Fubuki! We are coming

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It has been a week since Fubuki was taken by the doctors and no one knows how much Fubuki have suffered, how many cruel experiments Fubuki has gone through. All they could was imagine what could have happened to Fubuki.

"Last time we found him was a science lab located near the ice factory" ,Detective Onigawara stated, "Now where could they be hiding?"

"We have send our agents everywhere to find any information about them" ,the police chief said.

"But still we haven't found them!" Detective Onigawara said angrily.

The discussion took all day but still their location was unknown.


"It's been a week" ,Someoka said scared.

"Who knows how much Fubuki have suffered" ,Hiroto spoke sadly.

"Un..." Everyone nodded.

Fear has seized their whole being as even thinking about Fubuki being experimented gives them the shivers. In a week so much could happen, so much could change. There is a possibility that Fubuki would be dead by now but whenever this thought would come into their minds, they would brush it off with some positive thinking.

"Fubuki...." ,Hiroto mumbled.

He wanted to do something to bring his close friend back to him, help him so that he could feel better. Fubuki doesn't deserve this, Hiroto thought, To be experimented.

"Fubuki please be okay" Hiroto muttered.

The long uncomfortable slience was broken by a person who was bleeding. He was covered with blood and it's scent could be smelled from him.

"Take me to Detective Onigawara" ,that man spoke.

Hijikata and Someoka supported the man and dragged him to Detective Onigawara.

"I know where they are!" The men exclaimed.

"What!" Detective Onigawara said astonished, "Where are they?"

"They're in a abandoned factory near the Locotti Hospital" ,the man said before falling down.

After knowing their location, everyone rushed towards the abandoned factory with a huge police force.

They all made their way into the factory and was surprised. They interior look was totally different from the exterior. From outside it looked like it would soon collapse but after having a look inside, it was a huge science lab.

"Team A and Inazuma Japna with me" ,Detective Onigawara yelled, "The rest arrest everyone."

They split up and tried their best to avoid any bullets. Looks like fate was on their side since no one was shot.

They saw Akuma (the head doctor) running towards a perfectly secured room.

"Stop Akuma" Detective Onigawara shouted.

They were able to catch Akuma who kept on swearing.

"Where is Fubuki?" Kudou Kantoku asked.

"Ah!...you want to know where that freak is" ,he said between breaths, "I bet you would regret it."

"What did you do to him!?" Someoka growled.

"Made him better" ,Akuma said laughing.

"Take us to him now or I will beat you good" ,Gouenji said angrily.

"Fine" ,Akuma said.

"Sir! We arrested the other doctors" ,the police officer said, "Everyone here is arrested."

The Experiment( An Inazuma Eleven  Fanfic) (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now