Chapter 12 (unedited)

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I woke up smelling that loud and hearing blasting music. I don't know what's worse the music being that damn loud, or not being able to sleep. Ya girl don't play about her sleep, I'm finna go down there and fuck them up.

I look over to see Devan still sleeping, not sure how he's still sleeping but oh well.

I get out of the bed and walk down stairs and followed the music. It went into a room with the guys in it.... Are these niggas sleeping? Not for long.

I went into the hallway to see a guy, so I kindly walked over to him.

"Excuse me." I said tapping on the guys shoulder.

"Yes?" He asked turning around.
Let me tell you this boy was so cute, like he had a baby face.

"Where is your kitchen?" I asked looking around.

"I'll show you." He said starting to walk. I followed quickly behind him.

Looking around all I saw wear females wearing just their panties and bras. I'm not going to judge them though, I don't know the reason they're doing this job, and I wouldn't want them judging me. I know what it feels like to be judged.

We walked into the kitchen and I went straight to the cabinets to look for some pots.

Finding two decent sized pots I got them out and went to the room the guys were in and immediately started banging them.

"I ain't get no sleep cause of y'all *bang* now y'all not gone get no sleep cause of me. *bang*" I started dying at their faces.

For some reason there was a little crowd of guys by the door, but they were laughing so I was cool with it.

"What the fuck? Get back to work." Dante said rubbing his eyes, making all of the people surrounding the door run off.

"Like I said. "I and get not sleep cause of y'all, now y'all not gone get no sleep cause of me!" I said doing my little dance again.

Devan came down the stairs looking mad until he seen the guys faces and immediately started laughing making me laugh. He just has one of those contagious laughs, and a pretty smile.

Honestly all of the guys have pretty smiles, but I have to say Devans is my favorite.

"So you're the one down here making all this noise?" He said still laughing.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." I said playing dumb and looking around.

"Mhm y'all need to get up, we need to go home. A nigga want some food." Devan said rubbing his stomach.

"Nigga ya always hungry and want food, fuck you mean?" Alex said making everyone laugh.

"Man whatever just get yo asses up, I'll be in the car." He said walking outside to the car with me following him, with the guys slowly getting up and following me.

We got in the car and I turned the radio on, since I'm the in the front seat. And of course I run shit around here, but only for "needed me" to come on. Everyone looked at each other with the exception of  Devan and I, they looked at each other with a knowing look. They then looked at me and Devan.

"Y'all better not." Alex said.

"Change it." Dante said.

"Please lord, not today." Trey said looking up.

"Fuck that shit up best friend." Devan said laughing and starting to dance to the song with me

"Didn't they tell you that I was a savage?" I said looking at Devan.

"Ehhhhhhh my best friend cute as fuck and she can sing." Devan said making me laugh and the guys mug the fuck outta him.

"You better watch out homie, she's not cute, she's beautiful." Alex said laughing and punching him in the arm.

"We all have a beautiful ass friend." He said correcting himself.

"Better." Trey said nodding.

For some thugs they have respect for females. That's probably why he doesn't have the girls that work at their trap work naked.

We pulled up to the house and all  got out.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked walking up to the ratchet ass girl in front of me. Her shorts were so short you could see her ass cheeks.

"Oh shit." I heard all the guys whisper at the same time which I thought was weird as hell.  I'm not sure how they know her, but you best believe I will be figuring it out, and that's on moms.

We walked up to her and she automatically started screaming.

"Why haven't you come to see me and take care of your baby that's in my stomach. You laid down to have it, now you need to come take care of it." She yelled rolling her long ass neck looking like a chicken. Making me snap my head in his direction, but it looked like he wasn't worried about me and just wanted to kill her. Whatever her name is.  I was confused. I didn't know he got someone pregnant.

"That's not my damn baby, I just let yo ass give me neck and that's it. You need to stop telling all yo lil squally friends, that that's my baby. You prolly not even pregnant." Dante yelled right back. Then out of nowhere you hear Devans loud ass start yelling worldstar making everyone except for the two arguing laugh.

"Once I have this baby I'm putting yo ass on child support." She said walking away.

"Ooooooooohhhhhhh her ratchet ass said she was gonna put you on child supportttttttt." Devan said in the background like Kevin Hart, making everyone laugh this time.

"Man fuck her. I know for a damn fact I didn't get her pregnant." He said walking inside with us following him.

"All of ya need to stop messing around with these hoes, then you wouldn't be having this problem. You need to find a down ass female, that's only for you, and not worried about anyone saying anything about y'all." I said sitting down in the couch.

"Yeah well, not everyone is like you Lee." Dante said sitting down by me.

"I know, I'm one of a kind." I said yawning.

I don't know how but I'm still tired, oh wait it could  be because I'm constantly getting woke up out my damn sleep. But I mean that's just a thought.

Not meaning to, I leaned my head on Dantes shoulder and drifted off to sleep with the guys talking around me.




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