitch asses would be more than happy to help." He said making me crack a smile.

"You damn right." Devan said from the other side of the door. Making me laugh. Of course he would be eavesdropping.

"Man now they know we're out here dumbass." Dante said with a smacking sound following after it. So Dante was eavesdropping too huh? of course he was.

The door slowly opened with a pink looking Devan behind it.

"Sorry for listening to your business, I just wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt. No offense to you." He said looking at Trey.

"None taken, I respect you for that." He said giving him dap.

"Well I'm gonna take a nap." I said laying back down and falling asleep....

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