Meeting the dead

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Konichiwa Minna! It's been a while that I have updated this story Gomen for that😅😅 I'm really confused of how will I deal with my studies which isn't easy. So for me is like study study and study but I would try to update the stories asap. Till then enjoy this chappie and Arigato for supporting all of my stories. I'm glad you liked all of them.

"Sir Fubuki Shirou has escaped again. He's in Sector 12" ,a police officer spoke.

"What! secure the perimeter and don't kill him at any cost" ,Detective Onigawara snapped.

He ran out of his office and went towards Sector 12 where he met the team and Haru. Fubuki was in front of them who ran with tears in his eyes.

"He's too fast! We can't catch up" ,Kidou spoke, "We need to do something or we would lose sight of him."

Upon hearing what Kidou said, Detective Onigawara nodded spoke something in his walkie talkie and ran with all his might but was unable to get any near to Fubuki.

Their morning walk came to a halt as they stood in the middle of an intersection (two different ways) and didn't know which way did Fubuki went.

Meanwhile, Fubuki ran and ran in order to find a way out of the department. He wanted to escape from their hold and find what he has missed. Atsuya!

Despite the fact that Atsuya wasn't able to survive the accident he still believed that his brother was somewhere out there and now this desire to find him grew uncontrollable.

He took another turn and was sniffing his way out. It would be impossible for a human to sniff his way but Fubuki has the abilities of a wolf.

A light shone out of nowhere in the middle of the hallway which made it difficult for Fubuki to keep his eyes opened. He shielded his eyes with his hands till the light dimmed.

There stood two figures in the light a female and a male. The female has short neck length indigo hair styled much similar to that of Fubuki's. She has a pair of teal blue eyes along with a fair complexion and a curve smile was plastered on her face.

The male has short indigo hair followed by a tanned complexion with matching brown orbs over which he wore rectangular glasses. He too was smiling brightly.

Fubuki stood there in a state of great astonishment not a single movement was made even by his tail as he peered to what seemed like...

"Okaa-San? Otou-san?" Fubuki spoke.

"Shirou come here and give us a big warm hug" ,Fubuki's Okaa-san spoke as she bends and extends her arms outwards.

Without giving it a second thought, Fubuki ran swiftly towards the two hugging them tightly not willing to let go.

"Okaa-san, Otou-san." Fubuki spoke happily as he swings his tail sideways.

"Neh~Looks like you missed us" ,Fubuki's Otou-san said cheerfully.

"Un...Wolf missed" ,Fubuki said as he snuggles deep into the hug.

"Wolf happy. Wolf go with you" ,Fubuki spoke as the hug came to an end.

"Sorry Shirou but you can't come with us but we will soon meet again. You have to stay here" ,Fubuki's Okaa-san said in a sad tone.

"No. NO! Wolf go with you. Wolf no stay" ,Fubuki yelled with pure anger.

"No Shirou you can't come with us because you have a crucial role in this world. You have to grow stronger and become the person you wanted to become. Life awaits you so you can't leave it just like that. You have to become the Fubuki Shirou" ,Fubuki's Otou-san spoke.

"NO! Wolf no Fubuki Shirou. Wolf eats dead meat. Wolf want you. Wolf hate here" ,Fubuki broke down to tears.

"Shh...look at me Shirou. Look at me. Don't worry. You don't have to feel the pain anymore" ,Fubuki's Okaa-san spoke in a calm tone as she runs her hand through Fubuki's hair.

"You have to still find what you are looking for" ,Fubuki's Otou-san said as he plays with his wolf ears.

Fubuki smiled at the soft and loving gesture as he swings his tail faster tilting his head on his Otou-san hand.

"Oh...You liked that then you would certainly like this."

His Otou-san ran his hand back on his son's neck and ruffles his hair upon which he groaned with pleasure jumping and licking him.

"Shirou...Ahh...Stop... It's...Ahh...ticklish."

"This is new. He still loves us. Shirou do you love me?" His Okaa-san chuckled and bended a bit.

Fubuki turned his head towards her and nodded several times while jumping on her ready to lick.

"Ahh...okay Shirou...I get it...Ahh...You love me"

"This is the first time that I got licked" ,Fubuki's Otou-san giggled.

"Oh...Fubuki we too love you so much" ,She spoke as she ruffles his hair affectionately.

She slowly while closing her eyes kissed his forehead which Fubuki enjoyed. Love! This wonderful feeling was not experienced by him for what seemed to be a month now. The feeling felt so good that he forgot he was running away and was being chased.

"Wolf love you" ,Fubuki smiled with his eyes closed.

It's been a long time that Fubuki actually smiled or grinned and now was a moment he wanted to keep forever.

There was another long embrace as the light got brighter every second and the couple was out of sight. A blue butterfly flew in a charming way and sat on Fubuki's nose.

He could hear two voice.

"We love you Shirou so much."

"Wolf love you too" ,Fubuki smiled while looking at the butterfly.

Behind him was everyone panting heavily while saying to Fubuki to stop but he wasn't listening.

They were all confused. Fubuki wasn't moving forward nor coming towards them. Did something happened?

As the butterfly started to fly towards where everyone stood ,Fubuki stood up and went to where the butterfly went. Like this the butterfly led Fubuki to his room where he started to play with it happily.

He rolled on the floor ,chased it everywhere and grinned all the time. Everyone stood there dumbfounded thinking what just happened. A second ago, Fubuki was crying and running away but now he is playing with a butterfly.

"How come a butterfly could make him smile while we tired everything to make him happy?" Kudou spoke definitely shocked.

"Did Fubuki played with butterflies before all this happened?" Haru asked.

"No I guess but he played with squirrels" ,Endou said confused.

The door was locked while Fubuki played with the butterfly as long as his heart wanted.

Finally he got to experience what was known as love and moreover, he was loved by his parents that he lost.

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