Knives in the Face

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"Wow, that was long." Donatello sighed.

Kylee rolled her eyes.  "Told you so..."

Don looked at Master Splinter.  "But sesei, how could we have been discoverd? We were so careful for years, and how'd they know so much? Our names, weapons, where we live and how to get in!?" Donny was beside himself, and Kylee decided to calm him a little.

"Lucky guess? Coincidence?"  She offered.  "Am I right in assuming not all of it was real, though?  Like time traveling, the science is impossible even for you.  It's just a continual loop, right?  We could never move forward!"

Donny nodded slowly, meeting her eager gaze.  "Right.... And the Shredder being an alien? No. He was an ordinary man, only some how he went into a dorment like state for a while.  Never did figure that one out."

"The triceratons were real though." Master Splinter clarified.

Kylee arched an eyebrow.  "Aliens, really?"

Donatello shugged.  "Our story is complicated, Kylee.  Did you expect anything different?" He asked.  When she shook her head, he gestured like his point had been made.  "What's with wanting to train with Raph of all people, thought?"

"Its simple, really, Donny. I'm way too dumb for you; I have a feeling Mikey wouldn't take it seriously enough; and even though Leo would be a pretty good teacher, and he'd be able to help me with more than just ninjutsu, I just feel Raph would be the better teacher for me. He can push me farther then I can go alone, He won't allow me to quit just 'cause I'm tired, maybe he could help me learn way to manage my anger." Kylee explained.  "Does...that make sense?"

Donny was smirking and shaking his head, and Splinter just smiled.  "Not in the slightest, but things with Raph never do."

Suddnely, a lightbulb in her head.  "Hey, Don, you never said anything about not being in love with April!" Kylee said.

He turned away and blushed, if that was even possible for a giant, mutated turtle. "No, I didn't.  But she's married-"

"-To Casey, yeah, I know."

"That was in the series too?!" He exclaimed.

"Err, yeah... you weren't happy."

Donny leaned his head onto his fist, looking somewhere between intrguied and frustrated.  "Kylee, you wouldn't happen to have a copy of this show with you would ya?" Kylee grinned, scampering over to her suitcase and rummaging through it.

"I thought someone would ask, so I brought the whole series and the movie. Be careful, though some of it may be a bunch of crap... but I did grow up on that.". She found the discs and handed her prized possessions to Don.

He nodded to her. "Thanks. So I guess I'd better get you to Raph's." He set the discs on the kitchen table, walking toward the lair entrance.  "C'mon, kid."

Kylee followed, a deep, irritated frown on her face.  "I am not a kid!" She protested.

Master Splinter chuckled to himself.  Perhaps this would be more entertaining than his usual shows, he thought, picking up the discs and going to the TV set.

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Donny parked his prized tech near Raph's place and looked at Kylee. Her hair was a mess, and she was smiling like a maniac, and he was fairly certain she had lost her mind.  "That was AWESOME. Nasty, but awesome!" She gave the Sewer Cruiser two thumbs up, then reached up to fix her hair.  Then she looked around. "This where raph lives?" She asked as Donny helped her out of the Sewer Cruiser.

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