Eat or Die

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Gomen Minna!!!😫😫😫 I'm updating my stories really slow. I'm getting lazier than I thought and i have been on a family trip so I couldn't update any of the stories. And another thing updates would be slow from now onwards like one chapter of a story in a week or two because I'm going to join summer camp 😱😱😱 but I would try my best to update. And thanks so much for supporting me. I love you guys 😍😍😍. Till then enjoy my stories and don't forget to comment, vote and share with your friends 😉😉😉

A few days have passed but Fubuki wasn't back to the way he was letting grief to seize every ones heart. He kept on banging the glass, scratching it with his claws and snapping his fangs. Freedom to roam around and hunt down preys was the desire he has as hunger has driven him crazy. He hasn't eaten anything since he came to the department making him weak but the cooked beef wasn't eaten by him.

While he searched for a way to satisfy his hunger, the others were worried about him. Many worst of the worst things have happened simultaneously.

Doctor Haru wasn't seen most oftenly as he worked hard in finding a way to cure Fubuki but every single attempt becomes a failure.

"Fubuki would just stop banging the glass" ,Kudou said in a low voice but Fubuki ignored him.

"He's gotten weak" ,Endou spoke in a low voice.

"Would he...die due to starvation?" Hiroto choked on his question.

"I don't know. Maybe he would feel even weaker then surrender and would start to eat beef" ,Detective Onigawara explained.

"How much weak does he have to become to eat that!! He's at the brink of dying" ,Someoka snapped.

"So you want us to give him human flesh" ,Detective Onigawara said a bit irritated.

"No...I..." Someoka said as he couldn't find words to speak.

"Wolf out!!!" Fubuki growled.

He was extremely angry as it was to be seen in his eyes and ruthless snapped his fangs. Various lines were formed on his face as he scowled at them.

"Wolf Hungry" ,Fubuki yelled even louder.

"Fubuki calm down. You're wasting your strength on nothing and there is food for you so please eat that" ,Kudou said obviously worried.

"No! Wolf eat you!" Fubuki snapped.

Fubuki have become really weak and was exhausted since he felt his body giving up. For the first time he stopped banging the glass and curled up into a ball with his hands under his head and the tail slightly swinging behind him but didn't let his guard down.

"He stopped" Gouenji exclaimed surprised.

"Ah...Finally! All those bangs made me scared that he would break the glass and gobble us up" ,Kogure sighed.

"Why you lil brat!!" Someoka huffed, "Say that again and I would be the one you should fear from."

Some of them gulped as they saw fire around Soemoka and also in his eyes.

"He's sleeping" ,Hiroto said sadly.

Everyone followed their gaze to Fubuki who has drifted to sleep and was looking quite peaceful. Tears began to well up in their eyes upon seeing Fubuki and stood there with their feets grounded to the floor. There was a deadly slience as the air seemed too thick that someone could choke on it.

"We have to loosen this tension and I think some ice cream would do the trick" ,Detective Onigawara said cheerfully but no one answered.

"Come on. This would make you feel better" ,Detective Onigawara spoke hopefully.

"I think we should go besides standing here won't do any good" ,Kudou said as everyone looked up and saw Kudou Kantoku smiling.

"Okay we will go" ,Endou said upon which others nodded approvingly.


Fubuki has woken up from his nap and was back to banging the glass but he still was feeling dizzy as he swagged sideways.

"He's swaying" ,Hiroto exclaimed while pointing towards Fubuki.

Hiroto have become considerably paler than before and was worried about his close friend. Why couldn't he eat beef? He thought as he looked sadly at him. He can't see Fubuki like this anymore and there was nothing he could do. He tried to chalk out something to help bring Fubuki back but nothing came. The images of the horrible scenes from the video flashed in his mind upon which his whole body shooked.

"Feed him something please" ,Gouenji said anxiously.

"Maybe you could make his diet normal gradually like start off roughly and then slowly move towards normal food" ,Kidou suggested.

"If Haru says so then we would do that" ,Detective Onigawara spoke in a low voice.

Suddenly the door to the room opened revealing a woren out figure who have shadows under his eyes and his hair messy.

"Speaking the name here he comes" ,Detective Onigawara spoke, "Anything good happened?"

"Nothing but fail attempts one after another and now I'm out of his blood samples" ,Haru said angrily and peered at Fubuki would swayed as he bangs the glass.

"He hasn't eaten the meat, hasn't he?" Haru asked.

"Not even a single bit" ,Kudou Kantoku answered.

Haru moved forward towards Fubuki bending down and spoke softly, "Fubuki. Listen I swear the meat over there tastes good despite its scent."

" you" ,Fubuki said with a shaky voice.

He stood up but collapsed on the floor as his legs and arms give in making everyone more worried.

Haru sighed in defeat and stood up with a face covering his face.

"Give him a rabbit to eat if he asks more than just give another one, not more than two. I will get the blood sample after he regains his strength" ,Haru spoke in defeat, "He's killing himself."


One of my best readers





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