Chapter 17 (unedited)

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I woke up, and sat up only for Alex to come in the room and tell me to lay back down. Ever since we got home from the hospital everyone has been acting weird, and have been staying around me, more than usual.

"The only reason I want to see yo ass getting up is to go to the bathroom, or if you need to go somewhere, you need to tell me. I can bring you wherever you need to go, or bring you whatever you need." he said sitting down next to me with his face all in his phone, making me roll my eyes. I tried to sneak see what he was doing, but he just moved his phone farther away from me.

"I am perfectly capable of getting up, and getting whatever I need thank you very much." I said rolling my eyes again.

"Roll em again." He said not even looking up at me.

"How did you-"I started to say before I got cut off.

"Know you rolled your eyes? Because I know you and i'm just good like that." He said finally looking at me with a smirk on his face and popping his collar. I rolled my eyes again, for the fourth time and he didn't do anything.

"That's what I thought, you aren't going to do anything." I said but he still had that smirk on his face.

"Just wait till you get better." he said standing up and leaving, only for Devan to come in.

"Best friend, I need advice." He said sitting down at the end of my bed, and crossing his legs.

"What's up?" I asked giving him my undivided attention. 

"The sky duh." he said making me mug him.

"Nigga you came up in here, don't start." I said laughing and playfully pushing him.

"Okay, okay. I really do need some advice though." He said getting serious.

"What is it?" I ask clearly concerned. I grabbed the water (that Alex just had to bring me) I had on the side of my bed and took a drink.

I don't like when he's serious, it means something is really wrong. He is the funny and goo one of the group, he's not supposed to be serious, he's supposed to turn everything into a joke. One thing I love about him is that he always makes me smile, but can be serious when it comes down to it.

"Is it bad... that I love you?" he asked making me spit the water I had in my mouth out and look at him shocked. I honestly didn't know what to say.

"You're my best friend, and I love you." he repeated.

"Like as a friend?" I asked. He just sat there in his own world, clearly avoiding the question.

"Yes. It's just i've never really loved someone before, and it's new to me. I mean i've loved people before, but that's just the guys, and they're like my brothers, so it's different with you. Love hurts people, so i'm not really feeling it." He said looking everywhere but at me.

"Look at me, I love you too. I promise i'm not going to hurt you." I said grabbing his face and making him look at me.

"When you were in the hospital, I didn't know what to do. I honestly didn't think you were going to make it, i was a nervous wreck. speaking of that, the guys and I have something to tell you." he said getting up and taking my hand to go downstairs.

"Alex is gonna whoop yo ass for letting me walk downstairs." I said laughing, which made my stomach hurt.

"No he ain't." he said as he stopped walking and turned around. I looked at him curiously, then out of nowhere he picked me up and started carrying me down the stairs. 

"This is your idea to make him not bitch at you?" I asked smiling.

"You know I'm not the smart one." He said looking up from where he was walking, to look at me.

"You right." I said as we reached the living room, where all the guys were, making them all look at us.

"Why the fuck you holding her?" Trey said sitting up.

"Because she can't walk remember?" He said talking to them like they were dumb, making me laugh.

"Shut yo ass up and put her down."Alex said coming in the room with a juice pouch.

"Aren't them drinks for kids?" I asked as Devan put me down on the couch, and sat down next to me.

"No trix are for kids, those are for real niggas." He said getting up.

"I drank the last one." Alex said making him sit down and mug him, which mad us all laugh.

"You better buy some more." Devan said crossing his arms, pouting.

"Whatever nigga."

"So what do y'all have to tell me, you all have been acting weird since the hospital." I said looking at all of them, they suddenly all got serious.

"When we were at the hospital waiting to hear how you were doing, a doctor came out and said that you didn't make it." he said letting out a huge breath. I couldn't say anything, this was my second time like this today. 

"Like dead?" i asked finally bringing myself to say something. They all just nodded their heads.

"That's why I guess you could say we've been acting weird. You just mean a lot to us, and we don't want to lose you. We didn't know what to do when that doctor said that." Dante said with his head down.

I just sat there in thought. It's weird to me, to have people that actually care about me like this, even my own mother didn't love me like this. She use to a long time ago, before my dad left her. My dad was great, he loved me with everything he had in him, well maybe not since he just left me with her. I don't know where he is now, I haven't talked to him in over 12 years. I don't know what I would do if I ever saw him again. 

"LEE." Devan yelled snapping in my face, bringing me out of my thoughts


"We've been calling yo name for 5 minutes." Dante said looking at me concerned. 

"I'm fine, I just think i'm going to take a nap." I said putting my head in Devan's lap. 

"You sure you're okay?" he asked playing with my hair. I just simply nodded my head, and drifted off to sleep.


Thanks for all of your votes and comments💜

Thank you @JAXLOVE12 for making this bomb cover for the Chapter💯💯

If you want to make me a cover just comment, and I will message you. 

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