Friends till the end

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Aki and the others started to wake everyone up for the day ahead of them. Everyone got up yawning and whining. Soon everyone was out of their bed except for Fubuki.

"Should I wake him up?" Aki asked while standing in front of Fubuki's door.

"Yeah. I think he need to move around a bit" ,Kidou replied.

~~~In Fubuki's Room~~~

Fubuki started to move slightly and got up from his slumber. He yawned revealing his fangs. He felt strange and went to check in the mirror.

"No! This can't be happening!" Fubuki mumbled while holding his head, "It wasn't a dream. I have grown fangs."

Fubuki looked down sad thinking what should he do. Everyone is going to hate me now, he thought, they would be scared of me. I would be alone.

Tears started to roll down from his eyes and cried silently. He again looked up into the mirror and opened his mouth. Upon touching the fangs, Fubuki became more paler and sobbed some more.

"What am I going to do?" Fubuki asked himself.

Then he soon realized something which frightened him a lot.

"They would come after me. Torture me with their experiments" ,Fubuki cried, "I don't want to go back. Please someone save me."

Fubuki felt like if it was the end of the world for him.

"No one is going to be my friend. And I won't be able to live the life I wanted to" ,Fubuki mumbled, "I want to die."

He really wanted to commit suicide but didn't had the courage to.

"What am I.......going to do" ,Fubuki cried.

After summoning some energy, Aki stepped forward to open the door but backed up when the knob of the door started to move. Fubuki came out of his room with his head down so he bumped into Aki.

"Ahh!" Aki exclaimed.

Fubuki was brought back to reality and noticed that he has bumped into Aki.

"I'm sorry Aki-san" ,Fubuki said while extending his hand to him.

He didn't expected that Aki would take his hand and talk to him. Why would she? Why would anyone want to talk to him?

"Oh! It's okay Fubuki-kun" ,Aki grinned while taking Fubuki's hand, "Are you feeling better now?"

Fubuki was astonished and speechless. Everyone was worried for Fubuki who was nothing but a freak.

"Does it still hurts?" Hiroto asked.

Fubuki didn't know what to say as he never expected that they would talk to him again in fact they were worried about him.

"Um......" ,Fubuki spoke, "I'm fine. Sorry if I got you all worried."

"You just gave me a heart attack" ,Someoka said a bit angrily.

Fubuki looked down and asked, "Why? Why were you worried about me? Don't you hate me now because I have fangs? Aren't you scared?"

For once everyone remained slient since they didn't know that Fubuki was thinking something like this.

"You are our friend who we want to cherish. Some fangs can't ruin our friendship, can it!" Endou said while putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted.

"Let's go downstairs for breakfast. You won't want to eat a cold breakfast ,do you?" Haruna said cheerfully.

Everyone went down chatting with each other cheerfully like nothing has changed.

The Experiment( An Inazuma Eleven  Fanfic) (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now