They are back

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Everyone woke up by the countless efforts of the managers and were down eating breakfast.

"The match with The Unicorns has been delayed for two weeks so we got time till we would get Fubuki back to normal" ,Kudou Kantoku announced.

"Really!!??" Fubuki said, "That means if I recover I would be able to play against Ichinose and Domon!"

"That's good, Fubuki" ,Endou grinned, "Show the real strength of yours to them."

"And I thought I would get all the goals" ,Someoka joked.

"Hehehe~~I'm here too you know" ,Hiroto laughed.

"We should do a combine hisstsua together, huh?" Fubuki asked.

"That's a great idea" ,Hiroto grinned.


Fubuki's POV

The sun was sinking in a pool of crimson, everything had a golden red hue and thus gave a soothing effect on me. Ah!! I wish I could feel like this as long as I want but I know I won't.

"Don't worry Fubuki" ,Kudou Kantoku said while patting my head, "Soon every thing would be okay."

"Un....." I nodded.

There was a long pause and the slience was not disturbing. I took a deep breath and admired the sun set. I really wish I could stay here forever with everyone but I can't.

"They are going to experiment me again" ,I said in a low and sad voice.

"No they won't. We won't let that happen" ,Kudou said with determined eyes, "You are with everyone safe."

"Arigato Kantoku" ,I replied with a grin.

"Open your mouth" ,Kudou said.

I was shocked at the sudden demand but knew that whatever Kantoku was demanding must have a reason.

I opened my mouth revealing my fangs. Kudou peered at it for quite a long time and then sighed. He gave me a pill and asked me to eat it.

I don't know what was he planning to do so I decided to ask.

"For what?" I asked.

"It would stop the fangs to grow and before you knew it they would be gone" ,Kudou Kantoku replied.

Something burst into me. Maybe...happiness. I would be back to normal was the only thought came into my mind. I looked at the pill and then at Kantoku smiling.

"Arigato Kudou Kantoku" ,I said while hugging him tight.

I never thought that I would go back to normal to go back to the real ME.

No one's POV

Fubuki looked at the pill again and was going to eat it when someone spoke from behind.

"Fubuki Shirou we would like you to support us in the pervious project we had started" ,he said.

Fubuki eyes widened and hide behind Kudou Kantoku, holding him tightly so that he would not let go. He was shaking tremendously and was mumbling something that nobody could hear.

The Experiment( An Inazuma Eleven  Fanfic) (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now