Subconsious prt 1

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The sky was clear, blue and bright. The grass was green and it was a lovely day. A beam of electric blue suddenly hit the ground and two forms drifted (one fell) down to the ground.

“Owwww… Hey! How come you landed on yer feet?!” Kylee complained. Her butt was in the air, she was crunched up, and she had just eaten dirt, spitting it out of it. “One; because I have control, two; I imagined that I would land right.”  Don had landed on his feet with his arms crossed and was very pleased this project had been a success, if it hadn’t, things would have gone horribly wrong.

“And since when does imagining do anything!?” Kylee spat, standing up and cracking her back. That had been a horribly uncomfortable landing. Donny bapped her on the head gently. “Idiot, this is the subconscious, remember? You can do anything here, just keep in mind that this is basically a dream and you can’t go wrong.”

“Oh great, I never did have the knack for controlling dreams… but since I’m awake… MAYBE I CAN CONTROL IT!” Kylee started jumping into the air, trying to accomplish something that Donny had no clue what it was. “Kylee, you are asleep in a way. Your subconscious is in Raphs subconscious… WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOIN’?”

“Trying- to-fly” Kylee said between jumps.  “Hmm, maybe I’m going at this the wrong way.” She muttered to herself, Donny slapped himself, wondering if it would have been better to take Becca or Leo. “Forget it kid, it’s not gonna-” Donny shut up as soon as he saw Kylee air born with a pair of brown feathered wings. “You were saying, turtle?” She said smugly, doing backstrokes in the air with her wings, hands behind her head.


“Well. I imagined my bones were hollow, like a birds, imagined myself a pair of wings and here I am with a just a bit more imagination. This is my kinda place!”

Donny preferred to keep his feet on the ground, so they kept traveling. Donny explained that they had to find the adult (they’re time) Raph, which might be easier said than done. Who knew how many versions of Raph were in here, or in which area was they’re Raph in. Once Donny had gotten tired of walking, he imagined himself a bike and started riding. Kylee kept doing tricks in the air, having fun with her only chance at wings.

“Hey Don, if we can imagine anyone here, do think I could imagine Becca up?”

“No, I don’t think so. The real Becca isn’t hooked up, and even if that was possible to imagine a copy of Becca, the real one would remember nothing.”

“Oh… But still, do ya think it’s still possible.”

“*sigh* No I don’t think so.”

“Mkay… GEEZE RELAX DON! Yer gonna die at a young age if you keep being grumpy like… oh my god… I sound like my mom. Speaking of mom’s how’s yer old lady?”

“And we’re dropping conversation now. For the next fifteen minutes you are to remain silent.”

“Fine grumpy shell, be like that. I only wanted to know if you were taking care of her or not…”

“Starting now.”

They were just traveling in silence again. Kylee was entertaining herself with summersaults until she got dizzy and almost fell out of the sky.  She went to pretending she was a part of one of those old video games where you move to different lanes to avoid the obstacles and get as far as you could go.  As long as it wasn’t bugging Don she figured it was okay. He had a lot of stuff on his mind and all. Maybe she should be taking this- Before Kylee could finish that thought something crashed into her and started attacking her. Don stopped, wondering what was going on.

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