The Truth

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Everyone was waiting for the two of them to come back so that they could get an explanation about what just happened.

"I had no idea that Otou-san was involved in this" , Fuyuppe said sadly.

"I wonder if Fubuki is okay" , Endou spoke.

"He grew fangs and was coughing out blood. How is that okay!" Someoka yelled.

"It's so unreal that Fubuki just grew fangs" , Kazemaru exclaimed.

"It just came out" ,Hiroto said in a weak tone.

He couldn't believe that one of his close friends is in great pain and that he couldn't do anything to help him feel better. And after seeing Fubuki's fangs, he got so frightened that his whole body felt numb. Why is this happening to Fubuki? Hiroto thought.

"But why and how did Fubuki grew fangs? That's the main question. And also Kudou Kantoku seemed to have some idea about the current situation" ,Kidou noted.

"Yeah! Every passing second is killing me. Let's just hope Fubuki is going to be okay" , Endou spoke sadly.

They waited and waited for Kantoku to come back but the odds were against them. Soon it was dinner time and neither of them was eating properly.

After another couple of hours passed, the door to the house opened with a sound catching everyone's attention. Two voices could be heard that belonged to Kudou Kantoku and.... Detective Onigawara. But Fubuki's voice couldn't be heard.

Everyone rushed towards the front door and saw both of them. Kudou Kantoku was carrying Fubuki. He wasn't looking well at all, in fact he seemed all dead. He mouth was slightly open revealing his newly grown fangs.

"His fangs..." Kabeyama  said frightened.

"We will explain later. Just let me put Fubuki in his bed" , Kudou Kantoku replied.

They moved aside, away from Kantoku path.

"He doesn't look so well" , Hiroto spoke sadly.

They all went inside waiting for Kudou Kantoku to come. When he arrived, neither of them spoke.

"You know you have to do a lot of explaining and keeping quite won't help" ,Kudou spoke.

Kudou Kantoku looked at Detective Onigawara who nodded.

"Fubuki... You all know about the accident when Fubuki was almost 6" ,Kudou Kantoku asked upon which they all nodded.

"After the accident Fubuki was send to the hospital but..." ,Kudou Kantoku gulped, "But was later kidnapped and was..."

"Was made a test subject for some unknown project" , Detective Onigawara continued.

"WHAT!" Everyone shouted in union.

"Everything that is happening and is going to happen would be extra abnormal" , Detective Onigawara said.

"So let get this straight. Fubuki was a test subject but wasn't that years ago. Why is he suffering right now?" Kidou questioned.

"He suffered tortuous operations and was experimented every now and then. Fortunately,  before they did anything worse we caught them. Fubuki took a year to recover and soon everything seemed stable" Kudou Kantoku explained.

"But we weren't able to find out what was the project. Now we think that whatever they did to Fubuki has somehow been activated. Like a serum or something" , Detective Onigawara spoke out.

"This is too much to take in" ,Toramaru said.

"Who could have imagined that something like this could happen to Fubuki" ,Hijikata exclaimed.

"Is he going to be alright?" Hiroto asked with concern.

"I don't know son but we are trying to help as much as possible" , Detective Onigawara said.

"Right now only the coughing and the pain could be ceased but the process was unable to be stop" , Kudou Kantoku spoke sadly.

"Otou-san how did you get involved?" Fuyuppe asked.

"Fubuki later on lost his happiest memories and was given to me to take care of him but he never liked it so I looked after him secretly" ,Kudou Kankoku explained.

"Fubuki..." Endou said in a low voice.

"Recently the four main doctors that were imprisoned have escaped and would no doubt  come after Fubuki to complete what they have started" , Detective Onigawara spoke.

"So we need to protect him. Don't let him be alone for even a second or there would 50 laps for every minute you left him alone. Got it" , Kudou Kantoku ordered.

"Hai" ,Everyone said sadly.

"Woah! You all looked so tired. Have you ate something? I bet you haven't" , Detective Onigawara said to lighten the atmosphere.

The stomachs of everyone groaned causing them to laugh. They all ate their food and went to sleep so that they could get the pieces together.
Hey guys! Look i wrote three parts in one day. Yeah updates would be super fast since school is off for me YES!!!
Hope you like the updates. PLEASE COMMENT VOTE AND SHARE!!!

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