Stick in the Face

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After what seemed hours of mindless wandering, Kylee hoped she had finally found what she'd been looking for.  Third bar on the left, I think... I hope... She had found a wall with pipes at the side, her first big break in quite some time.  Hesitantly, she pulled the bar and to her greatest pleasure the wall opened up with a groan.  Her pride quickly turned into anxiety, techincally she was tresspassing. When the massive door came to a stop, Kylee found herself gazing into a huge room full of gym equiptment, training gear, and a decked-out TV set.  There was even an improve kitchen.

Kylee had found the turtles lair! She was so excited she forgot to text Becca, stepping into one of her wildest dreams comes true.  She did one of her happiest, most pathetic jiggs ever- but she couldn't help herself. She could see the turtles fridge and table and training area, totally geeking out on the inside and was dying to see the guys' rooms. Looking around carefully, she started up the stairs when she felt a hard thing touch her back.  She jumped, and then froze with sheer terror. Looking behind her ever so slowly, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh good. It's just you... wait- you're still alive, Master?"

The rat took her by the arm, flipped her off the stairs and onto her back.  And he wasn't kind about it. It felt like the move almost like he had snapped her spine in half- and her arm?  She was sure it would never work the same again. Dizzy, Kylee somehow still managed to find words. "Hee hee, still full of life, aren't you, Master Splinter?"

The rat put his walking stick up to her face, and the girl went cross-eyed looking at it. "Kow is it you know who I am? And, perhaps most importantly, how is it you found yourself in my home?" Splinter asked firmly.

"Well, gee.  It's a very long, bizarre, rather complicated story." Kylee replied, but she squeaked when he pushed the stick harder against her face.  "Alright, alright! I've been looking for this place for a couple hours, I knew which bar to pull... 'cause ive seen it before. I grew up listening to you lecturing your sons, Master. Hey, is it natural to get dizzly going cross-eyed?"  She explained, or rather rambled, nervously.

"I did not raise or train you.  In fact, I'm fairly certain I've never seen you before. How do you know of my sons?"  He applied no more or less pressure on the staff, and kept her on the ground.

"I've been watching you guys forever. There's Leonardo, Raphael, Donetello, and Michelangelo. I'd tell ya more just to get up." She offered, hating that her voice sounding something like a plea.  But she couldn't help it.  After what seemed like lots of contemplation, Splinter let the girl up finally.  Yet his staff stayed at the ready, and his ninja-trained eyes fixed on Kylee. "Master, I came down here to become a student of one of your sons. Raph... in particular. I was hoping he could train me like you did him."  She explained.

"You do not know what you ask-"

"Sure I do!" She interuppted, perhaps not wisely.  "I know he's a hot head, violent, impatient, pushy, rebellious, and easily offended. I know he carries the world difficulties on himself, and while he is all those things, he's also caring and compassionate, and extremly loyal. To me as an individual, he would be a wonderful master. He could push me farther then I can go by myself. I suffer from anger issues too, and its hard to hold my tongue a lot.... I need to learn how to be bold. I talk tough, but in the end I'm nothing. Please, Master Splinter, I know what I'm asking for..." What Kylee said was entirely true- she may threaten a punch, but it would never carry through.

Splinter could see that, he also saw that the human girl bore no threat to his family. "You have... heart, young one.  What is your name?" He asked.

The girl smiled, seeing an opening in the rat. "I'm Kylee, Master. Kylee Cook." She bowed to the rat, who put a paw on her shoulder.

"I will summon Donetello, he will Bring you to Raphael's home."

Kylee frowned.  "You mean, he doesn't live here anymore?"

"My sons left a few years back, to find their own homes, as children often do." He said simply.  "Only Donatello remained."

"Huh." Kylee said.  "I would've guessed Leo..." Splinter Juinor an all... 

Master Splinter smiled, although he was perplexed by her. This girl was strange, and unlike the few humans he knew.  It did concern him that the outside world was aware of their presence- then again, she had been the only one to claim such a feat.  And the rat seriously doubted that this television program had gotten much right of their story.  He found himself sinking further into thought as he went to get Donatello.

Kylee frantically dug out her phone, ocming to her senses.  Dude!  I found them!  I just met Master Splinter!! She sent to Becca.

"What? A visitor?  Is it April?" A new voice spoke up. Kylee saw Donny and Splinter come around the corner, tucking her phone back into her pocket without an answer from her friend. But as soon as Donny saw her, he went into ninja-mode and in seconds was in front of her with his staff in her face. "Put the bo staff down, Donny, I come in peice, and hope to not leave in pieces." Kylee said with her hands in the air. Donetello looked surpirsed that this kid knew his name, which made him more brutal.

Splinter came calmly and pushed the staff out of the girl's face. "Donetello, this is our guest., Ms. Cook. She is some how aware of our family, and came looking to train under your brother."

"Leo?" Donny asked looking at his sensei, but the rat shook his head.

"Raphael." He answered.

Donny blinked, staring at Kylee for a moment in confusion.  But when she didn't object, he burst into hysterical laughter. "Learning from Raph!? But that's a death wish!"

"Gee, thanks Donny. " Kylee said with her fists balled up. He kept laughing until she took his staff and hit him on the head a couple times, catching him by surprise. "OW!" Donny took his staff away from her, rubbing his head. "Okay, so maybe you are a Raph kinda person..."

Kylee nodded, smirking with sass and her hand on her hip. "Glad you see it my way!" She said. "Man, you sure did get tall, didn't ya Donny?"

"I'm not a teen anymore, kid. Whats your name, since you know mine. And how did you know about us?"

"I'm Kylee. And I'm not a kid. How I know about you guys is a long story, Don." She warned.

"And I believe she also said it was 'very bizarre and rather complcaited', as well." Master Splinter said with amusement.

She sighed. "You sure you wanna hear it?"

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