Pushy Turtles

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“Well that wasn’t fun” Kylee woke up to a throbbing head ‘did Raph actually hit me in the head when I was sleeping?’ That had been a brutal and mean how Becca had dropped the news. Uhg, so that left the question on how Kylee would drop the news on the guys? ‘Hey my bestie’s coming to town, can someone other than Donny train her because like me, she’s not smart enough for him.’ It was then Kylee noticed that she wasn’t on her bed; she was on a couch, not Raphs lair, but Dons.  Kylee hadn’t eaten lunch and since she didn’t know what time it was she assumed she missed dinner too. Her stomach growled, ‘man I want those leftover now!’ Kylee thought, thinking about the Chinese food back in Raphs fridge. She took a deep breath, it felt good.

Then her eyes enlarged when she discovered that she wasn’t laying on a pillow, but Raphs lap. His head was leaned back on the couch, his arms were looped around it and he was snoring loudly. “uuuuuuuhhhhhhh” Kylee felt awkward, very awkward. By the way he acted, Raph should have just pushed her off him, even if he was asleep. Kylee tried to get up but Raphs arm suddenly fell onto her waist. Kylee’s face almost turned as red as Raphs mask. ‘aw dang, why couldn’t he be a few years younger? I mean, it’d still be weird but in a different way!!’

“oh, no you don’t.” Raph said peacefully, smiling even. ‘He’s totally asleep isn’t he!?’ Kylee noticed. She couldn’t help herself, the temptation was too great. She got up ever so slowly and started messing with his face. She poked the side of his eyes gently, making him swat and hit her by mistake, she made him do different grumpy facial expressions and as she was about to play with his mouth Raph started waking up. Kylee panicked. Was it too late to pretend to still be asleep on him? If that happened would he push her off or to the floor? Had he already seen her? “You okay, kid?” Yep, it was too late. He’d seen her.

“I’m fine. You and Mikey freaked over nothing.” Kylee sat up fully now, and pretended she’d done nothing.

“Yeah, that’s why you passed out right? ‘Cause you were fine?”

“that was from shock and nothing else.”

“And why would you be shocked? Because you couldn’t  breath, maybe?”

“I could breath! It’s just my friend dropped a bomb on me that I wasn’t prepared for.”

“That would explain why your face turned blue and ya blacked out!”

“B-Butt out!”

Raph scowled and looked away. “Look, master. I gotta talk to Mikey, where is he?” Kylee asked, not looking at Raph either. Raph slammed his foot to the ground and Mikey groaned. “Thanks, but I kinda need to talk to him alone.”  Raph got up and dragged Donny’s chair, with Don on it, out of the room. Mikey got up and rubbed his shell where Raph had kicked hit.

“KYLEE! You’re awake! You’re Alive! Raph was soo worried, dude. He kept yelling at Donny to do something, and Donny kept yelling at him to shut up. In the end you couldn’t have pried Raph offa ya with a cro-bar if you had wanted to. You drive him nuts and yet he ends up still caring about you… WELCOME TO THE CLUB LITTLE SISTER!”

“Gee, Mikey, calm down.  I know he was worried, whenever the guys worried he’s a total butt head. But you know about my buddy, Becca, I told you about?”

“The Mikester fan, She has excellent taste, by the way.”

“Yeah, right. Now she’s coming to New York, and is hoping you’ll train her. Would that be okay?”

“EXCELLENT! Now I have my own kiddie to push around! Awesome….”

Kylee hung her head in embarrassment and worry. “look Mikey, this isn’t a game, this is my best friend we’re talking about. Please take this somewhat seriously.” Mikey only smiled at her and shook his head.

“So the four become five, and the five will shortly become six. When does your friend come down to our neck of the woods Kylee?”  the girl jumped when she heard Leos voice, Leo had come in with his brothers, and Donny was dragging the chair back to its spot. Raph looked mad as usual. “Ease droppers. Word gets around a little too fast around here.” Kylee said, with one of her weird looks on her face.

Leo pulled out his shell cell., “Raph called me and told me what happened, You okay.”

“Hey Raph I thought you left your shell cell at home?” Mikey said, his brother shrugged. “He did leave his at home, that one’s mine!” Donny said grabbing the phone out of Raphs hand, and Raph shrugged again.

“I told my master I was fine. And when I say I’m fine, then I’m fine. What don’t you guys get about that, I don’t know… Becca said she’d be here in a couple of days and that she’ll call me for directions. She would like to be Mikeys student, for whatever reason, he’s agreed, and that’s when you three came in.” Kylee stood her ground, knowing that Raph was glaring at her. Donny went about asking questions like how much does she know, is she trustworthy, and can she keep her mouth shut. Kylee answered everything with brutal honesty; “She knows everything I know, Yes, I’d trust her with my life, and yes, if she doesn’t want to tell you something you don’t ever know what it is.”

Donny, satisfied with those answers did one final check up, which annoyed the bezoobs out of Kylee, then went back to his lab. Leo decided to test how much Kylee had learned over the past few weeks, which was nothing, her and Raph had been working on muscle build. Not even getting to ninja skills, so Kylee got thoroughly beaten in that match, embarrassing Raph.

Raph just stood in the shadows watching his brother and his student, ‘great, another kid,’ he thought ‘another smart mouthed brat to take care of? What’s its excuse gonna be? And worst of all it another girl, how much further down can my man cave go?’

“C’mon kid, Mikey, we’re going home. See ya Leo, Donny.” The two waved as Raph and his posse left. “You oughta know kid, I ain’t goin’ outta my way to find a mattress for your little buddy.” Kylee shrugged, “I know that. Me and Mikey will just look for one, until then We can just share. Though there was this one time when we were about five when she peed the bed and I woke up on the couch.”

“I didn’t need to know that. So when were you gonna tell me she was comeing, a month from now maybe?”

“Dude, I seriously just found out before I blacked out- at this point you know as much as I do, So keep yer panties out offa  wad, will ya?” Raph bashed her head and then continued on, “You betta just hope I keep your panties out offa  wad, kid.”


The two went on and on all the way home with their bickering.  ‘if I’m the fastest here, why am I not back at Raphs playing video games?’ Mikey shrugged and continued walking with the two hotheads.

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