The first day

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Raph woke up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He yawned, then memory crashed into him; 'damn, thats right, I took on that Brat as a student yestaday...Crud.' And she already though he was fat. Raph got out of bed, the blankets were twisted and tangled as usual. Scratching himself, Raph went to the front room, all was as it was, messy as ever, and Mikey was asleep on the couch with a pizza box on his head. Raph smiled, silently laughing at his little brother. He went to the coffeepot (which Mikey had broke the other day) And drank some cold coffee-all the better anyway.

He pushed Mikeys feet off the couch and turned on last nights wrestling match. Mikey woke up witha start and his stupid every morning annoying smile. "Where's minnie Raph? Or is she still asleep?" He asked, pulling the box off his head. Raph just grimaced "like I care what that pains doin', probably still sleeping." Raph turned to the TV again. How dare she say Leo was better, it just brought up past jealousies that he didn't need. "Uh, don'tcha think you two should start training. I mean the sooner you start, the sooner she leaves, assuming that’s what'cha want?" Mikey pulled the pizza slice off his head starting to eat. Raph elbowed him, hard "OF COURSE THATS WHAT I WANT! Gee, Mike, your startin' to sound like Leo and Donny."

Mikey shrugged, after looseing his peice of pizza when Raph brutally elbowed him. Oh the injustice... After wrestling with Raph, Mikey finally got Raph off his butt and over to the kids room.

"Hey, kid Waky-waky. Time to get up."Raph came in clapping, Kylee didn't budge. Raph shook her, nothing. Again, only harder. Nothing. 'Is she dead?' He wondered. This time Raph shook the whole mattress, Kylee only let out a gentle snore. Raph was loosing his patience. He hit her with pillows, pulled the blankets off her, whacked her with the blankets. She still didn't budge!!!!!!!!! "Mikey get your sorry excuse for a shell in here!" Raph screamed at the top of his lungs... The kids still wasn't awake. "What- is it Raph?!" Mikey came in to find a steamed big brother and a kid on the floor laying on a blanket. "Won't wake up?"

"Get an bucket..."

"You couldn't of told me that before i got in here?" Mikey whined, His brothers eyes were on fire. "Getta DAMN BUCKET, YOU RETARD, OR I'M GONNA MAKE TURTLE SOUP OUTTA YOUR CARCASS!" The kid was still asleep, and just turned. "Cannibal!" Mikey teases as he 'ran' out. Raph called after him, telling Mikey to fill it with cold water. "Got it!"

"Yer gonna wake up, ya little turd, wetha you like it or not..." Raph hissed. Mikey came in with the bucket, some of the water spilled out, some of it onto Raph. "Watch it, Moron! thats cold!" He spat, shaking water off his heel. "I thought you wanted it that way?!?"

"Just get in front of me,  numb shell...." Just as Mikey was about to pour the water (not watching) Kylee’s phone went off, a text from Becca. Her eyes fluttered open and she analyzed the situation. Her eyes narrowed "That better not be what I think it is." She sat up. Mikey smiled and he accidently dropped the bucket. Kylee leaped onto the mattress as the water spread, making Raph and Mikey slip on each other and fall the ground. Raph cursed and Mikey just laughed.

"thats what cha get."

"You are the heaviest sleeper I have eva had the displeasure of eva meeting!" Raph growled as he and Mikey got up. "Oh, quit complaining, Master Raphael. now the both of you- OUT. I Gotta change." She pushed the guys out of the room (which is no easy feat, since they're both full grown).  Raph got his head hit when the door shut and slipped onto his bottom from wet feet. "I'm really learning to hate that kid." He said, drumming his figures on the ground. "Lighten up Raph. Yer gonna die younger if you keep hating." Mikey walked off and added "unless you wanna see a human girl undress."


'becca, they were gonna dump water on me!'

'thats watcha get for being a heavy sleeper.'

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