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“So what you’re telling me is that my biological Mother is right below us, with the kid who dropped the jar all those years ago?”

“In theory.” Kylee was smiling like a retard, and Becca was nodding like a retard right beside her. The girls felt that they had made a major accomplishment until Donny crushed that. “So why do I care about that?” The girl’s faces dropped, their mouths flung open. “W-WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT THAT?! DUDE THAT’S YOUR MOM! BLOOD, SCALES, SHELL AND ALL! Why wouldn’t you care?” Becca was stomping around and smacking Kylee around.

 “Why you beating me up!?”



“Girls, my mother is a simple, average, every day turtle. No speciality of any kind-“

Kylee leaned on a chimney pipe “What a loving son, don’t’cha  think Bec?”

Rebecca joined her friend, leaning on Kylee’s shoulder, “oh indubitably, dearest sister. The most adulate son ever.”

“Working on the big words aren’cha?”

“Hey, when you hang out with Donny-you gotta keep up with his big words.”

“And I thought I was the literate one.”

“We both are stupid. I just have a gift.”

“Yeah. That I brought out in ya-”

“Don’t take all the credit, sister dear.”

While the girls went about their bickering, Donny went about investigating this oh so important mother of his. Donny was hanging upside down, looking into an empty room. He slipped in and started to investigate the aquarium. Inside was a small little turtle- a small little spoiled turtle. Her habitat was a turtle paradise, Full of stones and shrubs and all this other stuff.

“You’ve been caught green handed buddy. So much for your mom not being important, right Don? See Bec. I told ya that fake fight that rambles on would get him bored enough to investigate.”

“Mkay, mkay-respect.”

“Hand over that five bucks.”

“We didn’t bet on that…”

“So? Hand it over-“


“Stubborn meany.”


“Okay girls. I admit you got me interested. But what’s does it matter really? I was raised by Master Splinter, my father, who is actually intelligent. Why would I need to waste my time with my, less intelligent, mother?”

“oh, I dunno, maybe cause she’s the reason you exist?....more or less? I mean you wouldn’t have been born without her, not the non-existent without the ooz part, but being born part.” Kylee’s brain hurt, and it hurt even more when Becca hit her. “You’re brilliant with words, ya know that?”

“That’s why I’m a writer, not a public speaker.”

“Writer? I haven’t seen you write at all since you came here.” Donny was trying to change the subject off of his mother and his lack of caring for her. “ That’s cause Raph hasn’t given me the time, and I write at night so he’s not constantly pestering me about it. I never go anywhere without at least one of my manuscripts… that and my inhaler.”

“Now about you and mommy dearest.”Becca knew how Donny was, and how he could easily fool her less witty friend.

“Look. Under no circumstances am I stealing my own-”

The Sewer Stalkers (1st)Where stories live. Discover now