Hetalia Orphanage part 7

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I've not done one of these for very long. Sorry.

Time skip to after lunch

Tino and Lukas left Berwald and Mathias at the start of one of the science corridors to walk onto another one. When they arrived at the classroom, everyone had already gone in.

"Um... Lukas Bondevik-Steillson?" He muttered, walking up to the desk.

"Not making a very good first impression are we Mr Bondevik?" He glared at him. "Being late to the first lesson. Go and sit between Mr Kirkland and Mr Popescu."

Lukas nodded and turned round, looking blankly at Tino.

"There" he said, pointing to a spare seat at the back and grinning before going to sit down nearer the front of the room.

Lukas shrugged and slid into the seat. The teacher started talking and after a while, he lost concentration and started gazing around the room. The Kirkland he was next to was the second youngest, Arthur, who was currently scribbling down everything that the teacher said, staring at the board intrigued.

The other he'd never seen before. He had strawberry blonde hair and didn't look like he'd even opened his book yet. Then again, he was asleep on it so there wasn't any way really for him to open it.

"Nudge him for me" Lukas turned and stared at Arthur, who dragged his eyes away from the board and looked at him. "Please, you're in the way so I can't do it myself."

Lukas elbowed him and he groaned, sitting up.

"Stop it Arthur seriously, it hurts."

"Well maybe you shouldn't fall asleep so often Vlad" Arthur hissed.

Vlad grinned and offered a hand to Lukas. "Vladimir Popescu."

Lukas hesitated but shook he hand.

"So what brings you to these parts?" Vladimir glanced at the board and wrote down what looked like a cross between a chemical formula and 'I cant be bothered'.

"Just... moved" Lukas shrugged. "Nothing important I guess."

"He's looking over you know" Arthur hissed, not looking at them. "I suggest you wankers shut the hell up."

Vladimir looked forwards again, waved at the teacher and put his head back down in the desk. "Mm tired."

He startled to doodle in the corner of his book and it made Lukas shocked that he knew what it was.

"That's the symbol for summoning Satan" Vladimir looked up, startled and grinned.

"Yeah? You ever used it?"

Lukas shook his head. "Never wanted to. It creeps me out."

"He tries it regularly" Vladimir motioned to Arthur who scowled.

"Just because it mostly doesn't work doesn't mean you can rub it in all the time."

"It never works" Vladimir grinned. "So you're interested in magic?"

Lukas nodded.

"You should hang out with us some time. I mean, we have a club and all, but we're the only two who go. No one else is really that interested. I can do some magic but not as much as him, which is why he tries summoning Satan on a regular basis. Whenever anyone annoys him actually."

"It was that damned frog today" Arthur said through gritted teeth. "Making fun of my eyebrows again."

"He loves him really" Vladimir winked.

"No I don't you wanker. Shut the hell up" he shout whispered.

Lukas held back a grin and turned to the board.

That was when the fairy appeared.

"Not now please" he said as quietly as he dared so neither of them could hear him. "Wait a minute until we're home or something."

The fairy sat on his work book, legs crossed, fluttering her wings slightly and blinking innocently. He couldn't work with her in the way.

"You okay?" Vladimir frowned. "You look terrified a... hey one of Artie's fairies is out."

Lukas blinked and glanced down at the fairy who stood up and took a dainty step away from Vladimir who tried to poke her.

"Leave her alone" Arthur said, putting out a hand for the fairy, who carefully stepped on and sat down again. "She did nothing to you."

"Oh yeah, you probably think we're weird as right?" Vladimir grinned.

"No" Lukas nodded. "I can see it."

"This guy though" Vladimir gestured at him, looking at Arthur. "This guy."

"I heard you the first time" Arthur said."And can you really? Sorry, we get people making fun of us for it." Lukas nodded. "Can you describe it for me?"

He glanced at he fairy who blinked back at him. "Um... she has blue hair, blue eyes, blue dress. Literally all blue? I'm not good at describing things."

The blue fairy flapped her wings a little.

"There you go" Vladimir said. "Stop pretending he's going to kill us, he won't do. Trust him."

Arthur rolled his eyes, nodding, and glanced back to the board, suddenly starting at take furious notes again.

The fairy stood in front if him for a second, watching, before lifting off the table top and flying off.

I'm suddenly aware of how much this actually sucks.  I didn't think i would get this far at all and that I'd just ditch it somewhere along the road. If anyone has any ideas, please say :-)

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