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Over the next few weeks Raph made certain Kylee was miserable. He loaded her with weights, leaned on her while she was doing pushups (threatening  to sit on her). "O c'mon, master! give me break1 I was the second weakest in my weight lifting class!" She would whine.  then Raph would spit something like "Well that's yer own damn fault then isn't it! Now give me a hundred squats!" Kylee would whine more earning Raph actually sitting on her. Mikey just sat there and watched the show.

Eventually they did find a place to train and in wasn't too far from the lair. That earned Kylee two more days  of cleaning and heaving training gear into there. "I swear.. I'm gonna have a six pack by the end of summer." Kylee said

"Good, it'll be an improvement."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --   

It was a morning like another. Raph was dragging a sleeping Kylee to the kitchen by her foot. Mikey came out of his room to see Kylee get  squirt in the face by the sink hose. "PTHH! Could you please find a different way to wake me up, master!"

"I kinda like it this way though." Raph said looking down at her

"If it has to be water, please, make it a squirt bottle."

"I'll think about that."

Kylee went to her room to change, until the cell rang. "MOM! hi, oh I'm fine, you? That's good. I miss you guys too, What are we doing? Uh... currently we are studying the effects of either a dirty or clean environment and how they affect the animals... My what now? Eh, Ma, Mr. Yale isn't really much of a talker-well he's kinda shy. No, ma, he's not pervert. He's just more comfortable around *giggle*kids. But!-yes ma'am. I'll go get him."

Kylee ran to Raph and covered the speaker. "Master, My mom want to talk to you."


"she thinks your some sorta summer program teacher, the program I'm supposed to be at"

"Why would she think that!"

"Well I can't say 'hey mom and dad, I'm going to New York to find the cartoon turtles i watched from when I was a kid!' can I? Here he is mom!"

Kylee tossed the Phone to Raph, who glared at her.

"Yellow? Oh, uh, er... Mrs. ... Cook! Yeah sorry I'm very busy, I really can't talk."

"Yes, I know your busy, Mr. Yale. I've just wanted to see how Kylee was doing."

"Oh, she's doing great. " Raph said sarcastically, Kylee's mom didn't catch it. "Right now we're learning- dirty vs. clean environments for animals? Right, thats what we're doing ma'am"

"Look, I know you're a shy man-"


"-but i need to know more details, please. what's coming up? Is she being safe?"

"Yes very safe, Now I'll talk to ya later BYE!!"

Raph chucked the phone back at Kylee. "Mista Yale, huh? Shy, huh? dirty and clean environments for animals huh? Just what exactly does she think we're doin' down  e're?"

"Summer vet tech program.." Kylee smiled nervously

"Wouldn't it have been betta to have said ninjutsu program?"


"I'm gonna KILL YA! Come e're you!"

Kylee started running for her life as Raph chased her around the room. "No, I don't wanna die! I'm too young, and I've got pretty friends!"

"Too late now!"

Kylee was running hard now, her breath was quickly getting shaky. 'No... no. don't give in on me now...please!' She though painfully, Kylee' was pushing it now. 'just... a little longer...please." Kylee had to stop, she didn't want to, but her body had a forced will. Raph tackled her, "Yeh! gottcha now, twerp...wait, what's wrong with you? You sound like a deflating  balloon."



Kylee gently pushed Raph of her and stumbled to her room, followed by the two turtles.

Grabbing the inhaler out of her purse, she inhaled, held it for as long as she could, exhaled and repeated.



Kylee smiled again, weaky though; "Asthmas a killer ain't she?"

Raph scowled, summing up the situation like an idiot "Mikey grab her, we're taking you to Donny's, kid."

"I'm fine, you guys, really this happens all the time."

Mikey did as Raph said and ran after him, Kylee was mad now and trying to squirm out of the turtles arms. They were pretty soon with Donny in his lab. Raph was hanging out in the door way as usual, Mikey was standing next to Donny and Kylee sat grimacing on a desk, grumpy and hating grownups for not listening. Don took off his stethoscope, "Well she is a bit wheezy, I assume that it would be worse if not for the inhaler. Raph, if you want my opinion, just take it easier on her, kay? Don't push her so far and I think she'll be fine."

It irritated Kylee that they talked about her like she wasn't there. "I don't want him to take it easier on me! That's why I chose him as my master! so he could push me!"

"Shuddup! I'm listening to Don, here. Not you. you shoulda told me about this kid!" Raph growled at her

"Bit then you wouldn't have trained me!"

The turtles went to go talk about how to keep her healthy when Becca texted

'hey how r ya'

'iv'e been btter'

'oh, ive got some good news!'



'ya  got a chocolate bunny and dipped it in pumpkin ice-cream?'

'no and thanks for making me hungry. i'm comin down to New york! ya think Mikey's  up for training me?'

'well sure but WHAT! NONONONONONO! RAPHS JUST GETTING USED TO ME! he can't do that with two of us! NO not now!'

'i'm sorry :( but i already got my ticket and the flights in a couple of days...  guess its up to you to warm the guys up to the idea? please?'

'I dunno'

'thanks! love ya but i gotta go pack!. just think we could be possibly training together soon!'

"OY!" Kylee said. Then stuff went black and the last thing she heard was someone familiar call out her name, but who was it?"

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