Chapter 6

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I woke up to whispering. Me, being who I am looked up and seen the guys standing there with smirks on their faces, and sharpies in their hands.

"Let's get Kaylee first, and then Trey." Devan loud ass said.

"I suggest you don't." I said sitting up and looking at their shocked faces with a smirk now on my face.

"So is there any reason why we shouldn't mess with Trey?" Dante asked. I pretended to think about it.

"Nope. Go for it, but when he wakes up and beats y'all asses, I don't want to hear shit." I said getting up and walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

When i got finished I walked out to see the guys drawing on Trey's face with sharpie.

"Ya know he's gonna fuck all of you up when he wakes up right?" I asked standing in the doorway.

"No. He's gonna fuck you up." Devan said throwing me a marker and running out of the room, with the guys not far behind.

Out of nowhere all you hear is a loud ass horn, and see Trey jump up.

"What the fuck man?" Trey said walking towards the bathroom.

"WHO THE FUCK DREW ON MY FACE?" Taivon yelled storming out of the bathroom. He then looked towards me, and down to my hands.

"Really?" He said pissed.

"What?" I said looking down to my hands, noticing I was still holding the marker I tried to hide my hands behind my back.

"You see what had happened was..." I said starting to ramble.

"Just get the fuck out." He said pushing me towards the door.

"Stop pushing me."

"Well if you would get your big ass out, then I wouldn't have to." He said closing the door in my face.

I didn't even notice I was crying until I felt something wet drop on my hand. I quickly wiped my tears and walked to the kitchen. His words kept on ringing in my head, my "big ass" doesn't need anything to eat.

Slowly my insecurities started coming back, as I changed my direction and walked to the living room instead, only to see all go the guys laughing until they seen I was crying.

Alex was the first one to say something.

"What's wrong ma?" Alex asked.

"Uh nothing, my head just hurts that's all." I said wiping a few tears that were falling.

Just then Trey came out with of his room mugging me, you could still see some of the sharpie.

"Thanks to you I'm not going anywhere today." He said looking at me. I'm not even the one who did it, he didn't even let me talk, he just jumped to conclusions.

"I'm sorry." I whispered then ran to my room, and locked the door. I flopped down on my bed and shut my eyes, trying to stop the tears.

***** Taivon POV*****

I am mad as hell. Why the fuck would she write on my face, and with sharpie at that? I didn't mean to call her big, but it just kinda slipped out. After she ran off to her room all the guys turned to look at me with mugs on their faces,especially Alex.

"Yo why did you do that?" Alex asked.

"Nigga I know you see this shit on my face, that's why. That shit was unnecessary, she didn't even need to do all of this." I said pointing to my face that I got most of the sharpie off of, but there was still some on there.

"Did you let her explain?" Dante asked.

"There ain't nothing to explain. She drew on my fucking face with a sharpie." I said.

"Nigga you deadass wrong for that, and you said some shit to her before she came in here too. She ain't  even draw on your face, we did. You blowing this shit way out ta proportion." Devan said going to Kaylee's room, with Alex not far behind. That's when I knew I fucked up, because 1. Devan was being serious and 2. Because I bitched, and acted like a bitch towards her and she didn't even do anything. I didn't even let her explain. She probably hates me right now, and I honestly don't blame her.

Dante just looked at me then shook his head.

"Look I don't know what you said to her before she came in here, but I'm sure from the way you were just acting towards her that it was fucked up. I'm ya boy and a good friend and good friends are supposed to tell you when you make a mistake, so i'm gonna just come out and say you fucked up, and you better make everything right. I know you have some type of feelings for her, but if you really piled her then those negative ass words wouldn't have came out of your mouth when you were talking to her. I'm just keeping it 100." He said before walking into her room, when Devan and Alex came out and started walking towards me.

"You called her big? Really bruh?" Devan said standing in front of me.

"You know now she's in there crying her eyes out, cause she thinks she's ugly and her body is ugly. You wanna know something, for someone that has feelings for her you sure aren't acting like it. I like her ass too, but you're my boy so I was going to try and leave that alone, but you're hurting her, got her in there crying and shit. She wouldn't even tell us why she was crying even when we knew you did something, she just said you didn't mean it. She's trying to defend you even after you did wrong, that's how loyal she is." Alex said shaking his head making me feel even worse.

"I get it I fucked up. I gotta find a way to fix it, and I respect you for that." I said giving Alex dap.

"You better, or I'm going to." Alex said walking up stairs. Leaving me and Devan.

"One of y'all foo ass niggas better treat her right, I don't care which one, but one of ya better do it, cause she's like a little sister to me now, and I don't want to have to fuck y'all up for doing her wrong." He said before walking upstairs leaving me and my thoughts alone.

I've got to make it up to her, but I don't know how....

**authors note**
I know its short but I got the 2 votes so here's the chapter.

2 votes for next chapter

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