Subconsious prt 3

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“Not a minny Raph! That’s the third one!” Kylee cried out. She started banging her head on Dons tree, practically crying, Donny was lightly smacking himself in the head with his book. Both Raphs stood a little indignantly then looked at each other. “I’m sure we can’t be that bad, I mean… I’m awesome; I don’t know about you though kid.”

“There’s something wrong with those two… When did Donny get so old?”

“That’s what I asked myself at first too. Apparently they are from outside our subconscious and are trying to wake us up?”

Minny Raph’s eye twitched, the poor kid was confused beyond belief. “Someone’s been around the brainiac too much.”

“Yeah, it’s been a while. The girl ain’t too much fun either.”

Something snapped in Kylee and the older turtle “YOUR COMPLAINING ABOUT US!? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT A PAIN EVEN ONE OF YOU IS? IT’S BAD ENOUGH I’M STUCK IN THE MANIACS HEAD AND TRYING TO SAVE HIS SORRY BUTT FROM TAKING A NAP UNTIL HE STARVES TO DEATH BUT NOW WE’RE STUCK WITH THE TWO OF YOU!?!?! WHY IS NATURE SO CRUEL?” They said completely in sync to the other, saying the exact same word at the same time. They were breathing hard, making the Raphs look at them.

“You’re over reacting ya wusses. We Raphs are the bomb!” Said teen Raph, getting Tot Raphs approval.

“Try hanging around yerself then-you’ll find that yer a bigger pain in the arse then ya think.” Kylee spat walking past them. Donny followed right behind her, his nerves completely fried.


“Hey Bec, is it natural for Raphie girl to be twitching like this?” Mikey inquired staring at Kylee with his head tilted like a puppy dog.

“Only when she’s really mad or ticked off. Is it normal for Donny to look like this?” Becca replied, her head tilted as well.

“no… HEY! THAT’S MY RESERVED ANGRY LOOK! Donny only looks like that when I’m driving him bananas…you think he’s dreaming about me?”

“If you say that’s your special angry face. Maybe that’s why Kylee looks mad too. Sweet, you cause pain even when people are asleep… teach me to do that!!”

“It’s a fine art, my young student. One that takes years to master… OF COURSE I’LL TEACH YOU! THE MORE FUN FOR EVERYONE!”

Leo scowled and bashed them both in the head. “Mikey, you teach her how to do what you do, and I will personally let Raph kill you when he wakes up.”

“You mean IF he wakes  up.”

Leo smacked him again


Somehow Kylee had gotten stuck carrying  tot Raph on her back and he’d fallen asleep (Don had kind of forced her to take the kid, since he wouldn’t and Raph was too stubborn to follow his older younger brothers orders.)

“Oh-my gosh! He’s drooling on me!”

“No he’s not your imagining things.” Don said irritated

“I wish I was I can feel it on my shirt!”

“Eww, I think there’s some kiddy snot there too.”


“Bring him even close to me and I’ll drop him on the ground and run. Remember? He don’t like me very much.” Donny turned around and pointed to the giant welt on his head where minny Raph had thrown a gigantic rock at him.

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