What!! Fangs!!??(Part 1)

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"Minna! Let's get better and give Ichinose and Domon a challenging match", Endou said.

"Hai!!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

They were soon going to have a match against one of their old pals Ichinose and Domon ,thus everyone worked harder to get better so that they would have a match that could be remembered.

After the long hours of practice, everyone took a break catching their breaths since almost everyone was sweating and panting especially Fubuki.

"Um....Endou", Kazemaru said with concern in his voice.

"What's wrong Kazemaru?" Endou asked a bit confused.

Why does he looked worried,Endou thought, Is there something I have overlooked?

"Is it that hot? Fubuki seemed to be worn out a lot", Kazemaru said causing a few player's attention, "I mean look at him. He is panting heavily and sweating a lot. Even his face expression shows he's in a bit pain."

Everyone who bothered to listened looked at Fubuki and grasp at the site. Fubuki was panting like if he have breathing problems and also was sweating as if he is in an oven. Upon this Endou stood up and walked up to Fubuki who was gritting his teeth.

"Fubuki?" Endou spoke.

"Hai Captain!" Fubuki said in a weak tone while giving a small weak smile.

"Is everything alright? You look worn out", Endou asked.

"Yeah! I'm fine. Just tired", Fubuki replied.

"I think you should go rest", Hiroto suggested.

"Un....." Fubuki agreed.

Fubuki got up in order to get some rest in his room but his legs suddenly felt weak and gave in causing him to collapse on the ground. Someoka who was near him caught him before he fall onto the ground.

"Yo Fubuki! Get a hold of yourself", Someoka spoke.

"Han.....Hai"Fubuki said while panting and cluttering his chest in pain.

"Ah!!!!!"Fubuki groaned.

"Fubuki!!" Everyone shouted and tired to calm Fubuki down since he was screaming a loud.

"Does it hurt now?" Aki asked.

"Should we call a doctor?"Kabeyama questioned.

"No. It's okay. I just need some rest that's all" ,Fubuki replied with a weak smile.


"Don't worry. Some rest would do the trick", Fubuki persuaded since he didn't want to see the doctor.

"Stubborn as always", Someoka mumbled.

Gouenji and Someoka supported Fubuki and led him to his room. Everyone was now concern about Fubuki as he looked in so much pain.
Everyone thoughts were like What's wrong with him? Is it a heatstroke? Is he going be alright? But unfortunately the confusion couldn't be removed.

Fubuki laid down on his bed and closed his eyes while others stared at him. He looked in so much pain as if someone is stabbing him inside. They all left letting Fubuki to get some rest.

~~in the lounge~~

"Is he really going to be alright?" Toramaru asked.

"I don't know" ,Gouenji replied.

"Of course he's not. Just look at him. This is not some ordinary heatstroke",Someoka growled.

"I agree. But we can't do anything yet. We will see if Fubuki still is in the same state tomorrow then we will call the doctor" , Kidou said.

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