And So it starts

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Raph came into the girls room for his morning schedule- waking Kylee up. He stared at the girls the front half of Kylee was hanging off the bed, and Becca was tucked away neatly in the corner with the pillows strewn about. Smiling evilly, Raph squirted the girls in their faces with his ‘sooped up’ squirt bottle. Both girls woke up, the rest of Kylee fell out of the bed along with her and she hit her chin on the ground. Becca leapt out of the bed and landed on her butt.

“Thanks for using the spritzer instead of the sink hose today, master.” Kylee gratefully said, rubbing her chin. “Does he do this EVERY morning?” Becca complained rubbing her rump. “Pretty much. But hey, its better now! He used to drag me to the sink and squirt me with its hose.” Kylee laughed


“Not really, I mean, I am a really heavy sleeper.”

“Will the two of ya quit yapping! Now get dressed and eat something. Kylee and I are gonna be very busy today and I don’t wanna waste time! Any questions?”

“Do ya want those done in any specific order?” Becca said smartly, Raph punched her in the noggin and left.

Kylee closed the door behind Raph. “You shouldn’t a provoked him like that.” She helped becca up, who was now rubbing her head instead of her derriere. “thanks for the warning.”Becca said bitterly. “Hey I shouldn’t have ta tell ya. You know Raph.”

The girls dressed in their training gear and left the room. Raph was chugging down a pot of coffee and Mikey was entertaining himself as usual; skating around on his board making a mess that Kylee would force Becca to help her pick up. “Don’t look at me, Bec. He’s your master.” Kylee laughed.

“I did nothing of the sort. I was looking at the dried drool on your face. Dreaming of Raph last night were we?”

“NO! I WAS NOT!” Kylee grew red in the face with anger


“NO! you forget how old he is now, just totally unappealing.”

“What’cha girls talkin’ ‘bout?” Raph was glaring down at them his best ominous smile. “Nothing…”  Becca and Kylee said, rocking on their heels, refraining from looking Raph in the eyes, and trying to look cute (though they already looked adorable with their bed heads and sleepy eyes). “C’mon Raphie. Don’t be so harsh on them on Becca’s first day.” Mikey walked over with his hundred watt smile and his arms over his head. “why? My twerp didn’t get it easy. Why should yours?”

“how about because she’s MY student?”


“Hey Bec, can ya hand over the salt? These eggs need it.”

“Sure, here ya go.”

The boys stopped bickering and looked over to the kitchen where the girls were already chowing down on some scrabbled eggs. “WHAT THE HEY! Oh c’mon Becca, your second helping already? These things got off the pan, literally a minute ago! Seriously.”

Raph though unsurprised ‘no duh why that kids Mikeys twerp.’

The boys looked at each other, “Whoa.” they  said together. “Hey Raph-“

“Yeah Mike?”

“I thought you hadn’t started her on ninja training yet.”

“I haven’t.”

“Okay then, so how’d they get passed us with us noticing?”

Raph shrugged

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