Something Stinks

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“C’mon, you can punch harder than that.”

 Raph had Kylee on the punching bag again when Mikey and Becca came in glowing. “Kylee, Kylee! Check it out!” Becca said running toward her friend/sister. “Wow! Look at that, that’s a spanking mask Bec.” Kylee had stopped punching, making Raph irritated

Becca modeled a brilliant white mask with a proud and happy smile. “Thanks, it looks pretty cool huh? Mikey just gave it to me. Where’s yours?”

Raph leaned on a wall, interested on what the twerp would say in response, seeing as he never gave Kylee a ninja mask. “Oh, I don’t have one, but that’s okay. I didn’t come for a mask, I came to train under Master Raphael, and since that’s what I’m doing I’m happy.” This surprised Raph, who thought she’d whine about it, or frump bout it. But Kylee didn’t, she said she was HAPPY just being his student. “Hey Raph, why doesn’t she have a mask yet? We got ours when we started training.”

“I dunno. I guess I just never got to it. Don’t plan to either.”

“Hey, you wanna do an exercise with Me and Becca san?”

“UHHH, sure?”

“Great! Hey girls come here a sec!” Mikey said. They did as told, Kylee pulled the back of Beccas mask just for fun. “So Raphie and I made a decision to do a ninja exercise together. I pick-“

“who eva said you get to pick?”

“I picked a speed exercise. Becca yer with me,  Kylee-yous with Raphie boy over there.”

“Sweet!” Becca said

Kylee and Raph groaned for different reasons. Kylee did that because she hated running, Raph because he didn’t wanna do this, he’d been hoping  for something along the lines of human punching bags.


Mikey cried and his team sprung off. Kylee and Raph were close behind them, hearing their sibling’s victorious laughter. “I hate them!” Kylee cried, Raph grunted in agreement. They turned corners, ran straits, and Kylee was constantly hiding the fact that her breathing had become haggard and short. She wanted to prove so badly that she could handle herself in front of Raph. But she kept slowing down and losing the guys farther and farther away, making Raph slow down to. Eventually Kylee and Raph had stopped completely, breathing hard. “Man am I outta shape.” Raph panted, “Says the guy… who beats the crud… outta me… every day.” Kylee said breathlessly, bending in half and sliding to the ground. Her face looked like she was in pain, and she was breathing hard. “Ya okay kid? Dammit, you pushed yourself too far! Why didn’t I see it..”

“ ’Cause I’m a master of hiding my feelings, I do it all the time at home, just to not show weakness. I suffer alone, because that’s my choice. So I don’t worry my family, I do things discreetly so I don’t hurt them, sometimes the feeling is overpowering and I can’t hide it though. Don’t worry, I’m okay, I just need to rest a second or two.”

Raph looked at her worriedly, noticing how much like him she was. Always hiding her problems or breaking down. He sat down and put his arm around her for moral support. “Just take it easy, rest up and we’ll catch up to those two soon.” Kylee had burning tears of anger searing her face as she tried desperately to wipe them away before Raph saw. But he did “why ya crying?” he said in a disgusted tone.  “ I guess yer gonna quit on me right? Or not push me anymore, right?’ Kylee spat angrily.

“that’s what I should do.”

“WELL DON’T OKAY! I CAN HANDLE IT, I ALWAYS HAVE! I ALWAYS WILL! IVE DELT WITH THIS THING SINCE I WAS FOUR, AND BEEN FINE! I’M MORE THEN MY HANDY CAP, I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!” Kylee leapt up and started running again, before she was ready. Raph was trailing her, trying to get her to stop. Grabbing Kylee’s wrist, he pulled her to a stop, towering over her. “You shouldn’t push yourself over the edge kid, just because other people can do things you can’t. That’s just being stupid. Push yourself to your limits, not to others. *Sigh* do ya understand?” Kylee didn’t look at him, an angry shadow covering her face, Raph put his hand on her shoulder making her look at him. “I apologize master-“

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