Chapter 20 (unedited)

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Heading to the trap house everyone was silent, I guess there really wasn't much to talk about. The only thing that kept running through my head was what they were going to do to them when they decide to do something.

Arriving at the trap house we all hopped out of the car and headed in.  I still get amazed when I go inside, you would think that because its a trap house it would be all busted up, but it's really not. The outside looks like a a low-class home, while the inside looks like a mansion almost.

"Come on." Alex said grabbing my hand and leading me to the back room where all the guys already were.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do... We're going to wait until we catch them alone and snatch them up, as for that Derek nigga and other person, we're still trying to find out who they are, and how they're tied to Alyssa and Ashely." Trey said looking at a computer with both of their files pulled up.

"Alright, I'll go tell Chris to get some people to watch them, and their houses to see if those two niggas decide to pop up." Alex said walking out of the room.

"You know I still haven't met whoever this "Chris" is " I said looking at the guys.

"Really?" Devan asked.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

"Well come on." Trey said standing up, with Devan and I, not far behind.
He started walking towards the front of the house and stopped at a door, and knocked on it.

"Come in." Said a low, but not too low voice.

We walked in to see the guy that handed me the pots when I woke the guys up that one time, and a pretty girl on his lap.

"Hey I know you, you were the one that handed me those pots when I went to wake the guys up." I said chuckling, making him do the same.

"That would be me." Everyone else just looked confused.

"So you have met him before?" Trey asked.

"Not really, but we spoke briefly. Anyways, I'm Kaylee." I said waving at him and the girl.

"I'm Chris, and this beautiful girl here is Bre." He said making her blush and lightly hit him on his chest.

"Its nice to see a girl with all of their clothes on." She said making me the guys smack their lips, and us roll our eyes.

"I'm saying. You would think since they know they ant wear any clothes, they would take care of themselves, but nahhhh." I said laughing.

"They still come here smelling like 3 cans of bounce dat ass." She said making me laugh.

"That's EXACTLY what I said." I said throwing my hands up.

"Great, look what we started." Trey said with Chris nodding his head agreeing. Making me punch his arm, and Bre punch Chris.

"Shut up." We both said at the same time, before looking at each other and laughing.

"So what did y'all need?" Chris said rubbing his arm.

"Nothing, Kaylee just wanted to meet you." Devan said shrugging his shoulders.

"Hey, are you doing anything later?" Bre asked me.

"Nope, just going to be at the house, where I always am since the guys leave me all the time." I said faking hurt, making the guys smack their lips.

"Keep on smacking em, and imma rip em off." I said mugging them, making them stop and Chris look at me in amazement.

"Man whatever, you ain't gonna do anything." Dante said leaning on the wall.

"Alright, have fun making your own food for now on." I said smirking

"You know I was just playing." He said making a pouty face. I just simply laughed and turned back around to Bre.

"Anyways, not doing anything, why what's up?" I asked looking at her curiously.

"Do you want to go to the mall with me? I'm sure Chris gets tired of going with me."

"Ya ain't lying." He mumbled under his breath, making her slap him.

"Yeah, that's cool with me. What time?" I asked looking at my phone to see what time it was now.

"Uhhh. Is 4 good?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's cool with me." I said nodding my head.

"Wait, what are we supposed to do while you're gone?" Devan asked pouting.

"I don't know, I'm sure you'll find something to do, unless y'all want to go with us?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me." Dante said with the rest of the guys nodding their heads on agreement, Chris included.

"As long as its okay with you?" I said lookin at Bre.

"Yeah its cool. We should go now then." She said. We all shook our heads and headed outside...


Thanks to all of you that commented on my last thing, I will be continuing the book.

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