Forget This!

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Kylee sneezed and woke up. She felt something soft under her and smiled stupidly.  Then making a weird noise that was usual for her and leapt up, falling off the bed. “oooowwwwwww.” She whined “aww,man. I fell asleep didn’t I? UUUUUHHHHHHGG! Raph is gonna really hand it to me today, isn’t he?”

“You bet kid. I took it easy yestaday, now we’re going hard core.” Raph was hanging out in the open doorway. Kylee screamed and tripped over herself.  “If you’re this clumsy in general, we’re screwed.”

“Ah, shut it, Raph.”

“WHAT WAS THAT MEAT? WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?” Raph hit her in the head with his foot, with normal brutality. “S-sorry ,Master. And what do you mean ‘took it easy on me’? We didn’t train at all! I was cleaning YOUR HOUSE.”

“Exactly, I coulda stopped ya and made you train in filth. But I didn’t, you’re welcome. Now get up and since yer already in your training cloths, we don’t have ta waste time.” Raph smiled at her with a devils glare that made Kylee nervous. “What about food?”

“That’s a waste of time.”

“YOU ate while I was sleeping!”

“So, that was a waste of time! In that time we coulda been trainin!”

“… You like to watch me suffer… don’t you”

“Yes, it brings me great joy, now get up!”

Kylee followed Raph miserably, and it only made her even more miserable to see Mikey snacking on a pepperoni and sausage pizza-her favorite. Raph pushed the couch and table closer to the TV, leaving more room to swing his student around, and bash her about. “We’re training in here?” Kylee asked looking at Raph. “Yeah, until I find a betta place, gotta Problem with that?”


“GOOD! Now come hit me, Lemme see watch cha got” Raph just stood there. “You sure?” Kylee asked. “NOW!” Kylee rushed her master, as she got close, Raph Feinted to the right , Kylee tried to stop herself, and ended up kicking the wall “OW! OWOWOWOWOWWOWOWO-OW!” Raph rolled his eyes “Expect the unexpected.C’mon! What have I got to work with if you fuss over a booboo over kicking a wall!?”

Kylee glared, holding her foot and bouncing up and down “YOU TRY KICKING A DAMN BRICK WALL AND SEE HOW HOT YOU FEEL!”

“AGAIN!” Raphael commanded.

Kylee was determined to not fall for the feint trip. She charged again, expecting that he’d switch which way he went; when she attacked he did the same thing only the other way around. Kylee ended up running into poor Mikey, and toppled over him. She got up as Raph was bent over laughing and lunged “Oof!” They both went down. “Why you!” Raph pushed her off him. “Expect the unexpected, Master.” Kylee said smirking

“Fine then. If we’re gonna do it that way. Come e’re, I ain’t gonna hurt cha-good. Now I want you to punch this giant baggie hanging from the ceiling, I’ll be behind it and I wanna see how hard ya punch. Imagine it’s your worst enemy and they’re gettin’ what’s coming to them.” Raph said sarcastically. He went behind the punching bag, Kylee imagined Her old enemies from middle school, the stinky giant and her evil imp. Kylee was punching as hard as she could in a blind rage (which was odd, since she had decided to forgive them to some extent, but she just couldn’t forget their abuse). Raph, if he hadn’t been so proud, would have admitted that she was actually pretty strong , but he was to proud to admit that. “C’mon! I can barely feel yer punches!

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It was the middle of the day and Kylee was still training, on an empty stomach no dought, and Raph had her carrying this huge heavy box towards him while he was lounging on the couch with his feet on the table. “C’mon, only a few more feet.” He said happily, watching her struggle sure took it out of him. “I get…. The feeling-that you know something I don’t… master. GEEZE WHAT IS IN HERE! Some of Master Donatello’s gear!?!”

 Raph just smirked more. “ ‘Course I do, I know a lot more then you do. Now could ya hurry it up please?” Kylee tried to pick up the pace, but there’s only so much you can do on an empty stomach. Mikey was walking along side her with a sandwich in hand, and then he looked at the top of the box.  “Hey Raph, why is she carrying your box of beer? Can’t you do that on your own?”


It took a sec for Kylee to realize, “Wait… just one moment. I’m carrying your box of BEER TO YOU! ALL THAT BOOZE IS WHAT I’M CARRYING! For-get it!” Kylee said tossing the box away from her “ I don’t have to take that! Now excuse Me I’m gonna go get some lunch!”  Kylee pulled on a cover over her undershirt and stormed out of the room. Raph went to strangling Mikey and calling him all sorts of mean names. “hey Raphie! D-does she know her way around the sewers yet?” Mikey choked. Raph thought a second, strangled and slapped Mikey a bit more, then headed for the kid who’d gotten too far away by that time. “Great. Now I’m gonna hear it from Leo, and it’s all your fault shell head! Why’d ya have ta got and say that, huh!?”

“Sorry.” Mikey shrugged, “should we go look for Kylee?”

“Na let ‘er get lost, then when we find her, she’ll be begging for us to take her home.”

“sounds a little harsh, dude.” Mikey said scrunching up his face.

“What eva.”

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Raph was grimacing at the TV, and Mikey was walking back and forth, chewing on his fingers. Kylee had been gone for three hours and not a sound, a sign, not even an echo came from her.

“Dude, I think we should go looking for her about now don’t you?”

“Na, give her a little while longer. She’s probably fine”

“But , dude! What if she actually did find her way outta the sewers? And what if she met up with the purple dragons, or the foot, or someone worse! What if she’s joined a gang and isn’t coming back because you were too hard on her! What if she met up with some other kinda ruffian! RAPHIE YOU KNOW IT’S GETTING WORSE UP THERE!”

“Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, Don’t worry about it. Theres no way she found her way outta the sewer, she’s fine. A bit lost, maybe, but fine. When we bring her back she’s gonna have a lot more respect for us in the long run. No more complain out of her either.”

“Are you sure? Its not hard to find a manhole, ya know?”

“I’m possative”

“I wouldn’t be so positive if I were you, old man.”

Raph and Mikey did a double take. There was Kylee, stepping into the room, taking her cover off, and looking at them  (Raph) meanly. Mikey ran, picked her up, hugged her, and swung Kylee around. “Careful Mikey!” She laughed, “Yer gonna make me hurl my lunch!” Mikey put her down and hugged her again “WE were so worried dude! We thought someone got to you! Or that you joined a biker gang!”

“Gee, you might have a more avid imagination then me, Mikey.”

“Where were you, young lady.” Mikey tried to play the role of daddy or big brother, but failed.

“Don’t worry, Mike. I just went to china town to grab a bite. See?” Kylee swung her leftover box around So Mikey grinned from ear to ear. “Mikey was worried about ya kid. He couldn’t do nothing but sit and think an complain and pace.” Raph picked Kylee up by the shoulder and glared her in the eyes, She didn’t try to back off. “Neva, do that- AGAIN.”

“Then don’t give me a reason to. From now on we’re even. No slave labor, no tricks. We’re a team. Deal?”

“I don’t make deals.”

Raph walked off into the shadows of the hall. “*sigh* He’s so stubborn. I’M TRYING TO MAKE AMENDS HERE!” Kylee called after him. Mikey put his hand on Kylee’s shoulder. “Apparently He was more worried then he let on. Awwww, He does care.”

“I doubt that.”

“Wanna brawl?”

“Not now Mikey. Maybe later. I gotta talk to Becca.”

“Can I come?”

Kylee smiled. “No, not yet. Later.”

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