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Eid Mubarak to everyone although I'm a bit late. 😅😅 Anyways here is an extra long chappie for you. A quick update yeah!!! Enjoy yourself with it and don't forget to leave a comment, vote and share it with others. Your support is everything to me.😘😘 And please read the next part. It's a notification that you all should know and don't think it's about 4chan.

Slience... Anyone would have liked the slience but right now in Fubuki's room it was strange. Not a single sound was made causing a cold shiver to run down others spine.

"Why is it oddly quite?" Haru said.

Haru enters the room where the rest were peering through the glass. Some placed their hands around the eyes to make binoculars and squeezed it against the glass.

"Is he under the bed?" Someoka asked.

"Hey Fubuki come out" ,Endou yelled.

"Oye Endou! What are you doing?" Tsunami exclaimed.

Something moved from under the bed that caught Hiroto's attention. A whitish grey fury tail swings from under the bed.

"There!" Hiroto said while pointing towards the bed, "He's under the bed."

Everyone including Haru turned their attention towards where Hiroto was pointing and also noticed the whitish grey tail swaying from the side opening of the bed.

"At least we know he's not gone" ,Gouenji mumbled.

Gouenji was recently having countless nightmares in which the four doctors would take away Fubuki with them and would torture him with their stupid experiment.

In the room was the four doctors with Detective Onigawara who stared at them trying to figure out the information they were hiding.

"Now tell us how to change Fubuki's DNA back?" Detective Onigawara spoke in a serious tone.

"And why on earth we would tell you that?" Zenaku mocked.

"This would maybe loosen your punishment" ,he said.

There was a short pause after which Akuma started to laugh his heart out.

"You can't control him! Well you never will because you're treating him like if he's a boy but he's a deadly beast. And once his DNA changes there's no way back" ,Akuma laughed while the others grinned evilly.

~~In the Room~~

Fubuki still didn't came out from under the bed but only his tail was visible as it swept the floor. Everyone wondered that why Fubuki was laying under the bed and wasn't back to banging the glass like before.

The sound of the door creaking echoed around the entire room causing everyone to turn their gaze towards the new comer.

"So did you got something out of them?" Haru asked.

"Not a single word. Instead Akuma laughed and called Fubuki a deadly wolf" ,Detective Onigawara huffed.

"Akuma..." Fubuki spoke while sticking his head out from under the bed.

"That's strange. On hearing Akuma's name Fubuki finally came out from under the bed but why is he limping" ,Kudou spoke with concern in his voice.

"Akuma fault" ,Fubuki spoke weakly.

"Looks like he has hurted himself while I was getting some blood samples" ,Haru said in a sad tone.

"He needs to be treated" ,Detective Onigawara said, "Bring the first aid."

The first aid team arrived and slowly opened the door but something happened. As soon as the door opened, Fubuki leaped onto the team and then out of the room with screaming and running people behind.

"He's going towards the cells" ,Detective Onigawara exclaimed in his ear piece as Fubuki takes a turn.

Fubuki ran as fast as he could despite the massive pain due to the wound on his right leg. In a nick of time Fubuki was in front of the cells of the worst criminals and had locked the main entrance.

"Stop right there or we will fire" ,a police officer spoke.

Fubuki didn't feared from death as he moves forward leaping on the said officer and then entered into Yaru's cell.

He locked the door tight with his claws and barricades the cell. He glared at Yaru as he moves gradually around the room.

"You scared" ,Fubuki laughed.

"Wolf unlock the door and then I would give you a tasty treat" ,Yaru spoke with a shaky voice.

"You treat" ,Fubuki spoke menacingly as he takes a step forward. "Hurt Wolf. Hurt Atsuya. You die."

Fubuki leaped on Yaru but he was lucky enough to dogde and go near the door. As he makes an attempt in getting out, Fubuki dug his claws deep inside his shoulder earning a groan. A smile plastered on his face while drooling as blood drips from Yaru's shoulder.

"Umm...meat" ,Fubuki hummed while moving towards Yaru.

Yaru resisting the pain picked himself up from the floor and turned over his bed in the cell pulling a metal stick from it.

"I'm warning you" ,Yaru spoke as he points the stick towards Fubuki whose eyes in return shimmered with anger and hate.

Fubuki swiftly ran forward towards Yaru who raised his weapon but Fubuki changed his course and leaped on Yaru from the side causing his weapon to fall down.

Fubuki continuously licked the blood on his shoulder and chewed some of the flesh from that area causing Yaru to scream.

"Hurt. You hurt. You hurt wolf. You hurt Atsuya. Wolf eat you alive" Fubuki drooled while licking Yaru's face and dragging his fangs all across the face.

Fubuki was eating Yaru in the most cruelest way. Bangs on the door followed by yells and screams of his friends could be hear which told Fubuki to stop and leave Yaru alone but he ignored it.

Fubuki then ripped both of his hand off ruthlessly and chewed in front of the screaming Yaru. Fubuki went towards the legs chewing them with his pointy fangs. Blood was all over him making him look more threatening.

He dug his claws and fangs deep inside his stomach region and opened it up. Yaru died as his stomach was teared off letting himself to be a feast for Fubuki.

Fubuki chewed the inter organs of the body making loud noises. The door which was barricaded burst open revealing Detective Onigawara who was holding a gun from which a dart containing sleeping drugs struck Fubuki. He fell over his prey and remained motionless indicating that it worked.

Yaru's body was badly militated by Fubuki scaring everyone so much.

What just Fubuki did? Ate human flesh in the worst way. Did they really lost their Fubuki?

Detective Onigawara carried Fubuki bridal style and ordered his men to remove the body as he went towards Fubuki's room.

"Fubuki what did you just do?" Detective Onigawara mumbled, "Prove yourself as a deadly wolf. Prove yourself incurable."

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