New Arrivals

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Raph almost forgot something, before they headed home the next day, he casually handed Kylee her mask which was just simply black, and he secretly prized her grateful smile. Becca went ballistic when they finally got home; almost ripping Raphs face off before she saw Kylee proudly wearing her new mask.  The two girls celebrated, dancing until Kylee got short winded.

Mikey and Becca invited the other two to training, seeing as Becca just got her shuriken and throwing stars. This made Raph and Kylee nervous, but they said yes. Raph saw it as a cheap opportunity to give Kylee her weapon. He pulled out a kursarigama out of his room and Kylee flipped (apparently she’d always wanted to learn how to use one) then he added throwing stars a ninjas best friend.

They were in  the training room, Mikey was teaching Becca about aim, and Raph was making Kylee learn descent slashes and dodges, when Casey called Raph.

“Yeah? What is it Case? –Kid keep practicing- Yeah, yeah I’m here Case- really? Tonight?- Look I’m sure it won’t’ be that bad-no I don’t know anything about that kinda stuff, call Don for that.-I’m sure she’ll be fine too, I mean it’s just two kids rights?- You’ll be fine you’re great with kids.-for example? Well angel would be a purple dragon if you hadn’t set her straight.- Case yer gonna be fine with them and no yer can’t go wrong you have right with ya, if anything happens we’ll both set ‘em straight- good bye Casey.-Casey!-Yeah, you just call me and I’ll be there with the gang, okay?- Alright see ya later man.”

“Master, WATCH OUT!” Kylee cried out. She lunged toward Raph kursarigama in hand and deflected the approaching ninja stars with its blade. They’d been so close to hitting the turtle, Raph was grateful he’d made the kid practice her defense. “Thanks girlie, I owe ya.”

“Sorry! Mikey I think I missed, set it back up again, will ya?”

“Watch it girlie! You could hit something important!”

“I said I was sorry! It’s not like I was aiming for you, ya know.”

“Okay, Kid, on that punching, show me yer up front strike.”

Kylee ran into the shadows and reappeared in front the bag and made a gigantic slash in it. Becca, Raph, and Mikey clapped. “Nice use of the shadows kid. Extra points there, yer cut could use a little more power but we’ll get to that later.” Raph came over and patted her on the back, ducking as Becca threw another group of stars


The girls had popped in Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows part seven, and were watching glued to the screen holding each other and blubbering as some teacher getting keel hauled. Mikey was gripping his knees and rocking on the couch. Why was Raph surrounded by idiots?

“I WOULD LOVE HIM!” Kylee sobbed

“BUT HE WOULDN’T  LOVE YOU BACK! ONLY HER, ALWAYS!” Becca blubbered lip quivering

“Shuddup! I would still love him-IF ONLY I WERE A LITTLE OLDER!”

The girls were wailing and crying and holding each other, it made Raph so sick he had to cover his eyes and look away from the screen. His Shell cell started ringing like crazy,  happy for the distraction Raph excused himself and answered it. Casey was freaking out and Raph could barely understand him until the last sputtered words and then the line went dead.

Raphs eyes were wide for a moment, as his mind went a blank all except for one thought.

“C’MON THEN! LETS GET A MOVE ON, WE GOTTA GET GOING OR WE’LL GET THERE TOO LATE!” He cried turning off the TV and Grabbing Kylee by the waist as she cried with indignation.


“Wait, Raph what’s going on?” Mikey cried out

“APRIL-HOSBITAL-CASEY-NEW ARRIVALS-GO!!!!” Raph said, fleeing with a struggling girl. Soon enough Raph and Kylee were zooming off into the streets and toward the hospital, with the young girl clinging to him for dear life and crying out with joy.


The gang looked in from the roof sky light, impatiently, as the doctor did final checkup and left. The opened the window and jumped in smiling and laughing. Casey looked relieved that Raph was here as he held a small squirming, child with fiery red peach fuzz on her head and balled up little fists hitting her dads forearm. The other child in Aprils arm was slightly smaller than her sister and much quieter and relaxed. She let out small quiet gurgles. She had black peach fuzz on top of her head and she kept looking at Becca and the strange creature in the corner of the room. Becca fell in love the second she saw the little ones introduced herself to April (who already knew almost everything about her from Raphs visits) and started bouncing the baby girl in her arms and Mikey was making funny faces at her.

“So Case, You and April pick names for the trouble makers yet?” Raph asked patting his bud on the back and getting the little ones attention, he rubbed her small little head gently.

“Uh, April?”

“Yes we did. The fighter you’ve got over there is Erin, I have a feeling she’s going to take after her father, and the little one with Rebecca is Quinn.” April smiled and said tiredly.

Kylee noticed Donny secluded in the back and seeing as Becca was busy, went to his side.

“Hey Don. The girls are pretty cute huh?”

“They’ve got their moms looks, Quinn has her dads hair. Yeah, they’re pretty good looking.”

“So, now yer an uncle. How’s it feel?”

“Good… I suppose.” Donny was playing with a small trinket in his hand

“ C’mon Don. Be at least okay, Aprils happy, her children are healthy and you’re an uncle. Who knows maybe one of them will turn out to be a buddy of yours.”

“I guess. It’s still hard though.”

“I can imagine, but will you punish April? Your brothers and Casey? Will you punish the girls for their own birth.”

“… Quit making points. Okay guys, I’m sure April and Casey have had a long night and personally the girls need their rest as well, they had a long couple of hours. Let’s get out and leave them to rest.”

Raph lifted the girls up and out of the roof, Gave Mikey and Leo a boost and then they pulled him out. Donny was the last to leave. He went towards April and put the trinket on her lap, “Since there’s two, I knew I needed to make two. This one’s for Quinn. Goodnight you four” Don kissed Aprils forehead and then left with his brothers.

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