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First of all i would like to say that I'm really sorry for not updating for way too long. 😞😞😞 Especially nasywacha. I'm really sorry to make you wait too long. Anyways enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote comment and share😉

All three had tears rolling down their eyes after watching what have happened with Fubuki the past week.

"I had no idea Fubuki had to go through that" ,Someoka said with a shaky voice.

"I'm not a good friend at all since I did absolutely nothing in helping him" ,Hiroto cried.

"Crying won't help and i think we should shut this down before anyone's see this" ,Gouenji said in a low voice.

It was morning since the sun have risen and thus the managers would be coming down at any second. They started to pack up everything so that no one knows that they were there.


Everyone including Kudou Kantoku was gathered around Detective Onigawara and Doctor Haru.

"Where is Fubuki?" Kidou asked.

"What will happen to him?" Kazemaru questioned.

"Is he going to be okay?" Hiroto asked.

Everyone bombarded the two with loads of questions upon which the two sweat dropped. They were led to Fubuki who was in a room with an one way mirror on the wall. Fubuki laid on the bed curled up into a ball, making everyone even more sad.

They walked into the room causing Fubuki's wolf ears to straighten who raised his head. Upon seeing them, Fubuki abruptly ran towards them inorder to attack but was prevented by a transparent glass. This sudden attack scared the living daylights out of them who backed away and screamed.

"Please don't eat me" ,Kabeyama screamed.

"I'm scared" ,Kazemaru said, "Won't the glass break by the banging?"

"No. This is the strongest glass ever made and is unbreakable. We are positive that Fubuki won't be able to break it" ,Detective Onigawara assured.

Meanwhile Fubuki kept on banging the glass with all his might and was also snapping his mouth revealing those frightening fangs of his.

"We are dead meat" ,Kogure screamed as Fubuki banged the glass.

"No, you're not" ,Doctor Haru said sadly.

"Fubuki...Fubuki it's me! Hiroto" ,Hiroto said with tears, "Don't you remember me? I am your friend please stop this right now."

Hiroto went closer and closer to Fubuki with his bangs covering his eyes and placed his palm on the glass.

"I'm sorry, Fubuki" ,Hiroto mumbled.

"Why are you scared like cowards? Fubuki is nothing to be afraid from!" Someoka yelled.

"Yeah that's right! It's only our pal,Fubuki" ,Endou exclaimed.

"But he's..." Haruna said who was obviously scared.

"He's not a wolf! You don't know how much he has suffered. How much pain he has gone through. You know nothing at all" , Someoka howled with anger.

" Someoka!" Gouenji yelled to stop his friend from babbling that they had watched the video illegally but the odds were against them.

"You have watched that video!" Detective Onigawara said shocked, "How did you watched it?"

"Nice going Someoka" ,Hiroto scolded.

"What is going on?" Kidou asked.

"There is a video of what happened with Fubuki in this past week" ,Gouenji explained, "Hiroto accessed it by breaking through the firewalls."

"You boy have mad hacking skills" ,Detective Onigawara said.

"What was it like? Can we watch it?" Endou asked a bit worried.

"It was horrible like a super scary movie. I prefer not to watch it" ,Hiroto said in a low voice with teary eyes.

The grief have seized everyone's heart as the truth reveals itself. Endou placed his hand on Hiroto's shoulder and smiled sadly.

"Don't worry. At least he's not in pain right now. At least he's safe from them. Doctor Haru would definitely bring Fubuki back to his old self" Endou assured.

"Don't get your hopes high. It's kinda impossible to change DNA back to its original form once edited" ,Doctor Haru said sadly.

"But I'm not giving up. I will bring your friend Fubuki back just like before" ,Doctor Haru said after a short pause, "You would definitely get the fruit of the hard work you do."

"Wolf eat. Wolf hungry" ,Fubuki said in a scary voice, "Break this."

"Fubuki there is food for you in there" ,Doctor Haru spoke.

"You gave him dead meat?" Gouenji asked.

"No. I just gave him cooked beef but it's seems like he doesn't like it" ,Doctor Haru replied.

Fubuki went towards the bowl in which there was meat and smelled it upon which he threw the meat away.

"No eat. Wolf eat you" ,Fubuki drooled.

"No, you would have to eat that or starve here" ,Doctor Haru said coldly before turning around inorder to leave the room.

"Wolf eat you" ,Fubuki growled.

He ran towards Doctor Haru and banged the glass hard but fortunately it didn't break. Everyone watched Fubuki with saddened eyes.

Some left because they were scared and some left because they can't see their friend like this anymore. All of them left till Endou, Gouenji, Hiroto and Someoka were the only one in the room.

The only sound that could be heard was Fubuki banging the glass and the creak sound caused by Fubuki's claws.

"Sleep well Fubuki" ,Endou said, "And please eat the food or you will starve."

"Let's go minna" ,Endou spoke, "Lets give Fubuki some rest, those experiments must have woren out Fubuki."

"But.." Hiroto protested but was interrupted.

"It's for his own good" ,Endou smiled a sad smile.

"I think we should go" ,Gouenji spoke, " If we stay here Fubuki would keep banging the glass."

"Okay" ,Someoka and Hiroto said in Union.

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