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“KYLEE!” Becca cried out, charging out of the bed room, forgetting her ankle. Kylee looked over behind the couch at her steaming friend. Raph looked over and burst out laughing, it seems Kylee had been naughty last night and made Becca splat herself in the face with a mixture of whip cream and a drop or two of honey. “Yes? What can I do for you?” Kylee was holding back and smile and a laugh (which she was getting better at, though she did pass a sly smile to Raph, who messed her hair in return.


“That’s what you get for tackling my master last night. Hey, doesn’t your ankle hurt? It couldn’t have healed already…”

Becca suddenly felt the major pain that she’d caused her and fell to the floor crying out, cursing at Kylee for doing what she did and causing her to charge when she shouldn’t.  Kylee just leaned on the couches back looking at her friend with her good eye. “Ya know yer a real dope, right sissy?”

Becca scowled as Raph high fived Kylee. “You two will pay for this I swear.”

“You did it to yourself, kid. Don’t blame us.”

Kylee slapped her master upside the head; “How many times do I hafta tell ya, we’re not kids anymore!” Raph, punched her in the shoulder for back sassing him again, then Kylee hit him back, then he hit her again, until it was an all out back and forth brawl between the two. ‘where’s Mikey when there was a fight around?’ Becca glowered, wanting to make a bet to subside her taste for vengeance… for the moment. But before Mikey could show up from where ever he was, the two had stopped fighting!

Becca was dumbfounded; they never ended it that quickly! And after they were usually steamed, not okay and laughing at each other! What the heck happened while she was sleeping?! Becca crawled to the recliner, lifted herself, and then sat. “Thanks for the help Ky.” She said meanly, making Kylee hit herself, “Sorry, Bec.-”

“What happened to us being this mutated creature until we healed?”

“Hey! I take offence to the word ‘mutated’”

“Sorry, Becca…”

Mikey came back groaning, and he slumped into the opposite recliner, groaning louder, and louder, and louder. “Geeze, okay Mike I give in! What’s itching ya!” Raph had jumped up and covered his younger brother’s mouth, looking mean, then he let go.

“Raphie boy, it’s that time of year again…”

“You don’t mean?”

“Oh but I do mean, big bro.”


The girls looked at each other, confused. ‘What the heck were those two talking about?’ they both thought.

“It’s today!? I thought Splinter forgot this year. I had a great exercise for the kid today!”

Kylee thanked her lucky stars silently, pumping her fists in the air. Becca stifled a giggle, “What’s goin’ on guys? What did ya hope Master Splinter would forget?” she asked, summoning Kylee to her side.

“Family training.” Raph growled, the girls only looked at each other, smiling sarcastically. “That’s what you’re whining about? Dude’s we train every day, what’s the major malfunction?” they asked together.

“The issue is Splinter calls us away once a year and trains us for a day, like the old times. Saying it strengthens our family bond. As if we could get away from each other. I’m living with Mikey, and I see the other two almost every other day.” Raph was tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair and Mikey was back to groaning.

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